Sun Valley High School
Sports Literature Syllabus
Instructor’s Contact Information:
Mr. Casey Simpkins
Phone: (610) 497-6300 ext. 2154
*Email preferred for swift response; return calls may not always be immediate due to schedule obligations.
Hello and welcome to Sports Literature! If you are taking this class, you likely have a strong passion for sports. However, do you ever really sit down and think about why this is the case? In this course, we will use various types of literature to explore the role of sports in our own lives, as well as the world around us.
This course will be educational, challenging, and engaging. If at any time you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask me. I am available during lunch and at various times after school; please do not wait until you are too far behind to ask for help. I want you to do well in this class, but also know that you are responsible for your own success.
Supplies Required Daily:
· Charged laptop
· A folder to keep track of important papers and documents
· Pens/pencils
Course Units:
1. Building Character
2. Heroes and Icons
3. Overcoming Obstacles
4. Transcending Sports
5. Issues and Controversies
6. Pride and Unity
7. Exploring Sports Journalism
Class Format:
Google Classroom: The majority of classwork and homework will be assigned and completed via Google Classroom. We will use various other websites for blogs, videos, and assessments, but Google Classroom will be the primary platform for class assignments.
Student-centered work: There will be a significant amount of student-centered (collaborative and independent) work during class and some in the form of homework.
Lecture: The class will consist of minimal lecture. Inform the teacher at the beginning of the year if you need to be close to the Promethean board.
Class discussions: We will have various discussions during which students are expected to contribute feelings and knowledge on the topic. It is impossible to fully engage in a text without discussing it with your peers. Participation is required.
Assessments: A large portion of your grade will come from your performance on assessments. Tests, quizzes, and written assessments will be given on the various readings that are done and on other areas of the class that are required content.
Classwork and Homework: Students will be given abundant opportunities to earn points!
Quizzes: These will be given based on specific readings; formal discussions will be graded as quizzes.
Projects and Essays: Many grades will come in the form of writing. Be prepared to write….A LOT.
Tests: Tests will typically be given at the completion of units and will be based on the primary topics and readings discussed during each unit.
Class Participation: We will have participation on a daily basis. Eventually there will be assignments where your grade will be based wholly on participating in discussion.
Student Expectations:
This classroom is centered around the idea of RESPECT for your teacher, your peers, and your own education. Students are expected to complete all assignments to the very best of their abilities while following teacher guidelines and requirements. Appropriate classroom behavior and decorum are also expected. Please refer to your student handbook for guidelines, expectations, and consequences.
Homework Policy:
Homework will be assigned when necessary. Assignments are expected to be turned in at the beginning of class on the day they are due! In case of absence, you will be given one day per missed class to make up the work, with the exception of long-term assignments; these should be turned in upon your return to class. It is important that students and their parents/guardians are aware from the beginning of the school year that late work is not acceptable. If late one day, the assignment will receive automatic half credit; further lateness will not be accepted. This policy will be in place the entire semester. Make sure you properly prepare to have all assignments, including essays and projects, printed out and ready to hand in ahead of time so there are no “surprises” on the due date.
*All IEPS and 504 plans will be followed.
Unfortunately, every year someone tries to pass off someone else’s writing as his or her own. Bottom line: DO NOT steal another person’s work and use it as your own. If you plagiarize, you will be caught. You will be given a zero for the assignment, your parents will be notified, and you may face further disciplinary action; it is not worth it. Just like a coach in sports, I value EFFORT above all else.