The secondary school of Bogatishchevo
The ecological project:
“The Education of Ecological Culture”
Our slogan:
“Let’s Make the World a Better Place”
Kuzina T. G., Nezhinskaya K. S.
The 11th Form
Teacher: Avtomonova A. M.
General Part:
Education and ecological culture………………………
Ecological control ………………………………………
Ecological education in our school…………………….
Research part
The earth is agarden.
It’s a beautiful place.
For all living creatures,
For all the human race.
Lorraine Bayes.
Ecology is a science, which studies the relationship between all forms of life on our planet and our environment. This word came from the Greek «oikos» which means «home». All living things are related to their environment. The Earth is our common home and we must take care of it.
Since ancient times Nature has provided Man with everything he needed: food to eat, water to drink, wood for building and fuel for heating and cooking. For hundreds of years Man used Nature’s sources and it seemed to people that the resources of Nature had no end.
With the industrial revolution our negative influence on Nature began to increase. Big smoky cities with thousands of people, polluting plants and factories can be found nowadays all over the world.
Unfortunately, the idea of thinking about our planet and about the consequences of our activity appeared not so long time ago as it could be. Nowadays scientists from the different parts of the world try to solve ecological problems, but it isn’t enough to do our planet clean. We must protect our home all together, without any exceptions.
Nowadays Kashira district has the highly developed industry, agriculture and the railway structure. We live in the ecologically clean place, in Bogatishchevo because there is no industry in it. People have become more environment-conscious in recent years because now nature is in a very dangerous situation.
The topic of our project is about ecological culture. We chose the ecological topic, because it is very important in our days. The importance of this task is pointed out by the ecologists, scientists who study the relations between living things and their environment. Each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water clean. Of course people undertake some measures to protect the environment but this activity is complicated by the economic difficulties.
Air pollution now...
"Our planet produces enough for meeting
the needs, but not enough for satisfying the avidity
of every man."
M. K. Gandhi
Education and ecological culture. Global aim of this perspective is forming ecological culture, consciousness and kind of behaviour for reaching ecological sustainability in means of community development of mankind. This aim is connected with:
- knowledge about the composition, structure and principles of functioning and evolution of natural populations, biocenoses, ecosystems and biosphere;
- knowledge about principles of interaction between the individual, society and the whole humankind, on the one hand, and nature, on the other, in accordance with the requirements and criteria for sustainable ecological development;
- skills on activity for studying the ecology and environmental studies and solving ecological problems;
- ecological arrangements and values for interaction with nature and maintenance of ecological balance.
Key words, which ecological education introduces, can be numerous, but the most important are: ecological culture, material and intellectual ecological culture, ecological consciousness, responsibility, global ecological problems, ecological balance, crisis in ecology, aims and objectives of the education in ecology, skills, knowledge, competencies, presuppositions, values, ecological and social sustainable development.
Ecological culture of the individual is a combination of intentional ecological knowledge and opinions on the interrelations between all forms of life and the environment, on the role and place in the nature of the man as bio-social living being. This culture requires a system of skills and habits, readiness and ability, high competence for producing material and intellectual welfare in conditions of sustainable ecological and social development. Ecological culture determines the rules of interaction between man and nature, both at the level of the individual and at the level of certain groups and communities, and the whole humankind.
Individual ecological awareness is a set of tasks, principles and regulations and moral standards for supporting the order, which everyone must follow in his personal and social life, for ensuring the symmetry between humankind and nature. Ecological responsibility is based on the strong conviction in objectiveness of the ecological rules and in absolute prohibition of breaking these rules. We can talk about the ecological responsibility, in case the ecological competence and culture become a regular part of individual and social life, in case the individual in all his activities takes into consideration the ecological laws and sustains the life on the Earth. Sustainable development is the development, which meets the needs and demands of modern generations, without depriving the future generation of the opportunity for meeting their future needs. People’s demands and needs have to be viewed considering the needs and demands of nature. We can’t obtain from any ecosystem more than its abilities for regeneration. Sustainable development means living with the interest of the money, deposited with the bank. Lesser were the money, lesser would be the interest.
Sustainable development includes also equitable allocation of natural resources. General principles, which organize substantial ecological and social life of humankind, are as follows:
- Feel respect and take care of the community of living organisms in nature;
- Improve the quality of human life;
- Save life and biological diversity on the Earth;
- Reduce to the lowest degree use of the unrenewable resources;
- Plan your life within the natural frames of the ecological sustainability of the environment;
- Change your personal approach and practices;
- Assist the human communities in taking care of the environment;
- Participate in and promote actions at national level for integration of environmental protection and sustainable development;
- Take part in global movements and initiatives.
Deforestationis recognized as intentional devastation of forests in order land for farming and agricultural needs or urban development to be cleared.
Throughout the entire history humankind has been destroying the forests.
Deforestation is disastrous not only for the affected forest ecosystems, but also for neighbouring ecosystems. Deforestation results in decrease in the diversity of flora and fauna, floods, soil erosion, climate change, decrease in the opportunities for generation of electricenergy, decline in people’s health, etc. It can be direct effect from pollution (destroying the forests by the acid rains) and lead to pollution (soil erosion),exhaustion of the resources, disturbance of biochemical cycle of substance and ecological balance, degradation of the landscape, natural disasters (floods,desertification, fires). This endangers oxygen and carbon dioxide cycle.
Ecological control.Specially appointed people and institutions deal with ecologicalcontrol, i.e. with inspection/audit of proposed project programmes, which includes also use of the environment. They elaborate standards, and on this basis the strategicecological assessments will be inspected. In this standard are involved all aspects of the environmental management. It is hardly possible to find any goods in our everyday life, for whose manufacturing are not used resources of the earth’s bowels. Exploitation of earth’s bowels is a part of the civilization. You can earn nothing without paying a definite cost – the payment can be done by people or by the environment itself. The everlasting argues have always been directed toward such problems as pollution level of tolerance, lack of facilities, cost (invested resources) of a certain product, obtained through mines.
Pollution is as complicated as serious problem. Automobiles are polluting the air but they provide transportation for the people. Factories pollute the air and the water but they provide jobs for people and produce necessary goods. Fertilizers and pesticides are important for growing crops but they can ruin soil.
People would have to stop using many useful things if they want that of course. But pollution can be reduced gradually. Scientists and engineers can find the ways to reduce pollution from automobiles and factories. Government can pass the laws that would make enterprises take measures for reducing of pollution. Individuals and groups of people can work together to persuade enterprises to stop polluting activities.
Environmental protection is of a universal concern. That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken.
Some progress has been already made in this direction. As many as 159 countries – members of the UNO – have set up environmental protection agencies. Numerous conferences have been held by these agencies to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass, Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl. An international environmental research centre has been set up on LakeBaikal. The international organization Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment.
But these are only the initial steps and they must be carried onward to protect nature, to save life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but also for the future generations.
Activities for reducing the effect of the waste products:
- Compost the food refuse for converting them into useful fertilizer for
agriculture and gardening.
- Avoid the needless packing. Use cotton bags or baskets. Use the plastic bagsseveral times (as many times as possible).
- Plastic, metal, glass and paper waste products have to be collected and
recycled again into raw materials.
- Old clothes can be used over again or to be recycled. Unused medicines can beoffered to people, who need them under professional control and observation.
- When it is possible, use products, which can be refilled again (notebooks,pens, student books, etc.). Reduce to minimum refuse materials.
- Use recycled or second-hand materials. Check over the ecological quality ofrecycled products.
Water pollution now…
Ecological education in our school
In our school there are a lot of pupils who think about the future of our settlement. Some pupils take care of animals, others take care of birds, some of them are in charge of plants and woods. We know that all together we can change the world for ourselves and for the future of generations.
Our school is the school of ecological direction. We have the ecological circle, which is called “Ecopulse”.
Its purpose is toteach the pupils to protect our “small motherland” from pollution, to keep our environment clean.We do our best to show good results in this problem.For example, there is the school plot behind our school, where we grow vegetables, flowers and take care of plants, dud bushes.
We conduct the interesting experiences with the wide-spread vegetable-cultures.
Our plot is one of the biggestin our district. It was founded in 1973.
The pupils work on the plot from early spring till deep autumn. They spend much time to take care of fruit and berry plants. They realize the grown product for the children of our school and kindergarten. The pupils of our school were the participants and prize-winners of «EAPE» in 1984 and in 1986. We have many diplomas,devoting the district’s exhibition «Human andNature».
The wood group «Dubok» was organized in our school in 1972. It is the only group in our district. They do their best to take care of forests. We take part in many operations, such as: «Feeding trough», «Ant-hill», «Fir-tree», «Primroses», and «Bindweed»
Ecological education is the main subject in our school. We have lessons of «health» in initial school. At these lessons pupils of our school study to eat right and introduce with recipes of traditional Russian meal. Also pupils of our school learn many interesting things about healthful properties of plants. And we study how we can use these plants for the strengthening of our health. Our school’s teachers have serious talk with pupils about harmful habits and talks about healthy way of life. The «ecological» lesson is one of the favourite lessons in our school. At these lessons we have talk about ecological situation in our country and about awful ecological situation in many districts and about the life of the future generations. We talk about the nearest future. We must keep our planet clean! We have an environmental programme in our school.
We have a fine ecological camp every summer. The pupils of our school go into this camp, go into the forest for excursion, also they go hiking, they watch birds, trees, animals. And after that the pupils have wonderful holidays. The names of these holidays are «Forest day», «The bird’s day» and others.
There is a living corner in our school. It is very important for pupils because it makes them know and like our nature. The pupils take care of our living corner. It influences on children’s character and it makes them kind and reach spiritually. There are 45 birds, 25 rabbits, 7 hamsters, 3 guima-pigs and tortoises in our school. There are parrots of korelly, parrots of fisher, and pigeon with a peacockin our school.
Two aquariums with purely clean water with various plants and good-looking living flouers and fish became the authentic decoration of school corner of nature.
The pupils in our school understand that they have to work hard to protect the environment. They work on several environmental projects, including monitoring and cleaning rivers and ponds, planting trees, studying nature and the effects of pollution and recycling cans and paper.
The ecological situation in our country became worse. And so the health of the people who live in our district became worse too. The pupils of our school go to the forest in summer and they gather healthful grow flowers. Ecological education is very important in our life.And our teachers and pupils do their best to keep our environment clean.We want to be people who save the Earth!
Air pollution tomorrow:
Our short discussion is over. We came to the conclusionthat we must be real friends of our fragile planet. The air we breathe, the soil on which we stand and walk, the water we drink are all parts of the environment. It’s very important that we should be aware of the most serious environmental problems. If we want our lives to be healthy and interesting, a lot of other creatures and plants need growing space too.
If we want our children to live in the same world we live in, or in a better and healthier world, we must learn to protect the water, the air and the earth from pollution.
If we are unable to learn to use the environment carefully and protect it from damage caused by man’s activities, very soon we’ll have no world to live in.
And in conclusion all of us should always remember the wise advice of a great English writer John Galsworthy who said: “If you don’t think about the future you will not have it”.
- Charles Birch and John B. Cobb, Jr., The Liberation of Life: From the Cell to the Community (Denton, Tex.: Environmental Ethics Books, 1990).
- John B. Cobb, Jr., Is It Too Late? A Theology of Ecology, rev. ed. (Denton, Tex.: Environmental Ethics Books, 1995)
- Бабакова Т. А., Экологическое краеведение в школе, Петрозаводск, 1992 г.
- Энциклопедический словарь юного натуралиста, Москва: Педагогика, 1981г.
- Полат Е. С. «Технология Телекоммуникационных проектов Наука и жизнь» № 4, 1997г.
- Полат Е. С. «Метод проектов на уроках иностранного языка» ИЯШ №2, 2000 г.
- Полат Е. С. «Интернет во внеклассной работе по иностранному языку» ИЯШ №5, 2001 г.