Classroom Instruction – IFR Part 1

OBJECTIVE: Through ground instruction, to build the CAP flight crew member’s knowledge in correctly and safely using G1000 avionics to aviate, navigate, and communicate under IFR.

Start / Stop / Topic / Slides
0830 / 0845 / Welcome, review, questions, overview / 1-4
0845 / 0915 / IFR flight plan – enter, store, retrieve, activate / 5-9
0915 / 0930 / Break
0930 / 1030 / IFR flight plan – modify; intercepts / 10-20
1030 / 1045 / Break
1045 / 1200 / Instrument Approach Procedures – RNAV(GPS) approaches / 21-30
1200 / 1230 / Lunch
1230 / 1300 / Instrument Approach Procedures – ILS approaches / 31-38
1300 / 1315 / Break
1315 / 1345 / Instrument Approach Procedures – missed approach, VTF / 39-44
1345 / 1415 / SIDs, STARs, holding / 45-51
1415 / 1430 / Review, questions / 52-53

Flight Instruction – IFR Part 1 Scenario

OBJECTIVE: Through a scenario-based flight session that includes demonstrations and hands-on experience, to build the CAP flight crew member’s knowledge and skills in correctly and safely using G1000 avionics to aviate, navigate, and communicate under IFR. The scenario requires the CAP pilot-in-training (PT) to demonstrate basic knowledge and proficiency in:

  • Setting and interpreting flight instruments on the PFD to aviate (airspeed, attitude, altitude)
  • Creating,storing, retrieving a flight plan + using nav radios to navigate (including diversion)
  • Setting and using the com radios (including basic CAP functions) to communicate

SCENARIOTransport CAP aircraft and crew to and from a CAP mission base in order to participate in an urgent multi-state SAR mission. Events should be accomplished in a flight that includes a 3-leg course using airports within 50 nm of each point, if practicable.

  • Pilot – IMSAFE, ORM, SRM
  • Aircraft – Preflight Inspection, AROW, KOEL, AFM/POH, performance
  • enVironment – Weather, NOTAMs, TFRs, airspace, airports, charts
  • External Pressures – identify and mitigate

  • System start
  • Create, store, retrieve, activate IFR flight plan
  • Set com & nav frequencies (including CAP radios as appropriate)

  • Normal takeoff & departure
  • Normal cruise checklist (to include leaning)
  • Use MFD functions to check weather, traffic, terrain, destination info
  • Navigate toward destination (use autopilot as appropriate/as directed)

  • Load, activate, & fly IAPs (by hand)
    -- Non-precision w/ procedure turn; GPS (LPV),circling approach, MAP
  • -- Holding (published and “random”)

  • Return to Base (RTB) – maneuvers (as appropriate)

  • Instrument approach & normal landing

  • Break

  • Post-flight debriefing (learner-based grading / collaborative critique)

Post-Flight Debriefing Sequence

Note: This method of debriefing a flight, the “collaborative critique,” is a form of learner-centered assessment. It requires your full attention and participation. In contrast to the more traditional form of debriefing, in which the instructor leads off and carries most of the discussion, this approach requires the participant to lead each segment of the discussion. The goal is to encourage development of the participant’s self-awareness, situational awareness,confidence, and judgment.


  • The instructor invites the participantto“rewind the tape” and describe the flight from start to finish.
  • As needed, the instructor probes to determine what the participant might have been thinking, or assuming, at key points.


  • The instructor invites the participant to consider what could have, or should have, been done to prevent or mitigate errors identified during the “replay” phase.
  • The participant states what he or she would have done differently.


  • The instructor invites the participant to reflect on questions such as:
  • What was the most important idea learned from this session?
  • What were the top three lessons from this flight?
  • What was the best thing I did?
  • What is the task or activity that most needs improvement?


  • The instructor invites the participant to consider:
  • How can I apply today’s lesson(s) to the next flight?
  • What must I learn, or do, to avoid errors made this time?
  • How do I ensure that I repeat / reinforce the tasks I performed correctly next time?

G1000 Transition Schedule & Syllabus