Project Participating to the competition

''Vietnam innovation day"

"Innovations to fight HIV/ AIDS"

I. Project details

1. Name of the project: ''For a community without HIV/AIDS''

2. Site of the project: Dinh Tien Hoang people founded school

3. Geographical area and necessary rate to carry out the project.

The project will be carried out at schools (Dinh Tien Hoang people founded school) on the basis of demand and necessity of the current society: because of the rapid number of people affected HIV/ AIDS.

According to the statistics of Ministry of Health care until 28/2/2003, the number of HIV infected people is stated as below:

- 61,851 infected HIV people; 9,574 infected AIDS patients; 5.287 people died of AIDS.

To late 2003, the number increased at alarm rate

- About 76,187 infected HIV patients; 11,659 patients affected AIDS; 6,550 people died of AIDS.

Meanwhile the danger of HIV/ AIDS is seriously threatening the youth, teenage which in danger of deeply penetrating in to the school.

Dinh Tien Hoang people founded school founded in 1989 is interested, conducted and sponsored by Hanoi People's Committee, Hanoi education and training Department and Hanoi educational union.

The school is a special educational model one, accepting week students in terms of culture and moral, creating a suitable training and studying environment for them, helping them to perfect their personality and develop their mentality, meeting the demand of training aim of high school made by Ministry of education and training with the view of creating lumen resources for society contributing to solve urgent situation of naughty youth and teenage in Hanoi nowadays

Model of recipient and training

In past 15 years, Dinh Tien Hoang people founded school live gone on carrying out its target to become ''a light point of capital education in terms of educating and training people'' (According to estimation of Mr Le Xuan Tung- former of Hanoi city committee of the party, who visited the in 1995).

Dinh Tien Hoang School is the one of humane educational system which has experienced educational scientific researches of Hanoi and has attracted many confidential educators.

Because school's students are special ones, there existing a lot of negative symbols such as: drug addicts or leaving home to lead a wandering life within blokes and classes. Only in the first term of school year 2003-3004, there were so students tested drug addicts with positive result.

Due to that, the school has to find positive resolutions in educations task to drive back this evil among students with the view of protecting HIV/AIDS from penetrating in to the school.

The participial in the contest'' Vietnamese creation on initiatives on HIV/AIDS protection'' is very necessary. So we planed the project '' for the sake of a community without HIV/ AIDS''. This project is also a contribution to make the performance of its become more effective as well as promote the school’s training quality.

4. Implementing agency:

Dinh Tien Hoang people founded school- school year 2003-2004.

- There are 950 students in the school (of which : 60% of boy school, 40% girl school) and is divided in to 21 classes including : 6 classes of 12 th, 6 classes 11st, 9 classes 10th.

- There are 80 teachers (excluding assistants) all of them have university and post university degree: 1 doctor and 6 Master holders

- The school has a scientific council conducted by 1 professor, 1 deputy professor and 1 doctor of education. There are 3 scientific research subjects which were financed by the city to study the school's model and educational method. All the subject were successful and obtained excellent level.

- The school has 2 training campus: N0 57 Vu Thanh and N0 Hai Ba Trung which have minimum teaching instruments and equipments with the value over 150 million VND.

- The school has an educational consulting office and 5 staffs to carry out the vocational and educational consulting program.

The school has carried out many projects of Ministry of education, Institution of psychology and other non- government organizations such as:

- With the Institution of psychology and the world's village Fund'' have just completed the program of 30 seconds advertising with the subject '' Say no to drugs'' are sponsored by Drug protection committee of the united nations to broadcast in VTV1.

The value of life teaching program is supp - rated by UNESCO, the committee of UNICEF of Spain, planet Association, BRAHMA KUMARIS with consulting of Educational Group and UNICEF (NEW YORK).

- Take part in scientific seminar '' students and the ward's model in field of curing drug addict'' organized by Hanoi union of technology and science.

- Regularly take part in drug protection, HIV/AIDS protection programs of local, city administration and Hanoi Ministry of education and training. The school was awarded diploma of merit by Drug and HIV/AIDS protection committee of the city.

- With the current experience and abilities. We believe that it possible to carry out the research project successfully.

5. Contact Address:

a. Name of office: Dinh Tien Hoang people founded school

b. Address: N0: 57 Vu Thanh, Dong Da district, Hanoi.

c. Telephone N0: (844) 512 1013

d. E- mail: dl Dinh Tien Hoang @ hn.vnn. vn

e. Name of person responsible for the project.

Nguyen Tuy Lam

+ Master of educational management.

+ Professor of education.

+ Head Teacher of Dinh Tien Hoang People founded school.

+ Deputy Chairman of Hanoi science of educational psychology association

+ Project Manager- hand phone: 0913-235-297.

Nguyen Nang Hai:

+ Bachelor of Psychology.

+ Coequal consultant for the youth and teenage on productive health, sex and HIV/ AIDS of CHAT project in Internet sponsored by English child rent's Emergency Fund and Ford Fund.

+ The consultant on education and vocation of the school

+ Assistant of the project- hand-phone: 0912-822-402.

+ Email: nanghai 1979@

6. Bank's information

+ Name of account: Dinh Tien Hoang people founded school.

+ Account N0: 93201004.

+ Financial office: Hanoi State- Treasury

+ Term of payment: VSD and VND

II. Project Content:

1. Project’s objective including 3 main points:

1.1: Helping the Dinh Tien Hoang school's students to develop their personality more wholly and to have necessary understanding on HIV/ AIDS through educational forms of value of life and the way to live. So that it can help students have enough ability of protecting HIV/ AIDS in the long- term without having discrimination behavior to infected HIV people.

1.2 The important thing is to make broad sections of students to have deeply awareness of HIV/ AIDS through collective activities, community activities including students' attract more participants of students. From that, to attract skillful students to take part in HIV/AIDS protection group and other relating social problems.

1.3: Researching and auditing necessary documents on sex, HIV/ AIDS, disk newspaper, consulting and web site etc.. Building the staff of researchers, trainers to maintain educational forms after finishing the project.

2. Position of the project (Foundation of the project)

2.1. The project not only help HIV/ AIDS protection education program in Dinh Tien Hoang school become more effective to objectives who have high danger of affectation HIV/ AIDS like students in Dinh Tien Hoang school but also support for official educational programs so that the school's educational quality can improve wholly.

2.2. The project was built on the basis of common idea of students in Dinh Tien Hoang School, their parents and the entire society that is the indifference in great epidemic of AIDS.

- The aim of the project is to find out educational forms and contents that suitable for students' demand and their parents with the view of fitting HIV/AIDS education in to educational program. So that it can help students and their parents get in touch with the permanent danger of HIV/ AIDS.

- It is necessary to understand that: it is possible for ever-body to be infected HIV/ AIDS by chance or by their error, inequality, and unhealthy development of their personalities.

- Through many scientific research subjects, the school summed up that: In order to educate effectively students and their children become better.

- Making students understand that: the best way to protect HIV/ AIDS is t9o make one's life become balance, healthy, especially at the teenage. The healthy development of personality is a condition for self- protection against social evils and the danger of HIV/ AIDS.

3. The way to carry out the project.

3.1. Organizing education program on: Protection HIV/ AIDS knowledge for Dinh Tien Hoang school students through the regular and irregular program of educating value of life and living skill.

- Carrying out research on fitting the educational subjects of HIV/AIDS through the program on value of life and living skill. With the view of helping students self- protect against the danger of HIV/ AIDS. Teaching students about patient's life, combating discrimination to HIV/ AIDS patient. Through that, it can make them to live better.

- Training teachers carry out this educational program according to the new educational method accordant with the students' psychology and their parents.

- The Head Master will be the project manager within 1 year.

3.2. Associating with the school's union to organize collective activities for Dinh Tien Hoang'' students and to attract them to participate in the program of '' HIV/AIDS protection project''.

- Encouraging students to collect document on HIV/ AIDS and organizing the contest '' showing one's deeply thought when accessing to this document.

- Organizing the contest among students on: pet composing, cartoon drawing, collage drawing with HIV/AIDS protection theme.

- Organizing a club of '' A man of taste'' with monthly activities at school's units to attract pupil through fashion, literature and art, culture activities etc… to meet the demand as well as the hobby of students with the view of fitting HIV/AIDS protection subjects

- Organizing exchange program with some HIV/ AID patients who have courageous to better their illness. Helping and taking care of patients (Introduced by the city) to share the sympathy with them.

- Organizing exchange program among successful students of the school, having a meeting with the young businessman, young soldiers with excellent result to discuss on the theme of '' All for future cause'' '' Where there's a will there's a way'' on 26/3 and school's foundation date 01/11 annually.

- Combining with saga organization, a volunteer consulting one, attracting psychologists, social activists to approach to solve problems among students, fitting HIV/AIDS protection campaign.

- All the above activities is to supply friendly, simply information for students, their parents how to establish the most suitable HIV/ AIDS protection. The club is a subjective, conscious, creative one participated by the group and students, parents ate collaborators. A group of specialists of Dinh Tien Hoang vocational and educational consulting office will take part in training activities of these 2 clubs.

At the same time, it provides skill of organizing extracurricular activities relating to HIV/ AIDS projection and social evil theme. Training and developing courses trained by the youth Union of Dinh Tien Hoang School, Hanoi group, Institution of psychology and Ministry of heath (AIDS protection committee). Training courses will concentrate on skill development such as: Presentation skill at crowded place, skill of persuading others, skill of raising fund, skill of acting in collective.

All of these are determined and required by the club

3.3 Organizing '' protecting children from HIV/ AIDS'' club. Through seminar on '' making the children to become better'' is a forum for students' parents with view of equipping knowledge and skills of educating children and help them protect HIV/ AIDS.

- It is necessary to carry out club's activities actively on the basis of students' parents demand at each class, each unit. Serving a great number of students' parents as well as families that need individual help with the view of uniting educational method between family and school.

- It is possible to organize seminars experience exchanging among students' parents on educational methods of successful one as well as one has not been successful. On that basis, it can be collected interesting written papers and printing a popular document among students' parents.

- Moving students' parents to take part in education program on educating value of life and living skill, and helping students, through that mobilizing resource to contribute to variable and effective education form for students.

3.4. Closely connecting HIV/ AIDS protection activities of Dinh Tien Hoang school with community's activities in the city, expanding and bringing in to play the school's activities impact on neighboring schools and Education Branch.

- Setting up a Wed-site as a form for students, their parents, teacher and people who interested in experience of '' making children become better'' and activities of '' A man of taste’’. The web- site will be a form to unsafe all the demands of consulting of pupil's life

- Associating with Hanoi station and radio to provide the latest information of Dinh Tien Hoang school's activities at the same time organizing an exchanging session monthly with students' parent under the form of '' necessary subjects to teach children better''.

- By the form of staging club's activities of '' a man of taste'' with the view of enriching the form and the substance of HIV/ AIDS protection campaign among students.

Associate with '' society and family'' newspapers publishing short written papers about the method experience of students parents bring up children to become good citizens' to co- ordinate with '' pupil flower newspaper'' to introduce pupil examples striving on the sprint of '' where there is a well, there is a way'', all for future careen''

- Organize collective activities to exchange students between Dinh Tien Hoang students and other students in high and secondary schools (ninth form)

- Set up a library with foreign and domestic document about HIV/ AIDS and related issues to provide the youth, adolescents and students parents with knowledge actively. This is set up thanks to the contribution and the motion for city publishers’s support.

4. Initiative points of the project:

- Educate students to protect against HIV/ AIDS throughout educating the value of life, the way to live to per feet personality then call up students will in life.

- Improve new perception students and their parents (HIV/AIDS can not only) transmit among people engaging about HIV/ AIDS. Students and their parents are fascinated in to interesting useful collective activities. (70% expense and subsidy of the programmer will offer active and conscious activities of students and their parents)

- Combine protective HIV/ AIDS activity in schools with the common benefit activity of community.