123829 / 9333311
The School Context
- Community, attainment on entry social economic degree of prosperity /deprivation
- Range of services offered/Partnership arrangements
- Religious character
- Special units/EY units
- Awards
- Contextual other aids/barriers recruitment and retention governance reor
- Changes to comp of social cultural or other backgrounds. organisation mobility leadership changes
Croscombe is a smaller than average VA rural primary school situated in the rural village of Croscombe between Shepton Mallet and Wells. 35% live in the village itself. The majority of parents are home owners but few are professionals. Most are engaged in agricultural related industries, retail or small businesses.
- The majority of pupils are of White British origins and there are few exceptions in the school at this time. They all speak English as their first language.
- There are 73 pupils on roll with 2 pupils FSM and no CLA.
- On entry pupils have usually attended a Pre School locally and arrive with good calculation skills but a need to develop aspects of language. Parents in the village run an informal “Tiddlers” group in the school weekly.
- The % of pupils with SEND is below the national average (Currently 13, including one statement.)the rest having a variety of social and emotional needs. As a small school the proportion with special needs puts a strain on resources.
- There is an Early Years provision in the mixed Y1, Y2 and reception class. The remaining pupils are taught in two mixed age classes Y2/3 and Y4/5/6) in a traditional Victorian building that has been adapted in an attempt to meet 21st Century educational needs.
- There are 4 teachers plus a part time SENCO who works 1 day pw. Two classes are taught by two teachers job sharing. The HT is part time and works 4 days pw. 5 TA’s work with targeted children in small groups. There are no HLTAs
- The site is limited in space beyond the building itself, although a school field and allotment gardens are within walking distance. The school has a ForestSchool site in local Ham Woods. Facilities for PE in the hall are very limited as a result of a very low ceiling and the fact that it is multi- purpose.
- The school holds several awards including HealthySchools and FMSIS
- The majority of pupils transfer to either Whitstone or the Blue School Academies at the age of 11.
- The School is part of the Sheppey Valley learning Partnership and will Federate with Stoke St Michael Primary School in January 2014. Both longstanding HTs will retire in July 2014.
GRADE / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
ACHIEVEMENT: takes account of attainment and progress with due regard to starting points and age The quality of learning and progress of different groups including SEND also takes account of parent/pupil/staff questionnaires and case studies of individual pupils.
How well pupils make progress relative to starting points
- How well pupils learn, quality of work in a range of subjects and progress made since joining the school.
- How well pupils develop a range of skills, including reading, writing, communication and mathematical skills, and how well they apply these across the curriculum
- How well pupils are prepared for the next stage of their education, training or employment
- How well disabled pupils and those with SEN have achieved since joining the school
- How well gaps are narrowing between the performance of different pupils,
both in school and compared with all pupils nationally
- How high is attainment in reading , writing and maths by the time they leave the school and attainment in reading at the end of KS1
- How well those eligible for pupil premium have achieved since joining the school
NB: ROL sig + attainment= above average where not sig different then =broadly average where sig – attainment=below average
Achievement is currently judged to be good
This is because:
Attainment and progress over time have been consistently maintained at high levels. Given that the cohort sizes vary considerably and often are very small percentages are misleading. Whilst attainment in 2013 remains good, and the needs of all pupil groups are well met, progress scores fell for this cohort and PR fell to below the median in all but writing largely as a result of the influence of one autistic child’s outcomes on a cohort of 5.
Achievement is not judged to be better than this because:
- Teaching in some year groups has not been as consistent in the past two years as it might have been
- As a result pupils in some year groups have not made in year progress that would ensure expected or better than expected progress by the end of KS2.
The current YR:
13 pupils (11 m 2 f)
Pupils entering the school in YR September 2013
The Current Y1
- Entered KS1 in September 2013 with balanced skills and a need to develop shape space and measures as a priority for most pupils..
- 60% achieved or exceeded expected levels in Reading, Writing and Number; 50% did so in Shape Space and Measure.
- 20% of pupils have identified SEND
Current Y1
Subject / APSAss 1 / APS
Assess 2 / APS
Current Y2
Made expected progress in Y1 gaining most in maths in year so that targets set for them to reach by the end of Y2 indicate that they are likely to attain standards in maths (16.1) that are likely to equal the national average ( 2013 NA was 16.1) and slightly above in reading and writing. (2013 16.3, 15.9)
Subject / TargetsEnd KS / APS
Nov/Dec / APS
April / APS
Reading / 16.5 / 12.8
Writing / 16.0 / 12.1
Maths / 16.1 / 12.3
Combined / 16.1 / 12.4
Current Y3
Made good progress in KS1-most in maths and least in writing. Targets set for the end of the current year, if achieved will ensure they are on track to make a minimum of 14 APS gains over the key stage so that progress is more than expected.
APS End Y2 / APS 07 prev / Target APScurrent / T1 Assess APS / T2 Assess
APS / T3 Assess APS / Min Required End KS2
Reading / 17.4 / 21.0 / 19.0 / 31.4
Writing / 15.9 / 19.9 / 16.5 / 29.9
Maths / 17.3 / 21.0 / 18.2 / 31.3
Average overall / 16.8 / 20.6 / 30.8
Current Y4
Made very good progress in Y3 with in excess of 4 APS gains in all subjects. Current in year targets set as below will ensure that the cohort remains on track to secure 14 APS gain in KS2 and therefore progress will be more than expected.
APS End Y2 / APS 07prev / Target APScurrent / T1 Assess APS / T2 Assess
APS / T3 Assess APS / Min Required End KS2
Reading / 21.0 / 27.0 / 27.0
Writing / 19.0 / 27.4 / 25.0
Maths / 18.5 / 25.0 / 24.0
Average overall / 19.5 / 26.5 / 25.3 / 33.5
Current Y5
Made less than expected progress in all subjects in Y4- least in maths .Targets set for current end of year if achieved will ensure that in all subjects combined the cohort remains on track to make at least 14.0 APS gains
APS End Y2 / APS 07 prev / Target APScurrent / T1 Assess APS / T2 Assess
APS / T3 Assess APS / Min Required End KS2
Reading / 15.8 / 27.5 / 25.0 / 29.8
Writing / 16.2 / 26.5 / 24.0 / 30.2
Maths / 17.2 / 27.2 / 25.0 / 31.2
Average overall / 16.4 / 27.1 / 25.0 / 30.4
Current Y6
Made less than desired progress in Y5 with least in maths and writing and most (3.5) in reading. If the Y6 in year targets are met then overall they will gain 13.6 APS in the KS which is less than the 14 aspired to This is because progress in maths will be inadequate. (11.6) unless the interventions planned have considerable impact. Progress in reading and writing will be at least 14.0
NB maths progress was also poor in Y4 for this cohort.
APS End Y2 / APS 07 prev / Target APScurrent / T1 Assess APS / T2 Assess
APS / T3 Assess APS / Min Required End KS2
Reading / 15.5 / 30.5 / 28 / 29.5
Writing / 14.1 / 28.4 / 26 / 28.1
Maths / 15.7 / 27.3 / 25 / 29.7
Average overall / 15.1 / 28.7 / 26.3 / 29.1
Y1 Phonics % Attaining Standard Compared with National Average 2013Pupil group / SIG+ / + / = / - / SIG -
M / X
F / X
Not SEN / X
Autumn / X
Spring / NONE
Summer / X
Key Stage 1 Compared with National Averages
Trends over time A= All R =reading W = writing M = maths
APS / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015
Sig + / ARWM / AM / A
+ / RW / RM / RW / RWM
= / A / AW
- / M
Sig -
2013 Attainment Thresholds Cf Nat Av 2013
A= All R =reading W = writing M = maths
L2b+ / L3
Sig +
+ / RMW / RMW
Sig -
KS 1Average points scores compared with national averages 2013
By pupil group / ALL core / READING / WRITING / MATHS
+ / + / = / - / Sig
- / Sig
+ / + / = / - / Sig
- / Sig
+ / + / = / - / Sig
- / Sig
+ / + / = / - / Sig
All / X / X / X / X
Boys / X / X / X / X
Girls / X / X / X / X
FSM/CLA / N / N / N / XN
Not FSM/CLA / N / N / N / N
SEN / X / X / X / X
Not SEN / X / X / X / X
Autumn born / X / X / X / X
Spring born / X / X / X / X
Summer born / X / X / X / X
Key stage 2
Trends over time (insert code in appropriate box)
E= English A=All M=Maths R=Reading W=Writing G= Grammar Punctuation and Spelling
APS / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015
Sig + / AME
+ / AM / AMWRE / RW / AWG
- / AMES / E / MR
Sig -
2013 Attainment Threshold
A = all R = reading W = writing M = maths G= Grammar Punctuation and Spelling
L4+ / L4b+ / L5+ / L6
Sig +
+ / G / MRG / MRWG
- / MRW
Sig -
2013 Attainment Thresholds by Pupil Groups
A = all R = reading W = writing M = maths G= Grammar Punctuation and Spelling
By Pupil Grp / %@L4+ compared National group 2013 / %@L5+ compared National group 2013
+ / + / = / - / Sig
- / Sig
+ / + / = / - / Sig
All / AG / MRW / ARMGW
Boys / AG / MRW / ARMGW
Girls / 100 ALL / ARMGW
Not FSM/CL / N / N
Prev Low Att / MRWAG / A / MRWG
Prev Mid Att / 100ALL / 100ALL
Prev Hi Att / 100ALL / 100ALL
Not SEN / 100ALL / 100ALL
KS2 Average points scores cf National averages 2013
By Pupil Group / ALL / Maths / Reading / Writing / G
+ / + / = / - / Sig
- / Sig
+ / + / = / - / Sig
- / Sig
+ / + / = / - / Sig
- / Sig
+ / = / - / Sig
- / Sig
+ / + / = / - / Sig
All / X / X / X / X
Boys / X / X / X / X
Girls / X / X / X / X / X
FSM/CL / NON / N / N / N
Not / N / N / N / N
Prev LA / X / X / X / X / X
Prev MA / X / X / X / X / X
Prev HA / X / X / X / X / X
SEN / X / X / X / X / X
Not SEN / X / X / X / X / X
Value Added Trends(insert the VA score and the Percentile ranking highlight in red or green if significantly +/- national median)
2011 / PR / 2012 / PR / 2013 / PR / 2014 / PR / 2015 / PR
All / 101.2 / 14 / 101.5 / 8 / 99.6 / 65
Maths / 101.1 / 17 / 101.6 / 10 / 99.5 / 65
Reading / (Eng pre 2013)
101.1 / 15 / 101.1 / 13 / 99.3 / 75
Writing / 100.3 / 39
Value Added 2013 by pupil groups compared with similar nationally KS2
Sig+ / + / = / - / Sig - / Sig+ / + / = / - / Sig - / Sig+ / + / = / - / Sig -
Pupil Group
All / x / x / x
Boys / x / x / x
Girls / x / x / x
Not FSM/CLA / n
Prev L A / x / x / x
Prev MA / x / x / x
Prev HA / x / x / x
SEN / x / x / x
Not SEN / x / x / x
2013 % making expected 2 Levels progress All Pupils
From / School % / National % / School % / National % / School % / National %
W / --0 / 67 / --0 / 72 / 0 / 58
L1 / 0 / 81 / 100 / 92 / 0 / 81
L2c / 0 / 70 / 0 / 84 / 0 / 70
L2b / 100 / 92 / 100 / 97 / 100 / 91
L2a / 100 / 98 / 100 / 99 / 100 / 99
L3 / 100 / 87 / --100 / 89 / 100 / 90
L4 / --0 / 12 / --0 / 61 / --0 / 89
Overall / 80 / 88 / 100 / 91 / 80 / 88
2013 % making more than expected progress All Pupils
From / School % / National % / School % / National % / School % / National %
W / 0 / 31 / --0 / 42 / --0 / 29
L1 / 0 / 54 / 0 / 48 / 0 / 38
L2c / 0 / 15 / 0 / 7 / 0 / 7
L2b / 0 / 29 / 0 / 25 / 0 / 24
L2a / 100 / 56 / 100 / 58 / 100 / 56
L3 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 9 / 0 / 26
L4 / -- / -- / --- / -- / --- / --
Overall / 20 / 30 / 40 / 30 / 40 / 31
Phonics 2013
- The % of pupils attaining the pass mark in Y1 was above the % that did so nationally
- 100% of boys attained the pass mark and they outperformed girls in the school and boys nationally
- Girls and autumn born pupils were the only groups to be outperformed nationally
- There were no CLA/FSM pupils in the cohort
Attainment KS1 2013
- Standards in combined subjects have been consistently sig above national averages since 2011 and have remained so in 2013
- Standards in individual subjects have been broadly in line since 2009 except in 2011 in reading writing when they were sig above , and in both 2011 and 2012 in maths when they were similarly sig above.
- Standards in 2013 in individual subjects were broadly in line with national average (above but not sig so)
- Standards attained by boys and girls overall and in reading were the same. Boys outperformed girls in maths and boys nationally in all subjects whilst girls outperformed boys in writing and girls nationally in all subjects.
- The one CLA/FSM pupil equalled the performance of similar pupils nationally overall, outperforming them in reading and maths but underperforming in writing.
- SEND pupils outperformed national comparative group in all subjects as did spring and summer born pupils. Overall autumn born pupils outperformed their national group in maths but were outperformed in writing so that overall and in reading they equalled their performance.
- The % of all pupils attaining L2b+ was above the national average % that did so in all subjects. This was also the case at the higher level L3
Attainment KS2 2013
- Standards attained in combined and individual subjects have been broadly in line with national averages since 2009 except in 2012 when they rose to be sig above in maths, English and hence all subjects combined.
- In 2013 standards were above national in writing and grammar although not sig so and below but not sig so in maths and reading
- There was one girl in the cohort and she outperformed boys in the school and girls nationally in all subjects
- Boys outperformed boys nationally in writing but not in any other subject
- There were no CLA/FSM pupils in the cohort
- The one child deemed to be a previous LA was outperformed by his comparators nationally quite considerably in all but writing where although APS was below the ga was not as great.
- Previously MA and HA pupils all outperformed their national groups in all subjects
- The 3 SEND pupils equalled similar pupils nationally in maths and out performed them in all other subjects, most notably in writing.
- The % of all pupils attaining L4+ was below the % nationally in all except grammar where it was above.
- The % of all pupils at L4b+ was above the % nationally in all subjects
- The % of all pupils at L5+ was above the % nationally in all subjects
- Where the % fell below the national averages for individual groups it was a s result of the standards attained by one pupil who represented 20% and skewed the outcomes.
- VA in 2011 was sig above the national median in subjects combined and in 2012 this remained high with percentile rankings that reflected this in all subjects. In 2013 VA fell in all subjects largely as a result of the impact of the progress made by two pupils in a very small cohort.
- Progress made was greatest in writing and no pupil group other than the one child who was a previous LA made sig less progress than similar national groups in any subject
- There was only one girl in the cohort and she made comparatively more progress than boys in each of the subjects and overall
- The % of pupils making expected progress in reading and maths was just below the % doing so nationally, in writing it was above.
- The % making MORE than 2 levels progress was greater than the % nationally in writing and in maths but less in reading
November 2013 / HT external Consultant / Spring 2014
NEXT STEPSStandards of attainment and progress / Raising of expectations
Change of teacher personnel in Conkers Class
Interventions in place for R, W & N
In school/national differences: narrowing specific gaps / Interventions in place for targeted children
CPD for Teaching Assistants
Range of basic skills and their application / Numicon training for all staff
Resources review
New Calculations Policy
SEN/disabled needs / IEP’s matched to individual LSA’s to work with those pupils
Attainment in reading at end of KS1 and / or KS2 / Building reading stamina a school focus / reading champions scheme
National Reading Scheme for KS2
GRADE / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
THE QUALITY OF TEACHING: includes scrutiny of planning and implementation of learning activities across the whole school curriculum together with marking, assessment and feedback to pupils. This is within and beyond the classroom, includes teachers’ support and intervention strategies as well as the impact that teaching has on promoting SMSC development.
Consider the extent to which:
- Teaching in all subjects and key stages promotes learning and progress across the curriculum
- Teachers have consistently high expectations of pupils
- Teachers improve the quality of learning by systematically and effectively checking pupils’ understanding in lessons, and making appropriate interventions
- Reading , writing, communication and mathematics are taught
- Teachers and other adults create a positive climate for learning in which pupils are interested and engaged.
- Marking and constructive feedback from teachers contributes to pupils’ learning
- Teaching strategies, including setting appropriate homework, together with support and intervention , match individual needs.
- Teachers use quality questioning and use of discussion to promote learning..
- teachers develop pupils’ knowledge skills and understanding across a range of subjects in all areas of learning. and use assessment to inform planning that builds on prior learning,
- teachers give pupils opportunities to extend their own learning and develop skills to do so
- teachers promote S MSC development
Quality of Teaching is currently judged to be good
This is because:
the majority of teachers plan challenging and interesting lessons for pupils who are engaged by the opportunities provided and achieve high standards and make consistently good progress over time.
- Planning is thorough and medium term and daily plans demonstrate clearly the differentiation and degree of challenge that is expected by the senior leaders in the school. Teachers are skilled at assessing where the pupils are in their learning and sharing this with pupils either visually or verbally routinely in lessons.
- Most lessons are planned to include quality stimuli, active and engaging activities for individuals, pairs or groups, and to provide opportunity for regular assessment and as a result pupils enjoy quality teaching and are excited by the opportunities provided.
- In advance of planned topic work pupils are involved in determining what they already know and might like to learn about, so that they involve parents and families in gathering a range of materials and artefacts to support learning that is planned. Pupils have some choice in what and how they will learn and because there is a deliberate attempt to include a “wow” visit visitor or experience at an early stage of each new learning unit, children are excited, enthusiastic and keen to learn.
- Pupils relate to the meaningful activities because they are relevant to their current knowledge and experience of the world. Teachers know the pupils and the area well and so are able to use their knowledge to match activities to needs and interests.