As provided in Rule 33-8a, the Committee may make and publish Local



Full relief, one club length not nearer the hole, must be taken from the following without penalty

A) Any area marked with white paint

B) All roped off areas

C) Any area marked with a GUR sign.


Tee pegs are mandatory for all tee shots – Penalty: loss of hole in match play, 2 shot penalty otherwise.


All trees (other than staked trees), steps, cottage and its surrounds, boundary fences/walls/bridges and railway sleepers. The ball must be played as it lies or declared unplayable with relief under penalty available under Rule 28.

Machinery Tyre/Track

A ball lying in a Tractor/Machinery track or tyre mark may be lifted and dropped one club length not nearer the hole without penalty.


A ball lying on a permanent tee must be played as it lies except when winter rules apply. During winter rules, the ball must be lifted and dropped off the tee box at the nearest point of relief not nearer the hole.

Embedded Stones

Relief may be taken from embedded stones on the fairway within one club length not nearer the hole without penalty.


A ball striking an ESB pylon/pole, telegraph pole or wires must be replayed without penalty

Aeration Holes on the Putting Greens

When the greens have been aerated/cored, relief may be taken. Only when on a putting green, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole maybe placed at the nearest spot not nearer the hole that avoids the situation

Distance Measuring Devices

For all play on this course a player may obtain distance information by using a device that measures distance only.


A player may take relief, one club length not nearer the hole, without penalty from a movable obstruction

Fairway Distance Poles

These are not permanent structures and may be removed if they interfere with a player’s stance or the area of his intended swing or line of play.


Stones and rakes in bunkers are movable obstructions


A player may take relief of one club length not nearer the hole without penalty from an immovable obstruction

All fixed seats at tees, monument at 15th (White course) 13th (Blue Course), direction indicators, manhole covers, gully traps, fairway sprinkler heads, tee markers, ball washers and drinking fountains, fairway distance markers, oil house, pump house, pylons, telegraph and ESB poles, winter tee mats, staked trees, bell poles, paths and driveway. In the case of the driveway the relief is two club lengths.

Sprinkler Heads (within two club-lengths of the putting green)

Where a ball lies off the putting green, is not in a hazard and is within two club-lengths of the obstruction which intervenes with the line of play between the ball and the hole, a player may lift and drop the ball, without penalty, at the nearest point where the ball lay that:

(a)Is not nearer the hole,

(b) Avoids intervention,

(a)(b)Is not in a hazard or on a putting green.

Relief Hole on the Green (24.2b(3))

If the ball lies on the putting green a player may take relief if the “relief hole” intervenes on his line of putt, the player must lift the ball and place it without penalty at the nearest point of relief.

Note: A relief hole is a hole covered with a “man made cap” it is not a hole that has been replaced permanently

Wrong Green 25-3(B)

If a players ball lies on a wrong putting green (permanent or temporary), the player must not play the ball as it lies, the player must take relief, without penalty, as follows:
The player must lift the ball and drop it within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief. The nearest point of relief must not be in a hazard or on a putting green.

Where possible after relief is taken players feet should not be on the putting surface.


Outside the boundaries of the course, and all areas marked with White Stakes (including the practice putting green, the practice chipping area, the practice ground, the turf nursery, the machinery yard, the car park and surfaced areas surrounding the clubhouse.

Accidental Movement of a Ball on a Putting Green

Rules18-2, 18-3 and 20-1 are modified as follows:

When a player’s ball lies on the putting green, there is no penalty ifthe ball or ball-marker is accidentally moved bythe player,his partner,his opponent, or any of their caddies or equipment.

The moved ball or ball-marker must be replaced as provided in Rules18-2, 18-3and 20-1.

This Local Rule applies only when the player’s ball or ball-markerlieson the putting greenand any movement is accidental.

Note: If it is determined that a player’s ball on the putting green was moved as a result of wind, water or some other natural cause such as the effects of gravity, the ball must be played as it lies from its new location. A ball-marker moved in such circumstances is replaced.”

Relief for Embedded Ball

Through the Green, a ball that is imbedded may be lifted, cleaned and dropped, without penalty, as near as possible to the spot where it lay but not nearer the hole.

The ball when dropped must first strike a part of the course through the green