Issue 12, number 6 Date: Friday 18th October 2013, School Website:
PSA:The PSA invite all reception parents for a coffee morning on Wednesday the 23rd of October from 9am. Please come along and join us for coffee and cake and to meet other reception parents. If you would like to donate a cake please bring it along on the morning.
PSA SCHOOL CHRISTMAS CARD PROJECT: Please return your Christmas card designs by Monday 21st October.
SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS: A reminder that all photograph orders must be returned by Monday 21st October 2013. Any received after this date will incur a £3.50 surcharge and will have to be forwarded directly by parents to Van Cols. If you do not wish to place an order, please do not return the proof.
PARENT TEACHER CONSULTATIONS: We look forward to welcoming you to discuss your child’s progress at the Parent Teacher Consultations being held on Wednesday 23rd October and Thursday 24th October. Mrs Ranjan (Special Needs Co-ordinator) and I will be available to speak to parents, also, during these times. Christine Brady, our Parent Support Adviser, will also be available on both evenings in the Infant Department from 3.30 – 5.30pm She has lots of information regarding courses, useful websites etc. The After School Club will be held in the Junior Hall on these two evenings. Also, on Wednesday afternoon, the school Speech Therapist will be available to speak to parents and she will be based in the Infant Hall.
SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS(SEN): The Draft Code of Practice (SEN)came out last Friday. Included are details on how to submit consultation responses, for which the closing date is 9thDecember. You can find out more by accessing the SEN site on the school's website.
WINTER SCHOOL UNIFORM: A reminder that all children should return to school after half term in their winter uniform. Can I draw your attention to the fact that girls should only wear black or navy tights.
Navy sweatshirt – crestNavy sweatshirt - crest
White polo shirt – crestNavy sweatshirt cardigan - crest
Grey trousersWhite polo Shirt - crest
Black shoesGrey skirt/pinafore/trousers
Black/grey socksWhite knee socks
Black, navy tights
HALF TERM HOLIDAY: School closes next Thursday 24th October as Friday 25th is an INSET Day for teachers. The school will re-open on Monday 4th November. A reminder to parents who are intending to travel during the half term that a fixed penalty of £60 will be issued if children do not return to school on time . Any delays regarding trains, boats or planes, must be evidenced with original booking confirmation.
CHICKEN POX: We have had further cases of chicken pox reported this week in Year 2
SECONDARY TRANSFER 2014: If your child’s birthday falls between 1 September 2002 and 31 August 2003, application forms are now available at to apply for a place in Secondary School for September 2014.The deadline for online applications is Thursday 31 October 2013, online applications will close at 11:59 pm. Fr Paul will be available to sign Priest Reference forms for Secondary applicants on a Saturday 19th October, 12 – 1pm, in the meeting room at the back of the Church, on a first come, first served basis.
GO-BONKERS: Tuesday 29th October, Redbridge Sports Centre, Forest Road, IG6 3HD. Come and have a great time at our fully supervised indoor inflatable fun days. Our attractions include a selection of: slides, assault courses, bouncy castles, activity castles and much more! For venues and opening times please see overleaf or telephone: 01268275050.
COUNTRY OF THE TERM: On Tuesday, our Year 3 children were visited by Mrs Olipa Arthur and Mrs Eunice Chilenga who talked to the children about Zambia. The children had a lovely afternoon and learnt a lot about Zambia, even learning some words. Aoife said “I was amazed by the fact that 73 languages are spoken in Zambia. Keren said “I thought the food was really interesting because I’ve never seen any of it before”.
Did you know that…
- The money in Uganda is called Ugandan Shilling
- Kenya is located in East Africa, on the equator
- The president of Zimbabwe is Robert Mugabe
- The former name of Zambia was Northern Rhodesia
WIZARD STORIES: During the past couple of weeks the children have enjoyed listening to two wonderful story tellers. This week everyone was enthralled by African folk stories. During the sessions the children listened to the stories and were encouraged to interact with the characters whilst using their listening skills and their imagination.
ASSEMBLIES: This morning our children in Year 1 and Year 2 shared the work they have been doing about Black History Month. Later in the afternoon, Class 5a, whose ‘Come and See’ topic is about Life Choices, reminded us about choices we have to make and also how we can be of service to others. Thank you to Miss Leppard and 5a for their thoughtful assembly.
KS1: Patricia Gutu, Sonny Collins, Aashley Jeyashankar, Evie Walters, Devidas Ruzgas, Tejiri Akpoveta, Tiana Chakanyuka, Joshua Mulligan
KS2: Tyler Mulligan, Daniele Bajorunaite, Jacob Emeagi, Rhianan Arthur, Christian Harris, Richard Jassy, Amalia Bertolino, Nicolas Pliszka, Mutale Kayenga, Matilda Villa, Caitlin Kelly, Marcelo Sivanda, Henry Kannathasan, Abisha Stanislaus, Preaveen Joseph, Alex Eliades