QR Codes
What are QR codes?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed for the automotive industry in Japan. A barcode is an optically machine-readable label that is attached to an item and that records information related to that item.
How to create QR codes?
• http://qrcode.kaywa.com
• http://www.qrstuff.com/
• Many other out there too!!!
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Fitness Scavenger Hunt
Grade Level: 2-4
Subject: Physical Education
Unit: Fitness
1. Student Objectives:
• Students will work in pairs to finish a fitness scavenger hunt using QR codes.
• Students will be able to name which component of health related fitness is being worked at each station.
2. Assessment:
• Students will be assessed through an exit slip quiz on which station of QR codes helps each of the health-related fitness components.
3. Differentiation:
• Students will work in pairs which are teacher made.
• Other accommodations will be provided according to IEP requirements.
Teaching Steps:
1. Students will be put into pairs by the teacher.
2. Students will get a brief tutorial on what QR codes are and how to use the iPad to read them.
3. SAFETY OF iPads - Directions will be given to gently place the iPads in specific locations before performing the exercises. (TABLES are a good idea)
4. Students will go to four different stations and start reading one of the QR codes. Each code gives an exercise to do and which station to go next. Each station will have different color QR codes.
5. Students will continue moving station-to-station until the teacher says stop.
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Exercise # 1 Exercise #2 Exercise # 3
Exercise # 4 Exercise # 5 Exercise # 6
Exercise #7 Exercise #8 Exercise # 9
Exercise # 1 Exercise #2 Exercise # 3
Exercise # 4 Exercise # 5 Exercise # 6
Exercise #7 Exercise #8 Exercise # 9
Exercise # 1 Exercise #2 Exercise # 3
Exercise # 4 Exercise # 5 Exercise # 6
Exercise #7 Exercise #8 Exercise # 9
Exercise # 1 Exercise #2 Exercise # 3
Exercise # 4 Exercise # 5 Exercise # 6
Exercise #7 Exercise #8 Exercise # 9