St. James’ Church St. Hugh’s Church
Vigil 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m. Sunday 9.30 a.m.
Monday to Friday 9.30 a.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. Friday 8 p.m.
Confessions on Saturday after 10 a.m. Mass, before the Vigil Mass and after Mass in Rahugh Friday evening.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Kilbeggan after 9.30 a.m. Mass on Monday until 12 noon.
Rahugh on Friday from 7 – 9 p.m. with Mass at 8 p.m.
Fr. Brendan, 3, The Gallops. 057 9332155
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
8 p.m. Larry Carroll Month’s Memory
Carton Family, Loughnagore
Laurence and Dora Daly
Pat, Anne, Christy and Jimmy Carton.
Monday : The Annunciation of the Lord
Saturday 10 a.m. Joseph and Bridget Phylan and their daughter Mary Dowling.
Third Sunday of Easter
8 p.m. Carton Family, Comagh Rd.
Michael and Mary Swords Anniversary
Michael McMahon
Joe, Doreen, Ita and Lorcan Coffey
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Norah Gorry, Tullamore Rd., Remains arrive in St. James’ Church for 11 a.m. Monday. Maureen Farrell Cappaduff, who died during the week. May they rest in peace.
We will have Mass from the “Do this in Memory of Me” programme with the children for First Holy Communion on Sunday April 10th at 11 a.m.
We remember in our prayers this week the girls and boys who are preparing to receive Confirmation on Thursday in Kilbeggan at 11 a.m. We pray that it will be a special time of renewal for them and their families .
Practice for Confirmation 7 p.m. Wednesday in Kilbeggan.
RAHUGH SOCIAL SERVICES are holding a fundraising night on Saturday 9th April in The Hazel. Music by THE SAILORS. Tickets €5 each can be purchased from any Committee Member or at the door.
RAHUGH SOCIAL SERVICES are holding a meeting on Tuesday 5th April at 8.30pm.
Thanks to Rahugh Drama Group for presenting Professor TIM! in aid of St James’s Church renovation fund. Thanks to all the sponsors and thanks to all involved in making it such a great night. €2,000 was raised.
Youth Liturgy Group meet in The Parish Centre every Friday from 6.30 – 8 p.m.. They organise Saturday Evening Mass for 20 -30 minutes and they spend the rest of the time having fun and sport. All teenagers are welcome to come along.
K.P.D.A. will hold a meeting on Monday April 4 at 8.30pm in St. James's Hall to discuss the potential use of the hall. Everybody is welcome.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Rome with Bishop Smith August 19th -27th. . Twin Sharing €1,055 Single room €1,255. Mullingar Travel Agent, Mullingar 044 9340587. Audience with Pope Francis.
The Laois Offaly Palliative Care Team invite family, friends and carers of those who have died in the past two years and have been known to the Palliative Care Team to a Remembrance Service on Friday April 15th in St Peter and Paul’s Church, Portlaoise.
Bingo every Tuesday night 8.30 p.m. in Kilbeggan Parish Centre. All are welcome. We have €1,200 in cash prizes each night.
Your donation this Lent can support communities to adapt to the challenges of climate change by installing water conservation and irrigation systems. This will help families to increase their crop harvest and grow more nutritious food to eat.
Where your money goes:
91%goes on direct charitable expenditure
8%is spent on fundraising and publicity activities
1%goes on governance costs
“The Church is likewise conscious of the responsibility which all of us have for our world, for the whole of creation, which we must love and protect.” Pope Francis
Jubilee Year Meath DiocesanPilgrimageto Lourdes:This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the Jubilee of Mercy.The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from Sept 12-17 and will be led by Bishop Smith. The fare is €719 for full board and inclusive of insurance and travel taxes. To book contact: Pilgrimages Abroad Ltd, Tel 01-6359300.
In recent years many young people (18+) have travelled to Lourdes with the diocese seeking to find out more about this famous Shrine: to lend a hand to the pilgrims who are sick or infirmed, to look for some prayer space in busy lives and still to have a good time! Cost €450. If you are interested in travelling this September please contact email: Hospital Pilgrim Section Pat Lynagh 087 6628468
Plate Easter Sunday: €1,505, Holy Thursday for Trocaire: €1,027, Good Friday for Church in Holy Land: €865, Easter Offerings- €2,825, Lenten: €130, List of the Dead: €50, Church Building Fund: Envelopes: €885, Gift for Church Renovation: €500. Thanks to all who are so generous.