Optional Extra Credit Project Precalc Due Date: January 4th (per 1,2) or 5th (per 5)
Points: You can be awarded up to 15 points for the poster project and an extra 5 points for a 2-5 minute presentation. You will be awarded points based on a rubric.
Description: The purpose of this assignment is to explore the history of mathematics. If you choose to complete the extra credit project, you will be exploring the life and works of a mathematician of your choosing. Be creative! Try to find someone different and who interests you. Follow the rubric carefully. The extra credit project includes:
I. A poster modeling a "facebook page" of the mathematician. It is recommended to use poster paper. This should be at least 12'' X 18''. See details below.
II. A 1-2 page, double spaced, summary describing several of the most important facts you learned while making the poster, what was your favorite part of this project, and what was the most challenging part of this project. Your name and summary should be glued to the back of your poster.
III. 2 -3 scholarly references cited in MLA or APA format. If your references are not properly cited, you will not receive full points.
I. Your fake facebook "poster" must have the following aspects:
- A "profile picture" of the mathematician.
- A "cover picture" that represents the mathematics that the mathematician worked on.
- An "about me section" which contains:
- Birthday and death date
- Where this mathematician worked/lived
- Level of education
- Job /profession
- Family/marital status
-Why this mathematician is famous
- A Quote Section which could include one or more of the following:
- A famous saying by the mathematician
- A famous quote about the mathematician by someone else
- A "Friend" Section which includes:
- At least 4 visible "friends" which can be chosen from the following possibilities:
- The spouse, if applicable
- Real historical figures they were friends with
- You !
- A "Wall" which includes
-at least 4 status updates that are dated to key moments in this mathematician’s life and summarize key contributions this mathematician made. Each status update should be a MINIMUM of 2 sentences long. You may create a 5th and/or 6th status update that is shorter if you wish.
-at least 2 status updates that are dated to key world events in the mathematician's life (ex: things happening in World War II, the great revolution, the middle ages, etc)
- An "Interests" Section with 4 interests you found this mathematician had or might have had based on the time period. (ex: classical music, plays, a book club, etc. Be creative!)
If you choose to do the presentation, you MUST sign up before winter break for a date. Your presentation MUST be longer than 2 minutes, but no more than 5 minutes. Anything less than 2 minutes will receive NO presentation extra credit points.
You MUST involve your audience (ex: activity, trivia quiz, game)
I suggest you practice MULTIPLE times, and make sure your poster is visible. If you believe your poster will be difficult to see, make a powerpoint or other kind of visual display.
Extra Credit Project Rubric
Awarded 5 points / Awarded 8 points / Awarded 10 points / Awarded 15 points / Awarded 20pointsYou are awarded 5 points if you complete only half of the items in section I, have no credible sources and/or did not cite sources, and a vague summary. / You are awarded 8 points if you complete half of the items in section I, have credible sources, and a decent 1-2 page summary. / -You are awarded 10 points if you meet the basic requirements listed on the first page. / -Project meets 10 points rubric.
-Project shows creativity, detail, and the poster is aesthetically pleasing (straight lines, colorful, neat writing, etc) / -Project meets 15 points rubric.
-Presentation is between 2-5 minutes.
-Presenter is clear, energetic, and involves the audience.