Draft – For Review & Approval.

Central Oklahoma Workforce Investment Board

Executive Committee Special Meeting

June 24, 2016 - 4:00pm

Members Present: Jack Bryant, Alan Geiger, Theresa Stewart, and Tim Yaciuk.

Members Absent: Richard Brown, Steve Saxon, Darci Williams (called in via telephone).

Guest: Pam Maguire.

Staff Present: Bill Bryant.

1. Call to order

A notice of this special meeting was filed with the office of the Oklahoma County clerk on June 22, 2016. The agenda for this special meeting of the COWIB’s Executive Committee was properly posted at the COWIB offices on Wednesday, June 22nd.

Jack Bryant moved to call the meeting to order; seconded by Theresa Stewart. The meeting convened at 4:02pm in the COWIB’s small conference room with the following committee members in attendance: Jack Bryant, Alan Geiger, Theresa Stewart, and Tim Yaciuk.(Darci Williams called in to the meeting via telephone; she did not vote on any items). Chairman Yaciuk offered a welcome to all those present.

2. Approval of Minutes

Motion was made by Jack Bryant to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 22nd. A second was made by Theresa Stewart. All voted yes, and the minutes were approved.

3. Proposed Executive Session

A motion to go into executive session was made by Alan Geiger and seconded by Jack Bryant.

A closed session was held from about 4:12pm until approximately 5:15pm.

4. Back into Regular Session from Executive Session

Theresa Stewart moved to return to a public session, seconded by Jack Bryant. VOTE: All Aye, motion carried.

5. Report and Possible Action from Executive Session

Four actions resulted from the executive session.

Alan Geiger moved to appoint Eddie Foreman as the CEO for the COWIB. Seconded by Jack Bryant. VOTE: All Aye; motion carried.

Theresa Stewart moved to accept the recommendation of attorney Charles Plumb that Eddie Foreman acted appropriately in suspending [Employee] in order to conduct an investigation. Seconded by Geiger. VOTE: All Aye; motion carried.

Jack Bryant recommended that Eddie Foreman should take action consistent with the recommendation of the investigator regarding the complaint against [Employee]. Seconded by Stewart. VOTE: All Aye; motion carried.

Jack Bryant moved to authorize Tim Yaciuk (acting as the COWIB’s Chairperson) to receive bids to hire an attorney to negotiate an immediate separation and release from [Employee], consistent with funds available through COWIB’s insurance policy. Seconded by Stewart. VOTE: All Aye; motion carried.

6. Adjourn

With no other business to consider, a motion was madeby Jack Bryant to adjourn; it was seconded by Theresa Stewart. With the agreement of all members, the meeting adjourned at 5:22pm.

Prepared by:

Bill Bryant

Approved --


Tim Yaciuk