RES101 – Real Estate Technology

Assignment #4 (Word Part 2)

Task #1 - Creating a Flyer


In this task, you’ll be creating the attached flyer. You can find all of the graphics you’ll need in the your RES101-Windows\Flyer Files file folder. (Remember: The RES101-Windows file folder is the one we unzipped and used in the Windows assignment.)

Preparation Steps:

1. You'll be using the files found in your RES101-Windows\Flyer Files file folder. Find that file folder on your personal storage device. (Note: You downloaded the RES101-Windows folder last week when you worked on Assignment 2.)

2. A Photo to Use:

a. If you have a picture in electronic form, you can use that. Or if you’d prefer not to use your own picture, please do a “bing” search at . You can then search for a picture of anyone you’d like to use in your flyer. Obama, Murray, Clinton, etc. When you find a picture you’d like to use, then download it and save it to your personal storage device.

General Instructions:

1. Set the font type to Arial

2. To Insert a picture, use the Insert/Picture option.

3. Center the house address and price. Use a font size of 18 and bold these two lines.

4. Place a border around the picture (you choose whichever one you’d like). Click the picture then select Picture Tools/Format and then select the picture style you’d like.

4. Use a font size of 10 for the remainder of the flyer.

5. Use the automatic numbering for the “Special Features”.

6. Create a 2 column table that contains the bulleted list of information.

1. Format the table using a table style such that every other row is shaded.

2. To remove the interior cell borders:

a. Click in a cell

b. Use the Table Tools/Design and then click on the Borders drop-down arrow. Select borders and shading.

7. The Agent’s information is in another table. To create it:

a. Use the Insert/Table option to create a 3 column, 1 row table.

b. In the left cell, enter the contact info. shown. Use your name (and also your phone number and email address if you’d like to.) Use a different font color for the “Call for…” and the “or visit…” lines

c. In the middle cell, use the Insert/Picture option to insert your picture. Resize the picture so it’s in-keeping with the adjacent text.

d. In the right cell, insert a Realty Logo. There are some in your RES101-Windows\Flyer Files file folder that you can use or you can surf the web and find one of your own.

e. Center the Logo in the cell by:

1. Click the cell

2. Use the Table Tools/Layout Alignment and then select center

f. To remove all of the borders around this table:

a. Click in a cell

b. Use the Table Tools/Design option and then click on the Borders drop-down arrow.

c. Select the “no borders” option.

8. Use spell check to clean up any spelling errors.

9. Make sure your flyer fits onto just one page. To do so, you may need to make your house graphic smaller and/or remove multiple blank lines if you have them. Use the View/Print Layout menu option to view how your flyer will look and also use Print Preview to get an aerial view of what it will look like when it’s printed.

10. Now place a border around the page. (Before performing this step, I suggest you save your flyer as you have it now.)

a. Use the Design/Page Borders option

b. Choose the “Style” of the border you’d like. Then click okay.

c. Use Print Preview to see what it will look like. If it’s okay, that’s great. You’re done! However sometimes, the bottom border may appear truncated. To fix this, return to the Page Layout/Page Borders option

d. Click the Options button and then in the “Measure from” drop-down list select “text”. Then you need to experiment with the “left”, “right”, “top”, “bottom” values until you get the look you want. My first attempt is usually 24pt for top and bottom and 31pt for right and left.

Your finished product should look like the one on the following page. Please save your flyer onto your personal storage device as House Flyer.docx and submit it via Canvas in the A4-House Flyer dropbox.

Task #2 – Working with Graphics

Objective: To work with Images in Word.

To begin:

1.  Download and save the WestSeattle Condo.jpg found linked to week 4 of our class website.

2.  Then get into Word and start a new document.

3.  Create the Condo Flyer shown on the next page.


1.  Use Insert/Shape/New Drawing Canvas to create a drawing canvas.

2.  Use Insert/Picture to insert the WestSeattle Condo picture.

3.  Use Insert/Shape to Insert the “Yellow Star”.

a.  After you insert it, right-click and select Format Shape to set the fill color, the line (i.e. border), etc.

4.  Use Insert/WordArt to insert the word “Sold” and the word “View!”. Click and drag the word “View!” into the star. Then rotate the word by clicking and turning the green arrow that appears above the word.

5.  Use Insert/Online Pictures and do a “bing image search” for “For Sale” to find and insert the “For Sale” sign.

a.  Move and resize it.

b.  To tone down the brightness, right-click on it and select Format Picture. Then in the right “Format Picture” panel click on Picture and then Picture Corrections. Use the sliders for Brightness and Contrast to set the values to -80% and -40% respectively to tone down the color.

6.  Save this document as Condo Flyer.docx and submit it via Canvas in the A4-Condo Flyer dropbox.

For this assignment
Submit via canvas:
1) House Flyer.docx in the A4-House Flyer dropbox.
2) Condo Flyer.docx in the A4-Condo Flyer dropbox.

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