NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Madison County Board of Education has declared certain real property in Section 17, Township 8 North, Range 1 West, Madison County, Mississippi, and containing approximately 16.28± acres, more or less, surplus property and has authorized the sale of same as provided in Miss. Code Ann. § 37-7-455.
The property to be sold is described as:
Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 9, Allen's Addition to the Town of Flora, a subdivision according to the map or plat thereof, on file and of record in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Madison County, at Canton, Mississippi as now recorded in Plat Book 8 at Page 21; and
A certain parcel of land being situated in the W1/2 of the NE1/4 of Section 17, Township 8 North, Range 1 West in the Town of Flora, Madison County, Mississippi, and being more particularly described as follows:
Commence at a set 1/2" iron pin on the East right-of-way line of Fourth Street marking the Northwest corner of Lot 7, Block 9, Allen's Addition to the Town of Flora, a subdivision according to the map or plat thereof, on file and of record in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Madison County at Canton, Mississippi, as now recorded in Plat Book 8 at Page 21; and run thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes 03 seconds West for a distance of 60.00 feet to a set 1/2" iron pin on the West right-of-way line of said Fourth Street marking the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel of land herein described; from said POINT OF BEGINNING, run thence South 00 degrees 18 minutes 34 seconds East along said West right-of-way line of Fourth Street for a distance of 714.60 feet to an existing 1/2" iron pin; leaving said West right-of-way line of Fourth Street, run thence North 89 degrees 16 minutes 50 seconds West for a distance of 159.73 feet to an existing 1/2" iron pin; run thence South 00 degrees 43 minutes 38 seconds West for a distance of 160.18 feet to an existing 1/2" iron pin; run thence North 89 degrees 45 minutes 58 seconds West for a distance of 588.05 feet to an existing 1/2" iron pin; run thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 11 seconds West for a distance of 870.15 feet to an existing 1/2" iron pin; run thence North 89 degrees 59 minutes 03 seconds East for a distance of 751.33 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 14.44 acres, more or less. The above described property being the same property as described in the deed recorded in Deed Book 69 at Page 282 on file and of record in the aforesaid Chancery Clerk's office.
An undivided one-half (1/2) non-participating royalty interest in all oil, gas and minerals in, on or under said land which shall be reserved to the Madison County School District.
Terms of sale will be for cash based upon the highest and best bid and the successful bidder must close on the Realty within fifteen (15) days of acceptance of any bid by the Board. Bids must be submitted on official bid forms that may be obtained from the Office of the Superintendent of Education, Attention: Mr. Barry McKenzie, Director of Finance, 476 Highland Colony Parkway, Ridgeland, MS 39157, telephone 601-879-3061. Bids that are not submitted on the official bid form may be rejected for non-compliance with the bid specifications. Bids will be received in the Office of the Superintendent of Education until 2:00 o’clock p.m. on January 29, 2016. Bids must be accompanied by bid security earnest money in the form of a certified check drawn on a Mississippi bank.
If the real property is not sold pursuant to this advertisement, the Board of Education reserves the right to sell said property by auction for a consideration of not less than the highest sealed bid previously received as provided in Miss. Code Ann. § 37-7-455.
The Madison County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
PUBLISHED BY ORDER of the Madison County Board of Education, this the 12th day of January, 2016.
By: s/s Sam Kelly, President
s/s Philip Huskey, Secretary
January 14, 21 and 28, 2016