/ Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Underground Storage Tank Section
502 East 9th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319-0034
Voltage and Amperage Rectifier Readings
(for impressed current systems)
Month/Year Cathodic Protection System Installed: / /
UST Facility
Name: / Registration No:
Address: / LUST No:
City: / ZIP: / Phone:






Initial Rectifier Settings
Rectifier Adjustment
Rectifier Adjustment

Report any change in voltage or amperage immediately to your supervisor and corrosion protection expert. Any change could indicate a problem with the cathodic protection system. All repairs or adjustments must be made by a corrosion expert as soon as possible.

Every 60 Day Meter Readings (monthly recommended)

Date / Amperes / Voltage / Name

07/2012 cmz DNR Form 542-0156