MarlboroCountySchool District

Authorization to Take Personnel Action

(Execute authorizations and attach to Transmittal)

___ 1.) Hire from internal pool displaced/RIF employees effective ___/____/_____.

___ 2.)Advertise and hire from internal /external sources effective ___/____/____.

___ 3.) Fill vacancy effective ____/____/______.

___ 4.) Fill new position effective ____/____/____.

___ 5.) Transfer location from ______to ______.

___ 6.) Transfer funding sources from ______to ______.

___ 7.) Contract or Position change ______.

___ 8.) Non-renew contract / letter of intent for FY 2017-2018.

____ 9.) Terminate effective ____/_____/______.

____ 10.) Accept resignation / retirement.

Incumbent’s Name ______Date Vacated ____/____/____

Incumbent’s Replacement’s Name ______

Funding Source ____ % Account ______-______-______- ______- __ __

Funding Source ____ % Account ______-______-______- ______- __ __

Funding Source ____ % Account ______-______-______- ______- __ __

Funding/Position Qualifications


Fund Custodian ______/___/____

Programmatic Compliance Monitor ______/___/____

Incumbent’s Location Manager ______/___/____

Replacement’s Location Manager ______/___/____

Director of Human Resources ______/___/____

Chief Financial Officer ______/___/____

Superintendent ______/___/____

MarlboroCountySchool District

Procedures for Authorization to Take Personnel Action

1. The form for the request to take personnel action should be initiated by the Fund Custodian/Principal/Director/Superintendent.

2. The initiator of the request should complete the entire request and check the appropriate actions except for items number 1 and 2 which will be completed by the Director for Human Resources.

3. The account funding will be confirmed by the Fund Custodian and Chief Financial Officer.

4. The Programmatic Compliance Monitor will provide details on the qualification of the funding source and the position. For example, a School has a Title 1 plan that provides a position for class size reduction for an Elementary English Language ArtsTeacher. The Programmatic Compliance Monitor will qualify the filling of the position (Elementary Certified ELA) and confirm the strategy (Class size reduction) and that the strategy will work at that location.

5. The Incumbent Location Manager and the Replacement Location Manager will indicate their approval if a transfer if applicable.

6. The Director of Human Resources will indicate the method requested to hire for position if applicable.

7. The Superintendent will if approved authorize the actions as requested and return form to Human Resources. Human Resources upon approval will advertise theposition; provide a listing of all applicants and copies of applications to requestor along with interview sheets and recommendation forms.

8. The interview summary form along with the recommendation form will be returned expeditiously by the requester to Human Resources after interviews are complete.