North Saskatchewan River Basin Council (NSRBC)

Agenda - Board Meeting

May 29, 2012

Conference Call

7:00 PM

1.  Call to Order

Beginning at 7:00 PM Katherine attempted to connect everyone into the Skype Conference. The meeting was called to order at 7:15PM.

2.  Introductions

Present: Karen Pedersen, John Kindrachuk, Linda Clavelle, Katherine Finn, Heidi Hougham, Harold Daniels, Vinessa Currie Foster, Lisa Quessy, Paul Rybka, Michael McAllister

Regrets: Ron Crush, Dave Gabruch, Darcy Lightle

Absent: Sarah Kemp de Gereda, Sheila Moench,

3.  Additions to Agenda

Katherine asked for additions to the agenda.

·  Approve Agenda

Lisa moved the agenda as circulated, seconded by Harold, carried.

4.  Minutes of Last Meeting

·  Adopt minutes

Linda Clavelle moved the minutes be adopted, seconded by Lisa, carried.

5.  Business Arising from Minutes

·  Approve benefits for employees

The committee directed we access the SAW benefits plan. John explained the plan - An insurance plan that NSRBC only pays if the employee needs it – we set the level of insurance. Eg. If we set the amount at $1,000 – any claim costs us 10% i.e. $100. The employee can use the amount for what they want and if they don’t use it then it won’t cost us anything. This plan is registered under the Canada Revenue Agency and is a deduction for us and is not considered income for the employee – taxable benefit to the employee. Linda Clavelle would like to understand more about the policy. John will provide a brochure to Katherine to be scanned and presented to Board Members.

·  Approve job description as presented

The document prepared by Katherine was sent out to the Board prior to the meeting. Heidi had made comments re availability for first line of communications when working second part-time job. Heidi suggested that Heidi and Katherine work out roles according to geography. John wondered whether communications coordinator should be hired first. Karen wondered if the communications coordinator would do fundraising and grant proposals or would Katherine have that role. Katherine sees herself as being involved and working with the Communications Coordinator in that role. Karen asked about time by each staff for the budget. The time allocations would be: Katherine 60%, Heidi 40% and the communications coordinator 25%. John $15,000 for one year – for 6 months $7,500. Approval of job description moved by Vinessa, seconded Michael, carried.

·  Approve communications position for 6 months

John declared a conflict of interest. Tabled until approval of the budget.

·  Approve to reformat website.

Tabled until after the budget.

6.  Treasurer's Report

·  Approve budget as presented

Karen walked us through the budget. Information is missing for EDF, FN and Shell Canada Grants. Katherine to provide budgets to Karen – may be based on our budgets to the funding agencies. Katherine to apportion what is left for the FN funding. Benefits only includes $1,000 the Board to decide on what to do with AEGP technicians. Administration income for each project - Karen to figure out how to do the accounting for administration with the help of the auditor. Other amounts may be over or under budgeted. Budget can be approved as presented, but John questions whether it can be changed. A working document, Linda suggested core budget approved, but project budget to be worked on. We could do an amending motion to the budget at a later date as required. Karen moved the budget as presented, seconded by Linda, carried.

·  Approve expenses paid

Payments to be approved dated May 29, 2012 - Worksheet 1 - Annette and Kendal April wages and mileage, hotel for SAW conference, WAQWATR poster contest, Paul’s expenses for SAW conference, Heidi’s salary and mileage, receiver general, SAW conference expenses Heidi.

·  Approve expenses to be paid

Worksheet 2 – Accounts Payable. Battle River Board has approved the payments for per diems for Board members, which was not included in their budget proposal to funders – NSRBC is administering the budget. Until the funders approve the expense, the money won’t go out. Katherine suggests it is good practice to hang onto the money until funder approves. We should also approve because we may not be reimbursed for the expense. Process for the AEGPs – Went in the Q4 Final Report. Final payment for the AEGP. John NSR-AEGP final payment has been received. Battle River has not been received. Battle River under the impression they had to spend their money. Katherine, other AEGPs have paid honorariums. Heidi good practice to notify the funder if we are varying from their original budget. Karen suggests talking to Kendall about how she approached it. Karen has received an email about May hours from Kendall. Karen suggests contacting Kendall by email. In the meantime, we should not approve the payment. Motion to approve Sask Tel Mobility, and WCB as well as payments made Lisa moved, seconded Vinessa, carried.

7.  Correspondence

Heidi to contact RM of PA to issue a new cheque as current membership is made out to NSRBC and Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve.

8.  Delegations


9.  Old Business

·  Approve membership schedule

Katherine presented South Sask membership fee. Addressing larger communities where fees may be too high. Similar to Assiniboine watershed. Carrot River has also modeled after this. A good example to NSRBC. Ron Crush City of NB $1000-$2,500. Staring with $1,000 would be a good place to start. Heidi received questions about the population number from RMs. There was some confusion over which number to use. Heidi wondered about logistics to deal with RMs that have paid more than $750. Katherine suggests sending out a supplemental schedule explaining that we have reviewed our membership structure. Linda What do they get for $500? Katherine – priority on projects. Benefits to the entire watershed. AEGPs could not limit projects based on watershed membership. John, Redberry Lake currently charges $500 or $1000 per RM for membership. Board Direction to model our fee structure on the South Saskatchewan - over 1500 Unity, Shellbrook. John, Should we use another population number? Linda, starting low will build up membership. Less than 500, $100; more than 500 and less than 1500 $250 greater than 1500 $500 RMS and FN $1000. The more members we have the greater our claim to greater funding from other granting agencies. Harold Daniels $500 for FN. Linda moves fee schedule as amended, seconded by Harold Daniels, carried. Vinessa would like to go to her RMs with the new fee schedule. Katherine expects a June date. Harold would like an invoice on letterhead to present. Linda suggests a form on letterhead.

·  Approve workplan as presented

Katherine presented workplan as reviewed and invited comments. This document was submitted to SWA and Jennifer has presented further comments. Board to approve as presented understanding that SWA has comments. Karen Pedersen moves, seconded by Vinessa, carried.

·  Strategic planning committee

Tabled to Fall.

·  Communications Position and Website – John left the call. Vice Chair is not present. Katherine will Chair in John’s absence. Linda moves we go in camera, seconded Karen, carried. Motion to move out of in camera Linda, seconded by Karen, carried. Lisa moves we contract with Redberry to hire Commucations Person for six months as discussed in the budget, Seconded Michael, carried. Karen moved we remain with MR Website, Seconded Lisa, carried. Katherine reconnected John to the call.

10.  New Business

10. Reports

·  Katherine - General Manager Report

Katherine presented an oral overview. EDF fund reports submitted. Work Plan submitted to SWA, comments received, edits made and document has been resubmitted. Have contacted the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation and Darcy Lightle to discuss partnering on a couple of fish habitat restoration projects near the PA area. Progress on that is developing. Made plans for updating website. Have been planning tactics on membership drive and deliverables to our membership.

John Kindrachuk – SAW Report

SAW Executive Conference call – program delivery with SWA and DUCs forage program. Contract through AEGPs per acre payment from SWA. Saskatchewan Highways – transportation hub is affecting wetlands. Looking for wetland restoration remediation projects around the province. Doesn’t need to be around Regina where the transportation hub is. Funding up to 25 acres of wetland restoration. Potential money for the watersheds. Linda, Letter came to the BOD of SAW. Next Board meeting is in July. Linda, areas around PA – Vinessa – Nature Sask. Meeting. Nature Conservancy – Maymont – June 16th Event.

Grain farmers drainage group – stewardship association. Advertising for their cause.

Heidi suggested that if the government does not step in with a third alternative or more positive approach to this issue, for example, compensation for wetlands or environmental goods and services – then the tone will be set for an adversarial relationship with the drainage groups and the watershed groups.

SAW Membership Fee – We have been invoiced, but due to cash flow has not been paid. The Board has approved. We are waiting on our core funds for this fiscal. Karen, we are using AEGP funds for payroll. Karen, we have been holding off wanting to meet payroll. Katherine, wait for core funding to pay SAW membership. Once work plan is approved, core funding will be advanced.

·  Annette – NSR- AEGP Report

Heidi: Newsletter and two events in June, one related to invasive species.

·  Kendall - Battle River AEGP Report

Karen: Interviews for technicians on Monday, not yet hired.

·  Approve reports as presented

Karen moved, seconded Harold, carried.

11.  Additions

Harold. Uof S workshop on source water protection. Harold will contact FNs in our watershed to promote membership with FNs. Participants are other FNs, not currently open to the public. Water Quality 101 CD received by Harold. Flooding is an issue for wells. Date is the 12th of June or Wednesday June 13th. Harold will be attending and will report back at the next meeting.

12.  Next Meeting Date

Financial statements to be circulated by Friday, June 22 and next meeting date to approve Tuesday June 26 @7PM.

13. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned, motion by Michael. 9:45 PM

Feed back on Skype – Michael, few bugs, Vinessa – good. Karen only caught half of what Katherine said. John is clear. Headset with mouthpiece may be better than the microphone on the computer. John recommends using a head set.