Table: Evaluation of Pesticides Disrupting the endocrine and Reproductive system

(as far as licensed in Germany; see explanations at end of table)

Pesticides / Group / Market volume (t/a) / WHO-Cl./ Cancerog. / Physico-chem.
log P log BCF / Probability
of exposition / Direct effects:
SH, SR / Indirect effects:
Thyroid / Indirect effects: GtH, Gon / Sperm
quality / Repro-ductive Toxicity
Abamectin / A / low / ? / 9.9x103 / n.D. / +
Amitraz / A
Amidin / low / III / 5.5 / n.D. / + / + / +
Amitrole* / H
Triazole / > 100
(IVA«92) / - / -0.85 / n.D. / - / + / + / +
Benomyl / F
Benzimidazole / low / -/Cq (EPA) / 23.4 / 2.46 / ? / + / + / +
Bromoxynil / H
Hydroxy-benzonitril / > 100 (IVA«95) / II / 2.8 / 2.11 / + / +
Carbendazim / F
Benzimidazole / < 100 (IVA«95) / - / 1.6 / n.D. / + / + / +
Carbofuran / I
Carbamate / 32 (H, 8) / Ib / 1.42 / 2.07 / ? / + / + / + / +
Chlorfenvinphos / I
OP / low / Ia / 2.99 / 2.67 / ? / +
Chlorpyriphos / I
OP / low / II / 4.7 / 2.88 / ? / + / +
Triadimenole / F
Conazole / > 100
> 100
> 100
> 200
> 100 / -
III / n.D.
3.65 / n.D.
n.D. / ?
+ / + / +
2,4-D / H
Phenoxyacetic acid / > 200 (IVA«95) / II/2B (IARC, EPA) / 2.81 / 1.85 / + / + / +
Pesticides / Group / Market volume (t/a) / WHO-Cl./ Cancerog. / Physico-chem. parameters
log P log BCF / Probability
of exposition / Direct
effects: SH, SR / Indirect effects:
Thy / Indirect effects: GtH, Gon / Sperm
quality / Repro-ductive toxicity
(Oxydemeton-S-methyl) / I
OP / low
> 50 (IVA«95) / Ib / -1.52 / n.D. / + / + / +
Dichlorvos / I
OP / < 100 (OSPAR) / Ib/
2B (IARC), Cq (EPA) / 1.9 / 1.9 / ? / + / +
Dimethoate / I
OP / > 50 (IVA«95) / II / 1.9 / 1.6 / ? / + / + / +
Diuron / H
Urea derivative / low / ? / n.D. / n.D.
Fentinacetate / F
Organotin / 95
(H, 14) / II / 3.4 / n.D. / ? / + / +
Fluazifop-butyl / H
Phenoxyalkanic acid / low / - / 4.5 / n.D. / ? / +
Gluphosinate / H
OP / low / III / n.D. / n.D. / +
Glyphosate / H
Aminophosphoric acid / > 1000 (IVA«95) / - / n.D. / -0.5 / +
Ioxynil / H
Hydroxy-benzonitrile / low / ? / 0.9 / 0.48 / +
Copperoxychlor / F
Copper compounds / low / ? / n.D. / n.D. / + / +
Coppersulphate / F
Copper compounds / low / ? / n.D. / 4.48 / + / +
Lindane / I
Halogenated hydrocarbons / < 100 (OSPAR) / II/2b (d-B) (IARC)
B2/c (EPA) / 4.0 / 5.0 / + / + / + / +
Pesticides / Group / Market volume (t/a) / WHO-Cl./ Cancerog. / Physico-chem. parameters
log P log BCF / Probability
of exposition / Direct
effects: SH, SR / Indirect effects:
Thyroid / Indirect effects: GtH, Gon / Sperm quality / Repro-ductive
Linuron / H
Urea derivative / low / -/
C (EPA) / 3.0 / 2.2 / + / +
Mancozeb / F
Dithiocarbamate / > 1000
(IVA«95) / -/
B2 (EPA) / n.D. / n.D. / - / + / +
Maneb / F
Dithiocarbamate / > 200 (IVA«95) / -/
B2 (EPA) / n.D. / 1 / - / +
Metam-Na / B
Dithiocarbamate / > 200
(IVA«93) / II / -2.04 / -0.5 / - / +
Metiram / F
Dithiocarbamate / < 500 (IVA«95) / - / n.D. / n.D. / ? / +
Methylbromid / B
Halogenated hydrocarbons / low / ? / 1.19 / 0.67 / +
Metribuzin / H
Triazinon / low / - / 1.6 / 1 / +
Paraquat / H
Bipyridinium / low / n.D. / 0.08 / +
Parathion / I
OP / > 50 (IVA«95) / Ia/
C (EPA) / 3.8 / 2.9 / ? / + / +
Parathion-methyl / I
OP / low / Ia / 1.9 / 1.65 / + / + / + / +
Phosphamidon / H
OP / low / ? / 0.8 / 0.04 / + / +
Procymidon / F
Dichloranilid / low / - / 2.98 / n.D. / + / +
Pesticides / Group / Market volume (t/a) / WHO-Cl./ Cancerog. / Physico-chem. parameters
log P log BCF / Probability of
exposition / Direct
effects: SH, SR / Indirect effects:
Thyroid / Indirect effects: GtH, Gon / Sperm
quality / Repro-ductive
Pyrethrins / I
Pyrethroids / low
2 (H, 19)
6 (H, 17)
low / II
Cq (EPA) / n.D. / n.D.
3.3 / +
+ / + / +
+ / +
Quizalofop-ethyl / H
Phenoxyalkanic acid / low / III / 3.72 / n.D. / +
Thiram / F
Dithiocarbamate / 335
(H, 17) / III / 3.4 / 3 / + / + / +
Simazine / H
s-Triazine / ? / ? / 3.1
3 / 3.4
3.2 / ?
? / +
+ / +
Trifluralin / H
Toluidin / > 100 (IVA«95) / -/
Cq (EPA) / 5.07 / 3.7 / + / +
Vinclozolin / F / low / - / 3.03 / n.D. / + / +
Zineb / F
Dithiocarbamate / low / -/
(IARC) / ? / 2.2 / + / +
Carbaryl* / I / - / ? / 2.36 / 1.9 / + / + / +
DDT* / I / - / ? / 6.1 / 6.1 / + / + / +
Endosulfan* / I / - / ? / 4.65 / 4.1 / + / + / +

*Pesticides not licensed in Germany



H: herbicide I: insekticide F: fungicide A: acaricide B: compound for soil fumigation OP: organophosphate compound

Market volume (tons per year)

IVA«92 - IVA«95: important pesticides in Germany according to market volume, IVA (Industrieverband Agrar), 1993-1996, Frankfurt a. Main.

H: results of the "Hille-Erhebung" (1988), calculated for Germany (1 = most important pesticide). These values are only given, if no new data were available.

Low: market volume not known, but relatively low (because no IVA-Data).


Ia: extremely hazardous

Ib: highly hazardous

II: moderately hazardous

III: slightly hazardous

-: unlikely to present acute hazard

?: no data available

References: WHO (1997) The WHO recommended classification of pesticides by hazard and guidelines to classification 1996-1997, ICPS, WHO/PCS/96.3.

Plygers, E., Sadowska, A. (1994) Pesticides et Cancer Humain, Revue, AVES Societe d«Etudes Ornithologiques.


IARC 2a: probable human carcinogen

2b: possible human carcinogen

3: not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity

4: probably not carcinogenous for humans

EPA A: human carcinogen: sufficient evidence of cancer causality from human epidemiologic studies

B1: probable human carcinogen: limited evidence of carcogenicity from human epidemiologic studies

B2: probable human carcinogen: sufficient evidence of carcogenicity from animal studies

C: possible human carcinogen: limited evidence of carcogenicity from animal studies

Cq: a risk evaluation can be performed by extrapolation from animal experiments according to the "low dose" model

D: not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity

E: evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans

Physico-chemical parameters

log P: octanol-water-partition coeffizient

log BCF: bio concentration factor

n.D.: no data available

References: IVA (Industrieverband Agrar), Karlstra§e 21, Frankfurt a. Main.

Koch, R. (1989) Umweltchemikalien. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim.

Probability of exposition

Estimation due to market volumes and log P, log BCF

-: no exposition probable

?: possible exposition due to high market volumes

+: probable exposition due to high market volumes and middle to great log P and log BCF

No symbol: estimation not possible


Direct effects: SH, SR: oestrogenic, anti-androgenic effects and direct effects on steroid hormones, receptors

Indirect effects: thyroid: indirect effects by interference with thyroid hormones, metabolism

Indirect effects: GtH, Gon: indirect effects by disturbance of hypothalamus and pituitary and gonadotrophic hormones, effects on gonads

Sperm quality: effects on spermatogenesis and sperm quality (number, morphology, motility)

Reproductive toxicity: effects on fertilization, implantation, embryo, offspring