Miss Gabby’s Class


Classroom phone number: (858) 755-1060 x 3851

Classroom Website: http://www.dmusd.org/domain/834

Theme of the week:
Halloween (monsters)
Letter of the week:
Review letters A-G
Shape of the week:
Review triangle, circle and square / Books of the week:
• Go Away Big Green Monster- Ed Emberley
• If You’re a Monster and you know it – Rebecca Emberley & Ed Emberley
• Spider on the Floor – True Kelley
• Mouse’s First Halloween – Lauren Thompson
Music of the week:
Song(s) of the week (Finger plays):
·  Wee Sing for Halloween CD
Dancing Song(s) (movement):
·  Wee Sing for Halloween CD
Tuned into Learning (music therapy):
·  Body Parts
·  clean machine / Wish list (supplies for the classroom):
Please log on to Amazon.com and search for “Miss Gabby Preschool” wish list by entering . This will have a list of all the toys and supplies that we would like for our classroom.
Speech Corner
Theme: Bats and Cats
Song/Fingerplay: Looking For Dracula (Charlotte Diamond CD - #5)
Music Therapy: What Questions (Tuned Into Learning - Volume 4 - #2)
Book: White Ghost, White Ghost, What Do You See? by Marilyn Hehrbass
Green Room: “sp” at the beginning of words
Red Table: verb “are” - The nouns + “are” + adjective (pictures + sentence strip/flannel board)
Yellow Table: answering factual yes/no questions
Blue Table: generalization of verb “are” - The nouns + “are” + adjective during play / What we are Learning
About this Week:
This week we will talk about Halloween. We will focus on the book “Go away big Green Monster”. This book works on describing body parts and building a monster one piece at a time. In the classroom we will also be making a monster with two big eyes, long green nose, sharp white teeth, two squiggly ears, purple hair and big scary green face. This is a great sequencing activity and also works on colors and body parts.

Miss Gabby’s Class

Parent Handout:

Letter of the week

Each week we will focus on one letter in the alphabet. We will be looking at the letter and passing around objects that start with the letter. We will also practice tracing the letter of the week and do several activities related to the letter and the letter sound. For example for the letter “A”, we will look at and pass around an acorn, alligator, anchor, ant, apple, apron. We will look for the letter A in the alphabet and practice making the letter “A” sound. We also sing the alphabet song daily to work on saying all the letters and even identifying them on the board.