Planets, objects in space and tools for astronomy Pretest

A. Matching- Match the word with its correct definition or description

____1. Asteroid a. A ball of ice and dust whose orbit is a long, narrow ellipse.

____2. Galaxy b. A device built to study distant objects by making them appear closer.

____3. Revolution c. Any object that revolves around another object in space.

____4. Greenhouse effect d. The spinning motion of a planet on its axis.

____5. Satellite e. “backwards” spinning of a planet, east to west.

____6. Observatory f. Objects revolving around the sun that are too small to be planets.

____7. Rotation g. The movement of an object around another object.

____8. Telescope h. The trapping of heat by a planet’s atmosphere.

____9. Retrograde rotation i. A building that contains one or more telescopes.

____10.Comet j. A giant structure that contains hundreds of billions of stars

B. Multiple Choice- Choose the letter that best answers the question or statement

11. What is the name of our galaxy?

a. Andromeda b. Canis Major c. Milky Way d. Jupiter

12. Which planet is called a terrestrial planet? a. Neptune b. Mars c. Saturn d. Uranus

13. Which planet has retrograde rotation? a. Earth b. Mars c. Mercury d. Venus

14. These are chunks of rocks or dust that fall from space and hit the surface of the earth?

a. meteorites b. meteors c. comets d. asteroids

15. Which is a device used to detect radio waves from objects in space?

a. reflecting telescope b. radio telescope c. refracting telescope d. spectroscope

16. Which is a device that uses a convex lens to gather a large amount of light and focus it onto a small area?

a. spectroscope b. reflecting telescope c. refracting telescope d. radio telescope

17. Which is a device that uses a mirror instead of objective lens?

a. radio telescope b. refracting telescope c. spectroscope d. reflecting telescope

C. Fill in the blank

Name the planets in order from the sun:


List the three different types of galaxies:

25. ______

