2016 LWS RULES (Cheat Sheet)
Mercy Rule:
- 15 Run Mercy Rule after 5 complete innings. (4½ innings if the home team is ahead) or6 complete innings (5½ innings if the home team is ahead).
- 6 Run Mercy Rule for all innings, except the last inning.
Infield Fly Rule:
- An Infield Fly is a fair fly ball (not a line drive) that, in the judgment of the umpire, can be caught by an infielder, pitcher, or catcher with ordinary effort and when there are runners on first and second or first, second, and third and less than two outs.Umpire will call “INFIELD FLY” DURING PLAY.
Home Run Rule:
- Each team is limited to 3 home runs per game. Each additional home run will be scored as a double.
- After the 3 run limit is reached, on any subsequent home runs, all runners on base can advance a maximum of 2 bases.
- The home run rule applies to the High School field only.
- Only home runs hit over the fence will be subject to this rule. Any “in the park” home runs will not count towards the 3 home run limit.
Player Arrival:
- If the player arrives prior to the 1st pitch of the 4th inning, the player can be added to the end of the batting order and they can play.
Designated Runner:
If a batter is injured and reaches a base, she can have a Designated Runner. The runner will be the player who made the last out in the current inning. If there are no outs in the current inning, it will be the player who made the last out in the previous inning. If it’s the first inning and there are no outs, it will be the last batter in the line-up.
- Once a batter takes a designated runner, she is obligated to take a runner for the duration of the game, and cannot proceed past 2nd base on subsequent hits.Exception: If the batter hits a home run over the fence at the High School, they are entitled to proceed to home plate.
Pitching Arc:
This is a slow pitch league.
- The pitched ball must arc at least 3 feet after leaving the pitcher’s hand and before it passes any part of home plate.
- The pitched ball shall not rise higher than 10 feet above the ground.
- The ball must be pitched underhanded at slow speed.
Only Official USSSA Softball Bats are allowed. Baseball bats are not allowed.
Bats must have a valid USSSA sticker
Bats must not be on the USSSA banned bat list
If 911 needs to be called at LHS, please be sure to inform the dispatcher that the ambulance needs to enter through the Londonderry Middle School Entrance to gain quick access to the field.
Last& Most Important Rule: