Coaches & Athletic Director Checklist
Send at least (2) documents: (1) cover letter and (2) health statement/parent consent to parents/guardians. Here is the list of documents. These are available in both Word.doc and PDF formats on the BACSAC web site at
(1)Choose “Cover Letter” to select the form named: “Cover Letter” doc or pdf
(2)Choose “Medical Form” to select the form named: “Medical Form” doc or pdf
No student athlete should be permitted to practice and/or play until the player’s medical form has been completed with a physician’s signature and a copy faxed to the Commissioner’s Office before the season commences. These forms should be filed, maintained and be readily accessible by the athletic director. Please assemble a binder of the completed “Health/Insurance/Parent Consent” forms for all players on the roster for the coach. This binder serves as the emergency contact book. This book should be with the coach and team at all practices and games.
Please submit to the BACSAC Commissioner’s Office the following completed form for each student who has transferred from a different school and will be participating in a sport.
“Transfer Eligibility Application”. Choose either Form 206 or 207 based on the following:
- Form 206 doc or pdf - Use this form for any student transferring via a valid change of residence.
- Form 207 doc or pdf - Use this form for any student who is transferring based on:
1)No sports participation for the last 12 months, or
2)Return to previous school
3)Limited Eligibility (Sub Varsity Only)
4)Sit Out Period of Ineligibility
5)Hardship Circumstances
- Form 510 doc or pdf – This form must accompany Form 206 and/or 207
This is a first time qualification that documents and tracks all student’s eligibility history and movements from school to school. The Commissioner’s Office examines each record and clear athletes who have transferred after having played for a different school during his or her 9th through 12th grade for inclusion and participation. This form is to be turned in for such students and also any late entry applicable athletes throughout the season.
Please submit to the Commissioner’s Office the following completed form representing your team(s).
(1)Choose “Eligibility List”.
This is the list of your eligibleplayers. This form needs to be updated and sent to Landry & Britton for any subsequent roster change throughout the season.
Official Team Roster
(1)Choose “Official Team Roster”.
Complete this entire form for all players. Disregard the “Player Code” box. Use the “Parent Code” box to check that parents/guardians have signed the medical consent form as well as all other applicable forms.
Coaches Certification Certificate – All BACSAC coaches must be certified through the NFHS.
(1)Choose “Coach Information Form”. Please fill this out for all coaches.
Fax All Completed Forms To: (888) 418-1702