Trustees Candidate brief September2015
Thankyouforyourinterestinthepositionof Trustee at ContactaFamily.
ContactaFamilyissuccessfulandfinanciallystablewithexcellentlinkstoparentsandfamilies,and otherkey stakeholders.Followingaperiodofchange, a new Senior Management structure andanexcitingandambitiousnew strategy,weaimtobuildonthispositiveworktomakeevenmoreofanimpactandreach greaternumbersof familiesthroughouttheUKwithourwiderangeofonline,telephoneand faceto face services,which provide vital information,supportand adviceforfamilies with disabled children.
We arelookingforatleasttwonew TrusteeswhowilljoinahighlymotivatedandeffectiveBoard committedtomaking Contact a Familyas successful asitcanbe.
A key requirementofthe roleisthetimecommitmenttosupporttheorganisationeffectively andweare seeking individualswhocan commit toattend Board andpotentiallysub-committeemeetings.
Ihopeyoufindall theinformationyouneedin thispack,butifyouwouldvalueaninformal,confidential discussion aboutthe role,pleasecontactLou Munden ().
Ifyou believe you have the skillsandqualities we’re seeking,weverymuch lookforward tohearing from you.
AboutContact a Family
We work tirelessly to support families with disabled children across the UK - whatever the condition, whenever they need us and wherever they are. Our goal is to ensure that families with disabled children get the right support for them and feel confident to deal with the challenges they face.
Together, we want to alleviate the financial disadvantage that families face, and are committed to ensuring they are understood, valued and included as equal participants in their communities, and in society.
We have a range of services and activities that help us achieve our goals:
We give families support
National helpline
Signposting to approved agencies
Online support
Medical information
Workshops and training
Face-to-face advice
We link families together
Local and national support groups
Parent carer forums
Local events
We enable families to give back
Fundraising opportunities
Awareness raising activities
Campaigning for change
Weworkwithfamilies, for families
Weare ambitious
Wechallenge disadvantage
Wetrustandare trusted
Our five-year strategy
We have recently launched a new strategy to help us make a real and sustainable difference for families in the future. You can read the full document here
Our five strategic aims are::
- Develop a sustainable business model to expand our service offer so that we can support more families to be confident, informed and able to access the support they need.
- Enable more families to receive and provide peer support to each other by increasing access to groups or networks
- Enable families to give back by developing a sense of commitment to, and a relationship with, Contact a Family.
- Secure changes in awareness, policy and service provision that support families with disabled children to be as stable, happy and secure as other families.
- All Contact a Family’s resources (people, policies, processes, systems and premises) are able to support the efficient delivery of the organisation’s strategy.
Mostofour money comes fromstatutorygrants,theBigLotteryFundorcharitabletrusts.Followingthe adoptionofanew fundraisingstrategy,wehavebegunactivelydevelopingsupporter giving,althoughthis workisatan earlystage.
Howbig are we?
We are a small to medium-sized charity.Ourannual turnover for2014/2015was £6.3million. Weemploy125 staff andhave anumberofcommitted volunteers.
Furtherinformation canbefoundat
Role Description
Accountable toChairofBoard of Trustees
Rolepurpose TheBoardofTrusteesareresponsiblefortheoverallgovernanceandstrategic directionofthecharityacross theUnited Kingdom,developingthe organisation’s aims,objectivesand goalsinaccordancewiththe governingdocument,legaland regulatoryguidelines.
Main Responsibilities oftherole
1. Toensure that thecharityand its representativesfunction within thelegaland regulatoryframework ofthe sectorandin linewith theorganisations’governingdocument, continuallystriving forbest practiceingovernance.
2. Touphold thefiduciaryduty investedin theposition,undertaking suchduties in a waythataddsto publicconfidence andtrustinthecharity.
3. Totakeappropriateprofessional advice in all matterswhere theremaybematerial risk tothecharity, orwhere theTrusteesmaybe in breachoftheir duties. Thiscourse ofaction will ensurethe obligationto exercisetheirdutyofcare.
4. Todeterminetheoverall direction anddevelopmentof the charitythroughgoodgovernance and clearstrategicplanning.
5. Toavoid anypersonal conflictofinterest.
Main Duties
6. Ensuring thecharitycomplies with legislative andregulatoryrequirements,and actswithin the confinesofitsgoverningdocument andinfurtherance toorganisational activities contained therein.
7. Acting in thebestinterestof the charity,beneficiariesandfuturebeneficiaries atalltimes.
8. Promoting and developing thecharity in orderforit togrowand maintainitsrelevance tosociety.
9. Maintainingsoundfinancial managementof the charity’s resources, ensuring expenditureisinline
withtheorganisations’ objects, and investmentactivities meet accepted standardsand policies.
10.Ensuring theeffective and efficientadministrationofthe charityand itsresources,striving forbest practiceingoodgovernance.
11.Acting as acounter-signatoryon charitychequesand anyapplicationsforfunds,ifappropriate.
12.Tomaintainabsoluteconfidentialityaboutall sensitive/confidential information received in the course
oftrustee’sresponsibilities tothecharity.
Itisessential thatinyourwritten applicationyougivespecificevidence,byway ofexamplesofpast personalexperience,ofeachoftheselectioncriteriainPart Oneofthepersonspecification. These responses willbedevelopedanddiscussed withthosecandidates invited forinterview,togetherwiththe other criteria listedinPartTwo.
Part One
Ideally,newtrusteeswillofferskillsandexperience in one or moreof thefollowingareas:
- as parentsor carersofdisabled children
- first-hand experience ofparent carer forums or networks
- fundraising, potentially as aprofessional fundraiser withsubstantialexperienceofthevoluntaryandcommunitysector
- financial qualification or significant experience of charity sector finance and risk
Successfulexperienceofoperatingwithinaboardinacharitable,publicsectororcommercial organisation
Demonstrable experience of building and sustaining relationships with key stakeholders and colleaguesto achieve organisational objectives.
A proven track record of sound judgementandeffective decision making.
A historyofimpartiality, fairnessandtheabilitytorespectconfidences.
Atrack recordofcommitment topromoting equalityand diversity.
Knowledge,skills andunderstanding:
Commitmenttothe organisation and awillingness todevotethe necessarytime andeffort
Preparednesstomake recommendationstotheboard, and awillingnessto speaktheir mind
Willingnesstobe available to staff foradvice andenquirieson anad hocbasis
Good, independentjudgement and strategicvision
An understanding and acceptance of thelegal duties, responsibilities and liabilities oftrusteeship
An abilityto workeffectivelyas amember ofateam
An understanding oftherespective rolesoftheChair, TrusteesandChiefExecutive
Terms and Conditions ofAppointment
A minimumof four Boardmeetingsandadditionalcommitteemeetingsas required.
An initial three yearterm.
Trusteemeetingsare held mainlyatourCity Road offices.
Howto Apply
Toapply for therole of Trustee,pleasesend the following to by post to Natasha Bragoli, Contact a Family, 209-211 City Road, London EC1V 1NG:
A comprehensive CV.
Asupportingstatement(maximum2sidesofA4)thatfullyaddressestheappointmentcriteria setoutinPart Oneof the personspecification.
Detailsoftwo refereeswhomwewould beable to contactatshortlist stage.
Pleasealso ensureyouhave completedandsubmittedthe accompanyingequal opportunitiesmonitoring form. Theinformationon the formwillbetreated asconfidential,andusedforstatisticalpurposesonly. Theform willnotbetreated as part ofyourapplication.
Theclosing dateforapplications isnoononMonday12thOctober2015.
Ifyouhaveanyqueriesaboutanyaspectoftheappointmentprocess,needadditionalinformationor wishtohaveaninformalandconfidentialdiscussion,Lou Munden () willbepleasedtohear from you.
An indicative recruitment timetableforcandidatesisprovided below.Oncefinal datesare confirmed, these will be made available to applicantsassoon aspossible.
ClosingdateNoon onMonday12thOctober 2015
Shortlist meeting
w/c 2ndNovember2015
Confirm appointments
w/c 9thNovember2015
New Trustees join BoardAGM 1st December2015