Minutes of the 2015 Annual General Meeting of the Devon and Cornwall Liberal Democrats, at the Gipsy Hill Hotel, Exeter Saturday, 14th November 2015

In attendance were: Chris Bones (Chair), Sheila Hobden (Chair of Candidates Committee),Gail Bones (Chair of Conference Committee), Dave Browne (Secretary), Mark Taylor (Acting Treasurer / Returning Officer),Paul Bennett (Exeter), Ray Auvray (Torridge & W. Devon),Sue Biles (Torbay), Charles Boney (S. E. Cornwall), Chris Bright (Torridge & W. Devon), Theo Brown (S. E. Cornwall), David Chalmers (N. Devon), Alison Clish-Green (West Devon Group),Jean Cope (Torbay), Alan Connett (Newton Abbot), Val Cox (N. Cornwall), Steven Daniell (St Austell & Newquay),Tom Deakin (St Austell & Newquay), Lauren Douglas (Torridge & W. Devon),John Earle (Exeter),David Ekinsmyth (Camborne, Redruth & Hayle),Graham Ford (Camborne, Redruth & Hayle),Jacquie Gammon (N. Cornwall), Christabel Godlewska (Central Devon), Helen Guy (City of Plymouth), Steven Guy (City of Plymouth),Ray Hancock (Camborne, Redruth & Hayle), Derek Hearl (Central Devon), Vera Howard (Tiverton & Honiton),Phil Hutty (S.E. Cornwall), Sue James (St Ives), Hugh Janes (City of Plymouth), Baroness Judith Jolly, John Kane (Torridge & W. Devon), Melissa Kane (Torridge & W. Devon), Stephen Kearney (Totnes & Brixham), Ann Keelan (W. Devon), Joanna Kenny (St Austell & Newquay), Adam Killeya (S. E. Cornwall), Ian Lamb (N. Cornwall), John Lamb (N. Cornwall), Iain MacDonald (Truro & Falmouth),Mike Matuszczyk (Exeter),Vanessa Newcombe (Exeter),Julia Olsen (Totnes & Brixham), Isobella Osborne (Central Devon), Adam Paynter (N. Cornwall), Linda Roberston (Exeter), David Rogers (Torridge & W. Devon), Rod Ruffle (Exeter),Derrick Spear (N. Devon), Liz Spear (N. Devon), Janet Tucker (Camborne, Redruth & Hayle),Nick Way (Central Devon), Mike Wilson (Truro),Martin Wrigley (Newton Abbot) and Richard Younger-Ross (Newton Abbot).

Apologies for absence were received from: Steve Darling, Tim Dumper, Steve Jolly, Richard Lawrie, Adrian Sanders, Jack Satterthwaite and John Watson.

1. Welcome

Chris Bones welcomed everybody to the meeting.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the 2014 AGM, which had previously been circulated, were approved as a correct record.

3. Chair’s Report

Chris Bones said it was his last AGM as Regional Chair, and he reflected on the year, saying we'd done a huge amount. In the first half of this year we focussed entirely in building support for our held and other key seats by a) Building regional capability were we distributed the campaign in a box to all non-starred seats in the Region. We set up conversations with local party executives in Devon about transferring resources and people to our held seats. In both these activities we owe Derek Hearl a great deal of thanks for his hard work.

b) Building regional capacity
We appointed a regional media co-ordinator for Devon & Cornwall, Simon Taylor, who was in post full time from the end of March and is already part-time from next week. He was based in Liskeard and worked closely with held and starred seats across the region as well as offered an advice service to PPCs in non-starred seats where required. This was a voluntary and unpaid position so we are very grateful for Simon’s willingness to support our campaigns down here.

He paid tribute to all our candidates and campaign staff and campaign teams who worked so hard. He also recognised the incredibly positive response post the election of local party leaderships and members who, in the face of the worst result in living memory for the Region, have rallied around and focused on getting back on the campaigning trail generating some excellent results and showing quickly that we are still a force to be reckoned with. He said we had a huge mountain to climb but was heartened by the reactions of the vast majority of members he had been in contact with and with the enthusiasm of the 769 new members we have attracted since our defeat. (c. 40% increase in our membership base in the region). He hoped more than anything that we learned the lessons at every level, including local parties and take the opportunity to make the significant changes in campaigning practice, engagement and empowerment of regional and local parties in leading campaigning, targeting and resource allocation as well as in the control and allocation of resources and the accountability of the central campaigning organisation.

He said it was his last AGM as Regional Chair and this report was his opportunity to pay tribute to the very hard working fellow Officers. He said running a business full time and taking responsibility for a Region in the run up to a General Election is a significant undertaking and one he could not have contemplated without the outstanding dedication and professionalism of my colleagues. He paid special tribute to Michael Parle who was forced to step down as Regional Treasurer through ill health earlier this year. Michael had been a terrific asset to the party and we all wish him a full recovery. He also praised Mike Matuszczyk for his three years of work. He said he had gained Executive approval for two appointments that will help build our capacity to fight back effectively: they were Regional Digital Officer - John Kane (TWD) offered to take on the role of webmaster for the Region but we need more than this if we are to drive our digital capability forward over the next 12-18 months. We agreed to co-opt him to be our regional digital officer with a brief to not just manage the website but take forward the great work done by the digital group and help us and local parties transform their digital impact.The second was the Regional Diversity Champion – the Party had asked that we appoint a Regional Diversity Champion to work with the Executive and local parties to build greater connection and engagement with minority groups. David Chalmers (N Devon) a leading LBGT+ campaigner has stepped forward and volunteered to take this on and we also co-opted him to this position. Chris asked the AGM to approve these co-options to continue for 2016, this was agreed by acclaim.

Chris said that at the Regional Executive post-election conference we agreed to establish formally two county-wide campaigning organisations: Campaigning for Devon and Campaigning for Cornwall. He said the Devon one was fully operational and just needs to recommend a Chair to be appointed by the Regional Executive. Derek Hurl is co-opted to the Executive (and this needs Exec Approval in January every year) as the ‘Liaison Officer’ for this committee and acts as Secretary and Organiser. The Cornwall organisation had made little progress and still needs to come to a conclusion about how they wanted to organise
Chris noted the May special Executive Meeting agreed to fight the PCC election seriously. Indeed we should have won had we not split our own vote last time around. Much has changed since then and whilst we still do not believe the post should exist it is the first regional test we have to show we are the real opposition to the Tories. A shortlisting committee was appointed and they have selected Vanessa Newcombe as their Chair. There is a huge challenge on funding this election and we need to set up a group of colleagues who are willing to work on this and come up with ways of raising funds from members and supporters across the Region.

4. Report from the Parliamentary Parties in Westminster

Baroness Judith Jollyspoke about the work of the House of Lords, and praised Chris Bones hard work in the General Election. She paid tribute to all our MPs who had lost their seats, especially Adrian Sanders, who she said had 'held all our feet to the fire' in reminding us of what it was about being a Liberal Democrat. She said the two Whip's offices were liaising together, and sharing resources in the parliamentary Whips team.

She spoke about the work of the Lord's and about upcoming legislation, especially about extending the franchise to 16 year olds. She noted they had given the Government plenty of defeats.

5. Presentation & Approval of Accounts

Mark Taylor had circulated these round the meeting. They were taken as read.

6. Treasurers Report andOutline Draft Budget For 2015

Mark Taylor had circulated these round the meeting and introduced them. He pointed out they included part of the S.W. Euro accounts. He said the good news on the financial front was the increase in members and resultant increase in income. Mark explained he had not done a budget, as this would have been presumptive as Acting Treasurer, instead he'd leave this to the new Treasurer and Chair.

7. The appointment of a person to produce an independent report on the accounts

Mark Taylor proposed that Heather Turner, from Western Counties, should continue as the independent person to report on the Accounts;and that the new Treasurer contact her to confirm she was willing to do this again. This was agreed by acclaim.

8. Motion A

“That the subscription income remitted to the Regional Party by the Party in England (as determined under Article 6 of the Articles of the Party in England) shall for 2016 be divided between the Regional Party and the Local Parties as to 100% to the Regional Party.” This was carried by acclaim

Sheila Hobden spoke about Exeter having all-up elections in 2016 and appealed for help.

9. Elections the year 2015

The Returning Officer, Mark Taylor, said that by the due date he had received valid nominations for the following posts:

a. Officers

For Chair he had received a nomination for Adam Killeya. He was declared elected.

For Vice-Chair he had received a nomination for Vanessa Newcombe: she was declared elected.

For Chair of the Regional Candidates Committee he had received a nomination for Sheila Hobden: she was declared elected.

For Chair of the Regional Conference Committee he had received a nomination for Gail Bones: she was declared elected.

For Secretary he had received a nomination for Dave Browne: he was declared elected.

For Treasurer he had received a late nomination for John Earle: he was declared elected nem con.

b. For the post of Honorary President he had received a nomination for Judith Jolly. She was declared elected.

c. For the 4 members of the Regional Candidates Committee he had received two valid nominations for Dave Browne and Keith Baldry: they were declared elected. He then took nominations from the floor of the meeting: the Region's Diversity Champion, David Chalmers, was nominated and assented, then declared elected. The 4th post was left to the Regional Executive to fill.

d. For the 5 members of the Regional Conference Committee he had one valid nomination for Dave Browne, who was declared elected. Mark then opened nominations to the floor of the meeting. Steven Daniell, Jack Satterthwaite, Vanessa Newcombe and Tom Deakin were nominated, assented and declared elected.

e. For the 8 representatives on the English Council, Mark said he had valid nominations for Dave Browne and Sheila Hobden: they were declared elected. He had late nominations fromJack Satterthwaite, Tom Deakin, Chris Bones and Gail Bones, whowere then declared appointed. This left two vacancies, which were opened to the floor of the meeting: John Earle and Vanessa Newcombe were proposed and assented and then declared appointed. It was noted that Martin Wrigley would be available as an alternative.

f. For the Training Coordinator there was no valid nomination and it was left for the Region‘s Executive to fill as felt appropriate.

In closing Chris Bones stressed the relevance of the Region in the current PCC and Euro elections cycle.[Meeting closed @ 18:00hrs]