June 15, 2017
6:00 pm
The meeting was open to the public and was advertised as such.
Board MembersPresent:
Clinton Painter, Chair, Comm., Juab County Scott Bartholomew, Comm., Sanpete Co.
Ralph Brown, Comm, Sevier County
Jim Withers, Comm., Millard Co
James Kallin, Millard County
LaNeeta Sudweeks, Sevier County
Kecia White, Juab County
Stanley Wood, Comm., Wayne County
Will Talbot, Comm.,Vice Chair, Piute County
Staff to the Board:
Nathan Selin, Interim Health Officer/ Environmental Health Dir.
Dixie Sorensen, Secretary
Susan Hilderbrand, Nursing Director
Russell Anderson, Management Service Dir.
Dr. Tyler Sorensen, Sanpete County
Cleve Christensen, Millard County
Curtis Ludvigson, Sanpete County
List of Public Attended:
See Attached.
At the beginning of the meeting, a quorum was not present, but Board Chairman Clinton Painter decided to proceed with the meeting and ratify motions once a quorum was present.
James Kallin made the motion to accept the minutes from the April 20, 2017 meeting. Jim Withers seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Health Officer Report:
Employee Recognition Resolution:
A draft Employee Recognition Award letter was distributed (see attached) as requested in the April 20 meeting. Each letter will be personalized to the employee and identifying what the award is for and the Board chairperson will sign the letter. Scott Bartholomew made the motion to approve the Resolution letter; Kecia White seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
UDOH Audit:The Utah Department of Health (UDOH) performed an intensive audit on the health department that takes two (2) weeks. This audit is done every few years. There were no findings on this audit.
The Sevier County annual audit is currently being done. A report will be given at a later date.
Department Goals:The department goals for Fiscal Year 2017 were mostly achieved; those that weren’t completed were carried over to Fiscal Year 2018. Goals for Fiscal Year 2018 has been discussed including those being carried over. Program coordinators helped in setting the goals. The one continuing goal is to educate all employees on all the department programs to improve services to the public.Because funding levels fluctuate on a yearly basis, some staff will be moved around to different programs, as needed, to provide service to the public.Several Environmental Health programs that the department is contractually obligated to do, hasn’t been done in the past and the goal is to start completing those programs. Attached is a list of those goals. Ralph Brown made the motion to approve the Fiscal Year 2018 Department Goals. Kecia White seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Updated Policies & Procedures Draft:
The updated Policies & Procedures Draft has been completed (see attached). These are the results of the work meeting held with Board members and reviewed by the County Attorney, Dale Eyre. Some of the changes include:
Section 8-Disciplinary Procedures: adding this section will allows for progressive disciplinary action with information for management to follow anytime there is a need for disciplinary action.
Section 13 Sexual Harassment: This policy was changed to Workplace Harassment. It is more uniform with other agencies and includes all harassment and discrimination of any form.
Section 14 Employee Grievance Policy: Although this was referenced several times in the previous Polices there wasn’t anything. This informs employees how to file a grievance and appeal process. It has been submitted to Dale Eyre but no response has been received at this time.
Several wording issues will also need to be fixed. These Policies & Procedures will be discussed at the next meeting.
More board members came into the meeting constituting a quorum and following a brief explanation of motions made, Jim Withers made a motion to ratify all previous motions, Stanley Wood seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Community Health Services Report:
Communicable Disease Report:The Communicable Disease Report was distributed. There was an increase in Chlamydia and Pertussis along with cases of Campylobacter, Strep Pneumonia, and Pertussis.
Environmental Health Report & Emergency Services Report:
Food Truck Statewide Rules:In the State, food trucks would have to pay for a business license locally and then pay a fee for an inspection in each local health department district they chose to travel to. Several owners of food trucks went to the State Legislature for help to establish a processes of being permitted to work in several different areas of the State without having to pay those fees in each area. The 2017 State Legislature approved a bill to standardize Food Truck permits throughout the State. A committee from the local health departments wrote a regulation for this. This required a compromise on the fees. Because each local health department sets their own fees, any change has to have approval from the Board of Health. The result of the regulation is that food Trucks would pay the regular fee for the county they are based in and a lower fee for each district they chose to travel too. There are two tiers for food trucks based on time and temperature control and ingredients used. The rate for a Tier 1 truck is $200.00 with Tier 2 being $350.00. Food Trucks would pay this fee to the Health Department that is their main base of operation. A secondary permit fee would be $100.00 each and would be payable to any other Health Department the Food Truck chooses to operate in. This would be an annual fee. Jim Withers made the motion to adopt the suggested Food Truck fees. Kecia White seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Food Establishment Fees:
The health department adopted the most recentFood and Drug Administration (FDA) food code by State rule it encourages the department to adopt risk levels as a way to evaluate food establishments (see attached). Risk levels would be assigned based on what their processes are, what food is being prepared and what the level of risk for food borne illness. These risk levels were established previously, but no change was made. This was because the costs needed to be determined. The program tends to run negatively annually. When that happens with any program, the additional funds are taken from the General Funds received from the State Health Department and then from local funds.Program costs projected for this year is approximately -$41,000.00. By assigning the risk level some places will be inspected once annually; the others will stay at 2 times annually. The Risk Level 4 are establishments that serve the more vulnerable population. This spreadsheet shows the costs of the program with suggest fees based on the risk level of the food establishment. Currently, costs are based on how many people can be seated at the establishment at either 0-50 people or over 50 people. The proposed fee changes are:
Tier 1: $150.00
Tier 2: $250.00
Tier 3: $285.00
Tier 4: $320.00
Scott Bartholomew made a motion to accept the proposed increase in fees; Stanley Wood seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
It was suggested that the current fee schedule be reviewed at the next meeting.
Management Services Report:
Financial Report:
This report is through May 31, 2017 with 41.67% of the year over. All contracts are averaging at about 41.55% which is just lower than the amount of year that is over.
For Revenues: Self-Generating funds are at 40.07%; with Immunizations being at about 24.27%. Most of the revenue from immunizations is realized in the last quarter of the year. Revenues before WIC funds are added is at 38.43%; after WIC funds are added 39.23%.
For Expenditures, Travel Costs are at 46.21% which is high, but not concerning. Advertising Expenses is at 120.78% and Operating Expenses are at 60.74% which are also high, but will need to be adjusted later in the year. Expenditure are at 38.49% before WIC funds are added and 39.49 after they are added. Total expenditures 39.68%.
Will Talbot made the motion to accept the Financial Report; Scott Bartholomew seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
2017 Budget Amendment Public Hearing:
An adjustment in the fund balance was needed because of an expense that wasn’t anticipated. There was no public comment in the public hearing. Kecia White made the motion to approve the adjustment, LaNeeta Sudweeks seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Board Member Kecia White from Juab County is the new member of the steering committee for the Utah Association of Local Board of Health (UALBH). Information for the Annual Symposium will be sent to members as soon as possible; registration is due July 31, 2017.
Executive Session: This wasn’t needed.
The Health Officer position was opened for applicationsJune 12 to July 12, 2017. Nathan Selin will need to contact the members select for the interview committee to establish dates.
Interviews for the Piute County Nursing position has been done. An offer should be out soon.
Applications for a Register Nurse for Preparedness programs are being taken. The position is in the Sevier County office.
The next meeting of the Central Utah Board of Health will be August 17, 2017 in the Sevier County office.
Ralph Brown made the motion to adjourn. James Kallin seconded and the meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Clinton Painter, ChairpersonDate