Fundations – H brothers – Project Read

Materials Needed:

·  You will need the “h” brother sound cards from your kit. If using magnets on the back they will need to be added.

·  Chart of Ping Pong story to use for shared reading

·  Pictures of the “h” brothers that I will copy for you.

·  Extra page for fast groups – I will make a few copies for each class.

·  The “h” brother letter magnets for student boards should be added

·  x letter card and qu letter card


Day 1 –

·  quick handwriting: p, q, r

·  recite short vowel sounds (using sound cards); review “x” (says “cks” like when you open a can of soda), “qu” – always go together, say “qu” (have students recite them)

·  Introduce the H brothers, what do they have in common? Tell the story of the “ch” brother who loves choo-choo trains and is always running around the house saying, “ch, ch, ch, ch,” like train.

·  Skywrite the ch brother

·  Use the ch brother in a word – chin, tap that word out, “ch” being one sound.

·  Build more “ch” words together, use each one is a sentence, tap each one (practice short vowels for this part), then students make them on magnet boards

Jen’s group / Denise’s group
o  Chat – I had a chat with my good friend on the phone.
o  Chug – I will chug this juice. (like “gulp”)
o  Chill – There was a chill in the air. Brrrrr!
o  Chet – Chet eats peaches.
o  Chop – I chop carrots. / o  Chat – I had a chat with my good friend on the phone.
o  Pinch – Did you pinch your finger in the drawer?
o  Chill – There was a chill in the air. Brrrrr!
o  Chet – Chet eats peaches.
o  Chex – I like Chex for breakfast.

·  Introduce the “wh” brother, who likes to whistle, but can’t quite do it. He runs around the house making the “wh” sound as he tries.

·  Skywrite the “wh” brother

·  Use the “wh” in a word and tap it out – which – (3 sounds, 5 letters)

·  Build more “wh” words with magnet boards

Jen’s group / Denise’s group
o  Whiff- Did you get a whiff of the homemade pie?
o  Whip – Whip the eggs before adding them to the batter.
o  Whiz – You are a whiz at spelling words. / o  Whiff- Did you get a whiff of the homemade pie?
o  Whip – Whip the eggs before adding them to the batter.
o  Whiz – You are a whiz at spelling words.


Day 2 – Have students build words with the magnetic letters, adding wh and ch to their boards.

·  quick handwriting: s, t, u

·  recite short vowel sounds (using sound cards); review “x” (says “cks” like when you open a can of soda), “qu” – always go together, say “qu” (have students recite them)

·  Tap and write in composition books – chin, chip, Chad, inch, whip, whiz, which

·  dictate the sounds for x and qu, see if they can ID the letters

·  Dictation in composition books: (remind them that a sentence is framed with an upper case letter and punctuation)

Jen’s group / Denise’s group
The fox quit the chat. (reminder of “qu”, the buddy letters, and x)
Rex got a whiff of the rug. / Chip quit the quest. (reminder of “qu”, the buddy letters)
Chet got a whiff of the pet.

·  Shared reading Ping-Pong, have students practice this reading in pairs to become fluent


Day 3 - Introduce th and sh

·  quick handwriting: v, w, x

·  recite short vowel sounds (using sound cards); review “x” (says “cks” like when you open a can of soda), “qu” – always go together, say “qu” (have students recite them)

·  Introduce the “th” brother. Tell the story of the “th” brother who has a naughty habit of sticking out his tounge and saying, /th/.

·  Skywrite the th brother

·  Use the th brother in a word – thin, tap that word out, “th” being one sound.

·  Build more “th” words with magnet boards, (tap, then make)

Jen’s group / Denise’s group
Thin – He is very thin.
Seth – Seth is my friend.
thick (-ck says “k” at the end of a word) – The bread is thick.
Moth – The moth likes the light. / Thin – He is very thin.
Seth – Seth is my friend.
thick (-ck says “k” at the end of a word) – The bread is thick.
Beth – Beth went to bed.

·  Introduce the “sh” brother. Tell the story of the “sh” brother who can’t stand all the noise in his house and goes around telling everyone, sh, sh, sh.

·  Skywrite the sh brother

·  Use the sh brother in a word – shop, tap that word out, “sh” being one sound.

·  Build more “sh” words together, tap, then make:

Jen’s group / Denise’s group
Shed – The tools are in the shed.
Wish – I wish I could go to Disney World.
Shock –it was a shock. (remind them that –ck says “k” at the end of a word.)
Hush – The teacher told the kids to hush. / Fish – The fish swam around the tank.
Wish – I wish I could go to Disney World.
Shed – The tools are in the shed.
Shock –it was a shock. (remind them that –ck says “k” at the end of a word.)
Mesh – There is mesh over the windows.