SUBJECT: / Equal Access for Individuals Receiving TLCS Housing Services
SECTION: / Case Management
EFFECTIVE DATE: / December 2016

TLCS is committed to comply with all laws regarding the HUD Equal Access Rule and is committed to comply with all federal, state and local privacy laws. This policy outlines the TLCS philosophy and approach regarding gender identity and gender expression while providing services.


All TLCS housing program staff, volunteers, interns and vendors.


A.TLCS staff will not consider a client or potential client ineligible because their appearance or behavior does not conform to gender stereotypes and will serve all individuals that are eligible for the project/program.

B.TLCS staff shall not ask questions or seek information concerning a person’s anatomy or medical history beyond elements necessary for the purpose of providing services.

C.If a client needs to be moved for harassment and safety concerns, TLCS will have a preference to move the client with a bias (e.g. move the individual who is having concerns towards the person who may not conform to mainstream genderexpression/identity.)

D.TLCS staff will honor the request of an individual for a private space to complete intake and data collection.

E.TLCS staff will honor the request of an individual for accommodations based on their personal safety and privacy concerns, whenever feasible. An “accommodation” will not be given as a “requirement.”

F.If a physical search or urine test is required, the client can choose the gender of the staff person conducting the search. If someone of that gender is not available, the TLCS staff will select a staff person that understands the concerns of the client and will be respectful and will uphold the agency's policies and procedures with regard to transgender clients.

G.Gender identity is not required to match the gender listed on the ID or documents.

H.TLCS will assist the clients without ID to understand the resources available to obtain ID.

I.TLCS intake materials will allow for clients to indicate their legal name and the name they prefer to be called.

J.Clients with prescribed hormones or other medications as part of their gender-affirming healthcare regime will have access to those medications.

K.Staff, contractors, volunteers and clientswill use client's preferred gender and pronoun and support the client’s gender identity.



Written By: / Approved By:
Date: / Date:

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