Rev / Date / Revision Details / Prepared By / Position / Email address2. SCREENING QUESTIONS
Item / Topic / Comment / Source / Date /1. / All Engineering Services /
1.1 / What operational problems / failures have occurred for the infrastructure type being assessed? /
1.2 / What information is available? How old is the information? (If > 5 years risk is higher) Source & reliability of information (ie GIS;
Design plans;
Site survey;
As-constructed drawings?
Is there an equipment database available? /
1.3 / Is there a Base or Zone Plan available? /
1.4 / What is the base population including ADF staff, civilians and percentage of live in? Potential transit population? Peak and Off-peak times? /
1.5 / Is DEMS/IPMS data available and how accurate is it perceived to be? /
1.6 / What condition information is available? How old is the information? (CCTV, condition reports, etc.) /
1.7 / What changes (e.g. base construction) have occurred since the source documentation issue date? /
1.8 / When was the base built? /
1.9 / What maintenance activities have recently occurred, in particular corrective maintenance? /
1.10 / What is the design capacity and current utilisation of the asset? /
1.11 / Who is the Base point of contact for each Engineering Service Type listed below? /
1.12 / Are there any ongoing projects or services upgrades onsite? /
1.13 / How many services feeds /discharges going into/from the base? /
2. / Spatial Data /
2.1 / What format is the current Base Map in? AutoCAD or GIS? / 2D or 3D? /
2.2 / What is the current version of the base map, and what procedures are in place for contractors / consultants to sign out and update the map (i.e. from NSIMS)? /
2.3 / What is the procedure to update the base map following the receipt of as built drawings? /
2.4 / How frequently is the base map reviewed for accuracy? Currency? /
2.5 / Is the Base Map GEMS compatible? /
2.6 / Who is the Base contact for Spatial Data? /
3. / Information & Communication Technology (ICT) /
3.1 / Do you have a record of JP2047 results for the base? /
3.2 / Is there a pit and pipe specification?
Are the pits accessible or buried? /
/ Is there a distribution network map for the base/barracks? /
3.3 / · For the Defence Restricted Network (DRN) /
3.4 / · For the Defence Secret Network (DSN) /
3.5 / · For the Defence Voice Network (DVN) /
3.6 / · For the Defence Engineering Services Network (DESN) /
3.7 / · For the Defence Training Network (DTN) – what infrastructure is this utilising? /
3.8 / · Do you have information on core counts, fibre type cores, copper in use (spare capacity)? /
3.9 / · For the Defence Restricted Network (DRN) /
3.10 / · For the Defence Secret Network (DSN) /
3.11 / · For the Defence Voice Network (DVN) /
3.12 / · For the Defence Engineering Services Network (DESN) /
3.13 / Are there any Telstra or communication authority network or equipment onsite? And what carriers? /
3.14 / Are there any contractor networks onsite? – what infrastructure is it utilising? /
3.15 / How many lead in site connections? Size? Capacity? /
3.16 / Size and type of the building lead in / entry conduit. Does it comply with the (100mm steel gal) requirement? /
3.17 / Type of lead in cabinet i.e. C or B class depending on security classifications. Does it comply with the Defence standard. /
3.18 / Is ICAMS data maintained? /
4. / Electrical /
4.1 / Is there written confirmation from the Energy Authority of the maximum demand for the whole site? /
4.2 / What is the network reserve capacity for the site? /
4.3 / What is the period of the supply contract (if any)? /
4.4 / Who is the energy authority and point of contacts? /
4.5 / Is there a written guaranteed supply to the site? /
4.6 / Age of HV assets? /
4.7 / Spare network supply available? /
4.8 / Network redundancy requirement? /
4.9 / Network reliability including past outages? /
4.10 / Are full maximum demand readings for all substations located on the site and the individual substations available? /
4.11 / Do you have information on the maximum demand on the HV ring main and LV mains? /
4.12 / Are up to date maintenance reports on all equipment on site. Eg: Transformers, HV Switchboards, Low Voltage (LV) Main Switchboards, protection relays, battery systems, power factor correction panels etc. available? /
4.13 / Development Plan or Master Plan reports available? /
4.14 / Is there a current CEPS / LEGS? /
4.15 / Has a Protection Grading Study (including prospective fault levels at the power intake points) been performed on the electrical infrastructure on site? This should include the settings on all circuit breakers. /
4.16 / Is there a detailed High Voltage (HV) schematic (i.e. Single Line Diagram) available, including that depicts status of all breakers during normal condition (e.g. normally open)? /
4.17 / Is there a functional description for load shedding? How is this achieved on site during different condition scenarios? /
4.18 / Are details on LV Main Switchboards available? /
4.19 / Is there a detailed plan showing the location of all HV network route, pits location, cable type, pit details? /
4.20 / Are there any ongoing maintenance issues with any components of the networks? /
4.21 / Is there an up to date cable schedule (with cable reference numbers) available? /
4.22 / Are there any network upgrades in progress or planned? /
4.23 / Are there any power quality audit records for the site? /
4.24 / Are there any system installation “as-built” drawings available? /
4.25 / Are there any Operation & Maintenance Manuals available for the electrical installation and equipment? /
4.26 / Are there any load profiles for the site available? /
4.27 / Are there any survey records of overhead lines and underground cables (including cable joints) available? /
4.28 / Are there any overhead line clearance calculation confirming the minimum clearance is achieved? /
4.29 / Are there any design and installation compliance certificates confirming the electrical reticulation had been design and installed as per the relevant Australian Standards? /
4.30 / Are there any building layout plans for the substation buildings detailing the clearance for the electrical equipment and the fire rating of different building elements? /
4.31 / Are there any design calculations confirming the bunding capacity is sufficient for the oil transformer capacity? /
4.32 / Are there any earthing schematics for the electrical reticulation system? /
4.33 / Are there any maintenance records for the earthing resistance for the site? /
4.34 / Are there any design records / assessment carried out confirming the compliant status of the “step” and “touch” potentials for the site? /
5. / Hydraulics /
All Services
5.1 / Is Operations & Maintenance (O&M) data for sewer, stormwater and water reticulation networks for the site available? Including manuals of recommended O&M and records of actual O&M <Program Manager (Consultant) to outline the meeting objectives>
5.2 / Are there any architectural plans available including fitting counts and population numbers (GSS contract)?
5.3 / Are risk assessments for individual buildings available?
5.4 / Are there any historically documented areas of failure?
5.5 / Have hydraulic models been developed for water, sewerage, stormwater and fire fighting and irrigation systems? (Maximum demands and demand mapping)
5.6 / What asset information available.
· Pipelines – Pipe size, pressure class, stiffness, material, age, fittings and appurtenances, horizontal & vertical alignment
· Mechanical equipment – Manufacturer, model, age, operating curves, motor size & info, control philosophy
5.7 / Is there a schematic Process & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) (or similar) diagram of the overall system available, describing connectivity of the system and identification of key components?
5.8 / Are there design manuals or standards available for installation of water, sewer & stormwater services on the site (may include local water authority/council guidelines)? If so, do existing assets comply? Examples include valve opening directions, valve/hydrant locations and spacing.
5.9 / Has there been any flood study reports carried out?
5.10 / Are there any known areas that are subject to flooding?
5.11 / Is asset condition, capacity & compliance data available for all electrical equipment associated with the water, sewerage & stormwater system available?
Potable Water
5.12 / Where is water supplied from? Treated on site, provided from local water authority?
5.13 / Are there any bores or alternate water supply?
5.14 / Are backflow prevention valves are required (to comply local water supply authority requirements) and if so are maintenance record available?
5.15 / What is security of supply? Is there redundancy of supply available, backflow prevention?
5.16 / Is volume of supply monitored and assessed for identification of potential improvements and/or problems?
5.17 / Is water quality monitored? Are there potential points of stagnation/contamination (Open tanks, offline storage, infiltration, dead ends etc.)?
5.18 / Are zone valves easily identifiable?
5.19 / Are WAE and O&M data available for the potable water pumping stations around the site? Are these pumping stations within buildings or stand-alone?
5.20 / Are there on site water treatment plants or chemical dosing?
5.21 / Are there any water storage tanks on site? Connected to reticulated systems only.
Fire Water
5.22 / Is there a dedicated fire ring main?
5.23 / Are there fire pumps on site? Type of pumps?
5.24 / Have pressure and flow tests been carried out on the fire network?
5.25 / Is a WAE for the sprinkler and deluge system available?
5.26 / Are fire hydrants installed on potable water system or separate ring main(s) what type and spacing?
5.27 / Do you have records of a Fire-flow test by the Water Authority?
5.28 / Are there any water storage tanks for fire on site?
5.29 / Is a WAE for the irrigation systems available?
5.30 / Are there any reports on the irrigation system that review demands?
5.31 / Are potential points of contamination isolated or protected? I.e. are there adequately sized oil/water separators installed, GPT’s, screens?
5.32 / Is discharge water quality +quantity into potential sensitive environment monitored?
5.33 / Is there any on site detention?
5.34 / Is there a stormwater harvesting system on site?
5.35 / Is effluent quality sampling data for the Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) available?
5.36 / Is O&M data available for STP available?
5.37 / Is the final design report for the STP available?
5.38 / Is there a Work As Executed (WAE) for the STP lagoon (if applicable)?
5.39 / Are WAE and O&M data available for the sewerage pumping stations around the site? Are these pumping stations within buildings or stand-alone?
5.40 / Are sewerage overflow points identified and monitored? Any records or evidence of sewage overflows?
5.41 / Is there a sewage recycling system on site?
5.42 / DERM licence requirements?
6. / Gas
6.1 / What is the mains supply pressure?
6.2 / Mains or bottled supply?
6.3 / Are there any pressure reduction stations?
6.4 / What is the usage/demand? Where are the demand points?
6.5 / What are the metering arrangements?
6.6 / What is the reticulation pressure?
6.7 / Are there any co-gen or tri-gen systems on site?
7. / Fuel Farms
7.1 / How many fuels farms, if any, on site?
7.2 / When was the fuel farm built?
7.3 / Are there any drawings available?
7.4 / What is the maximum bulk fuel capacity?
7.5 / Base fuel quality control officers available?
7.6 / Is there a SCADA control available? Age?
7.7 / Manual Override is it automated?
7.8 / How many dispensing bays/points do you have
7.9 / How many up loading bays/points do you have
7.10 / Is there a hydrant re-fuelling system in place
7.11 / How many hydrant lines do we have
7.12 / How many hydrant refuelling points do we have
7.13 / Do you know maximum flow rates
7.14 / Do you have any Hot refuelling Points (HRP)
7.15 / Type of fuel stored on site
7.16 / How many underground tanks do you have
7.17 / Are there any contamination monitoring wells
7.18 / Annual fuel usage last 5 years?
7.19 / Peak fuel usage?
7.20 / Are any maintenance Instruction audit / due diligence reports available?
7.21 / Is a copy of the Maintenance Plan available?
7.22 / Are copies of inspection and test records to verify compliance, integrity and remaining life available?
7.23 / Any fuel contaminations issues attributed to infrastructure?
7.24 / Is there an O & M available?
8. / Other
8.1 / Are there standalone reticulated networks (eg. Compressed air network, power supply back up, chilled water, salt water, wind generation?)
Note: Source documents to be recorded on the Source Register
Screening Questionnaire: BEAP – Rev2 | | Page 2