1. All current residential programmes referred to as CYCC must be transformed to meet the requirements of the Children’s Act. /
- Registration as a CYCC must be according to the Act, five years for privately owned facilities and within two years for governmental facilities.
2. National and provincial governments must ensure an equitable spread of CYCC. /
- Develop the framework for provincial profiles.
3. A record of all available CYCC and programmes must be in place. /
- Develop and prescribe a database for all CYCC and programmes.
4. All child and youth care programmes must comply with applicable legislation. /
- Ensure that the provinces register the child and youth care programmes.
5. The CYCC must comply with the prescribed strategy. /
- The Centre must comply with the Norms and Standards for CYCC as determined by the National DSD.
6. The CYCC must comply with the Health and Safety Act. /
- All the areas identified by the Health and Safety Act are in place, i.e. Emergency plans, Fire-exits, Availability of fire extinguishers and hoses, Appointment of Health and Safety officers, Availability of first-aid kits, Personnel are trained in first-aids, Universal precautions are upheld, Pool safety, Pest control, Refuse disposal and Infectious diseases.
7. The service provided at child and youth care centres must be aligned to the Disability Strategy. /
- The Centre is equipped to manage children and staff with special needs.
8. CYCC must comply with the prescribed design principles. /
- CYCC must be built in accordance with the specifications.
9. The centre should provide for independent living equipment. /
- The centre must be accessible to persons with special needs.
10. The centre should provide for an emergency plan /
- There must be an emergency exit in all living areas, evacuation plan well displayed, fire exits are clearly marked and are visible and sufficient fire extinguishers.
11. The living quarters should be of such a nature that children are safe and comfortable. /
- Each child must have his/her own demarcated personal space within the living quarters.
12. The resources in the kitchen and dining room must ensure the safe and hygienic preparation of food. /
- The floors should be functional and non-slippery.
- The kitchen must be equipped to provide for the capacity and needs of the children.
- Provision must be made for storage of perishable and non-perishable foods in accordance to the municipal by-laws.
- Comply with environmental health standards.
- The floors should be functional and non-slippery.
- The kitchen must be equipped to provide for the capacity and needs of the children.
- Provision must be made for storage of perishable and non-perishable foods in accordance to the municipal by-laws.
- Comply with environmental health standards.
- A demarcated area for refuse disposal.
13. Adequate laundry facilities. /
- The laundry should be adequately equipped.
- The storeroom or lockable cupboard should provide shelves for chemicals and detergents.
14. The environment and resources at the administration block should be of such a nature that personnel are empowered to perform their tasks effectively. /
- The centre should be equipped with information technology and telephone infrastructure and office equipment.
- Access to cellular telephones for senior management.
15. The environment and resources for all professionals should be of such a nature that they are empowered to perform their tasks effectively. /
- Equipment must be provided for all professionals.
16. The center has an adequate supply of recreational equipment. /
- Children must have access to in-door and out-door recreational equipment.
17. Adequate medical equipment /
- The examination room/sick bay must be fully equipped with functioning medical and emergency equipment.
18. Comfortable visiting areas. /
- The visiting areas should be equipped with comfortable chairs and tables.
19. Safe transport. /
- Safe transport must be made available to transport children.
- At least 2 official vehicles must be provided by state run facilities.
20. The environment and milieu in the facility should be of such a nature that children and staff are safe and comfortable. /
- Children must experience safety and feel cared for whilst at the CYCC.
21. Household maintenance must be the responsibility of the centre. /
- Broken furniture, windows, ablution facilities, doors, etc. should be attended to immediately.
22. CYCC must provide outreach services to surrounding communities /
- Outreach services must be available to communities, families and individuals.
23. The case management ratio must be according to the generic norms and standards. /
- Case management ratio CYCC:
- 1 social worker per 30 children.
- 1 child care worker to 10 children for day shift.
- Case management ratio for facilities accommodating children aged 0-6:
- 1 social worker per 30 children.
- 1 child care worker to 3 children for day shift.
24. Compliance with requirements of Child protection Register (CPR). /
- Persons posing a risk to the safety of children should not be permitted to work in CYCC centres.
- Persons convicted of murder, attempted murder, rape, indecent assault or assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm is unfit to work with children.
- No person whose name appears in Part B of the CPR may work with children.
25. Staff must be managed according to management practices. /
- A comprehensive human resource management strategy.
26. Competent staff is appointed in all occupational categories. /
- Staff have correct qualifications for their job function.
- All staff must be trained in basic child care.
- All staff with a registration requirement must be registered with relevant professional body.
- Staff is appointed according to competency profile.
- The manager must have specialized knowledge of child and youth care as well as general management qualifications.
27. The emotional, mental health and crisis related needs of staff are recognized. /
- A documented strategy for the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP).
28. Child and youth care programme is a 24/7 service. /
- Declaration as an essential service.
29. A CYCC must be managed in accordance with a management system. /
- Division of responsibilities between the management board and the management of the centre.
- A complaints procedure for children approved by the management board.
30. The rights of the child must be upheld in all spheres of service delivery. /
- Children’s rights as outlined in the Constitution must be upheld.
- The rights and responsibilities for children must be displayed in the centre.
- No practices that violate a child’s rights must be allowed.
31. Critical and reportable incidents are documented in accordance with relevant legislation and strategy. /
- Critical and reportable incidents are recorded and reported by the centre manager to the parent or guardian of the child, the police official, provincial head of DSD and the social worker dealing with the matter.
32. A child is entitled to remain in alternative care until the end of the year in which such child reach the age of 18 years. /
- An application requesting extension of the order for alternative care must be submitted three months prior to the child turning 18.
- The head of department may extend the order up to end of the year in which the person reaches the age of 21 years.
- An application for the continued payment of social assistance must be made.
33. Children have a right to be re-unified with their families /
- Reunification must take place according to the prescripts in the foster intervention plan.
- Reunification services should be prioritized where the child has a biological family.
- Placements/visits with biological family must be considered as part of re-unification services.
- Leave of absence may be granted.
- A notice of provisional transfer of the child from alternative care must be issued.
- A designated social worker must compile a report on assessment and reunification when transferring from alternative care into the care of family or family members.
34. A child has the right to continuity of care after release from the centre. /
- Children are provided with sufficient information regarding their immediate future, their next placement, or the next step in their Care Plan.
- Children are linked with resources after release from the centre.
35. All children must have their developmental, therapeutic, educational, recreational and health needs met within a CYCC /
- A strategy for implementation must exist.
- All programmes are structured.
- The programmes must be approved by the provincial head of social development.
- Quality assurance of the programmes must be undertaken.
- Impact assessment of programmes must be undertaken.
- Programmes must be evaluated and reviewed.
- Awareness of the availability of programmes must be raised.
- All children in CYCCs must have access to schooling, education, other appropriate training, skills programmes or early childhood development programmes where appropriate.
- The education must as far as possible, be accessed at a school or other training facility in the community.
- Where children cannot access education or other appropriate training in the community, such education or training must be provided at the CYCC.
- Health care must be provided to:
- Children with disabilities and chronic illnesses.
- Treatment for children addicted to dependence producing substances.
- Where there are a large number of babies in a centre.
- The permanency plan (which is part of the court order) must inform the type of programme that the child engages in.
- Individual plans must be developed for each child which facilitates their well-being within the CYCC