M.E.N.C. National Standards for Music Education

1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.

Proposed Curriculum Map for Choir Programs at Rockwood High School and Harriman High School

Months / Classes / Content / Skills / Assessments
June-July / Beginning Choir
Beginning Choir
Beginning Choir
Beginning Choir
Beginning Choir
Beginning Choir
Beginning Choir
Beginning Choir
Beginning Choir
Beginning Choir / Music Literacy
M.E.N.C. Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Music Literacy
M.E.N.C. Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Music Literacy
M.E.N.C. Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Music Literacy
M.E.N.C. Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Music Literacy
M.E.N.C. Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Music Literacy
M.E.N.C. Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Music Literacy
M.E.N.C. Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
M.E.N.C. Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
M.E.N.C. Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
M.E.N.C. Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
N/A / Begin the process of being able to read basic music notation.
Begin learning correct singing posture and breathing.Begin learning the rudiments of healthy vocal production. Learn about voice classification through section placements. Begin learning pitch using solfeggio (do, re, me, etc.) Resources: Progressive Sight Singing. Begin learning basic beat function using the “ta-ka-di-mi” system.
The students will continue instruction in Progressive Sight Singing. After the students learn the first five pitches of the scale using solfeggio (do, re, me fa, so),they will sightsing diatonic melodies, and learn the rounds “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean,” “My Dame Hath A Lame, Tame Crane,” and “Lollipop/Trash/Fish” using these pitches. The students will also practice basic beat function in various simple meter signatures. The school “Alma Mater” will be taught to all choir students. Repertoire for a possible fall concert will be rehearsed as well.
The students will continue instruction in Progressive Sight Singing. Students will be singing complete diatonic major scales at this point.Students will also learn to identify and sing tonic triads using mixed rhythmic notes, and will identify rhythmic motives and micro/macro beats. Students will learn about clef signs in music. Repertoire for a possible fall concert will also be rehearsed and performed. The students will also begin rehearsing winter concert repertoire.
The students will continue instruction in Progressive Sight Singing. The students will be singing diatonic melodies involving whole and half steps, as well as the occasional third. Rhythmic study will be in simple meter and will include undivided and will involve beginning divided beats. Proper singing and breathing technique will be continuously taught. Repertoire for a winter concert will be rehearsed as well.
The students will continue to work on Winter Concert repertoire. The students will also review the melodic and rhythm concepts they have learned this semester in preparation for the semester final exam.
The students will continue instruction from Progressive Sight Singing, with emphasis on melodic thirds/triads and an introduction to singing 5ths. Simple, divided beat rhythmic passages containing ties and slurs, as well as cut-time rhythmic passages will be focused on. Repertoire for a spring performance will be introduced and rehearsed.
The students will continue instruction from Progressive Sight Singing, with emphasis on melodic triads and 5ths, as well as an introduction to the interval of a 4th. Rhythmic reading will include an introduction to reading complex meter passages in various meter signatures. Spring concert repertoire will also be rehearsed.
The students will continue instruction from Progressive Sight Singing, with emphasis on melodic triads and 5ths, as well as 4ths. Key signatures will be introduced. Rhythmic reading will include reading complex meter passages in various meter signatures. Students will also begin to listen to various choral performances and begin critiquing them by using adjudication sheets. Spring concert repertoire will also be rehearsed.
The students will continue instruction from Progressive Sight Singing, with emphasis on melodic triads and 5ths, as well as 4ths. Key signatures will continue to be drilled. Rhythmic reading will include reading complex meter passages in various meter signatures. Students will continue to listen to various choral performances and critique them by using adjudication sheets. Spring concert repertoire will continue to be rehearsed. A performance at the Academic Festival is also possible.
Students will continue work on concert repertoire, preparing for the spring concert. Students will review melodic and rhythmic reading concepts that they have been learning this semester in preparation for the final examination.
Summer Break / Worksheets
Rhythm Quizzes
Singing Quizzes
Class Participation
Tonal Memory Quizzes
Rhythm Quizzes
Class participation
Class participation
Rhythm Quizzes
*Public Performance
Performance Evaluation
Class Participation
Part Checks
Melodic/Rhythm Quizzes
Final Exam
Public Performance
Class Participation
Class participation
Singing/Rhythm Quizzes
Class Participation
Singing/Rhythm Quizzes
Singing/Rhythm Quizes
Class participation
Adjudication Sheets
Class participation
Music critique sheets
Possible Public Performance
Final Exam
Class participation
Public Performance
June- July / Advanced Choir
Advanced Choir
Advanced Choir
Advanced Choir
Advanced Choir
Advanced Choir
Advanced Choir
Advanced Choir
Advanced Choir
Advanced Band
Advanced Choir / Music Literacy M.E.N.C. Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Music Literacy
M.E.N.C Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Music Literacy
M.E.N.C. Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Music Literacy Music Critique
M.E.N.C. Standards
1,5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Music Literacy
Music Critique
M.E.N.C. Standards
1 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Music Literacy
Music Critique
M.E.N.C. Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Music Literacy
Music Critique
M.E.N.C. Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Music Literacy
Music Critique
M.E.N.C. Standards
1,5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Music Literacy
Music Critique
M.E.N.C. Standards
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Music Literacy
Music Critique
M.E.N.C. Standards
1,5, 6, 7, 8, 9
N/A / Begin review process. Review simple meter, divided and undivided beat. Review notes on the the Treble and Bass clef staves. Review the diatonic major scale, as well as the “solfege buffet,” which focuses on thirds, triads, fourths, and fifths. Also review the “Hey, Ho,” “Lollipop/Trash/Fish,” and “Little Jack Horner” rounds. Possible fall concert repertoire will be introduced.
The students will continue instruction from Progressive Sight Singing, with emphasis on melodic triads and 5ths, as well as 4ths in major tonalities. Rhythmic reading will include simple meter divided beat passages containing ties and slurs, and sub-dived simple meter passages. Students will also learn the “My Dame Has a Lame, Tame Crane,” and “The Bells of Westminster” rounds. The students will learn the “Alma Mater.” Fall concert repertoire will also be rehearsed.
The students will continue instruction from Progressive Sight Singing, with emphasis on melodic triads and 5ths, as well as 4ths. Students will also begin reading melodies in minor keys. Rhythmic reading will include simple meter divided beat and sub-dived simple meter passages. Fall concert repertoire will be heavily emphasized and performed. Winter concert repertoire will be introduced.
The students will continue instruction from Progressive Sight Singing, with emphasis on major/minor melodic triads and 5ths, as well as 4ths. Rhythmic reading will include complex meter undivided beat exercises. Students will begin listening to choral performances and critiquing them with performance adjudication forms. Winter concert repertoire will be rehearsed.
The students will continue instruction from Progressive Sight Singing. Students will review melodic/rhythmic concepts studied up to this point, in anticipation of a semester final. The students will rehearse and perform winter concert repertoire, and then critique their performance using an adjudication form.
The students will continue instruction from Progressive Sight Singing, with emphasis on major/minor melodic triads and 5ths, as well as 4ths and octaves. Rhythmic reading will include complex meter undivided/divided beat exercises. Students will listen to choral performances and critique them with performance adjudication forms. Spring concert repertoire will be introduced.
The students will continue instruction from Progressive Sight Singing, with emphasis on major/minor melodic triads and 5ths, as well as 4ths and octaves. Rhythmic reading will include complex meter undivided/divided beat exercises. Students will continue to listen to choral performances and critique them with performance adjudication forms. Spring concert repertoire will be rehearsed.
The students will continue instruction from Progressive Sight Singing, with emphasis on major/minor melodic triads and 5ths, as well as 4ths and octaves. Rhythmic reading will include complex meter undivided/divided beat exercises, as well as mixed meter exercises. Students will continue to listen to choral performances and critique them with performance adjudication forms to prepare them for what they will be critiqued on at the Academic Festival. Spring concert repertoire will be rehearsed. A graduation song will be selected by the choir.
The students will continue instruction from Progressive Sight Singing, with emphasis on major/minor melodic triads and 5ths, as well as 4ths and octaves. Rhythmic reading will include complex meter undivided/divided beat exercises, as well as mixed meter exercises. Students will continue to listen to choral performances and critique them with performance adjudication forms to prepare them for what they will be critiqued on at the Academic Festival. A piece of music from the spring concert repertoire will be performed at the Academic Festival. Spring concert music will be rehearsed.
Students will continue work on concert repertoire, preparing for the spring concert. Students will also review melodic/rhythmic reading concepts worked on this semester in anticipation of a semester final. Spring concert repertoire will be performed.
Summer Break / Class Participation
Melody/Rhythm Quizzes
Class participation
Melody/Rhythm Quizzes
Class participation
Public Performance
Adjudication Form
Melody/Rhythm Quizzes
Class participation
Final Exam
Public performance
Adjudication Forms
Class participation
Adjudication Form
Melody/Rhythm Quizzes
Class participation
Adjudication Form
Melody/Rhythm Quizzes
Class participation
Adjudication Form
Melody/Rhythm Quizzes
Class participation
Adjudication Form
Melody/Rhythm Quizzes
Class participation
Public Performance
Class participation
Final Exam
Public Performances