Job Description – Horticulture Instructor
Post: Horticulture Tutor
Grade: Bucks Pay Range 4-6
Responsibility To:Assistant Headteacher – Alternative Provision
Particular Responsibilities
- To play a significant role in the design, development and delivery of programmes of Horticulturewhich meet the needs of Aspire students and which satisfies internal and external quality assurance criteria
- To maintain the highest and most appropriate learning expectations of students at all times
- To understand the learning needs of students and be able to deliver challenging and exciting Horticulture learning sessions
- To plan, prepare, deliver and review lessons, according to policy/protocols, with the aim of ensuring the effective teaching and learning of students at Aspire
- To maintain a systematic approach to assessment and recording activity
- Ensure portfolios meet assessment requirements and are adequately prepared for internal verification
- To work as a co-operative Alternative Provision course team member
- To assist in the administration of learning and to maintain accurate records of students’ learning activities including learners’ progress, assessment schedules, schemes of work, course reviews and induction programmes
- To engage actively inAspire’s staff appraisal process
- To act as a positive role model for students
- To undertake personal and professional development to ensure updating of occupational competence and skills
- To incorporate agreed intervention and/or behavioural strategies within teaching programmes and apply any related classroom management techniques within the agreed guidelines
- To establish and maintain positive relationships with students, parents/carers, colleagues and other professionals to ensure that a consistent and unified approach to meeting the needs of students can be secured
Key Tasks
- To teach Horticulture KS3 & KS4
- To take an active role in Alternative Provision development
- To attend meetings as directed by the Assistant Headteacher
- To assess, monitor, evaluate and report student progress in Horticulture
- To liaise with parents via written reports and meetings if required
- To liaise with other agencies including schools, EPs, Social Services and medical staff as appropriate to the students on the course
- To establish and maintain a classroom/workshop environment conducive to effective learning
- To participate in Aspire’s agreed performance management scheme and subsequent agreed personal professional development
- To adhere to relevant equal opportunity issues
- To ensure that all risk assessments are implemented and COSHH assessments are complied with
- To maintain an awareness of the need to represent Aspire to the Community at large
Further Duties
- To undertake other duties which may arise from time to time. These to be agreed with the Headteacher/line manager
- Attend meetings/reviews where appropriate
The content of this job description will be reviewed with the post holder on an annual basis in line with the Aspire’s performance and development policy. Any significant change in level of accountability that could result in a change to the grade must be discussed with the post holder and the relevant trade union before submitting for re-evaluation.