Brookside Elementary School
School Phone: (859) 887-2012
Cell Phone: (606) 571-7397
I am very excited to get to work with you and your student this year! I am a firm believer that you are your child’s first teacher and that a strong parent-teacher relationship can only benefit your student’s scholastic success. I work very hard each and every day to make your student feel loved and successful. We will make memories throughout the year while we learn and explore the curriculum. If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to email, text, or call me whenever the need arises. Communication is the first key to a successful relationship!
Take-Home Folder
Students will maintain a data folder that will serve as a means of communication between home and school. This will be taken to and from school each day. Any homework, newsletters, or announcements will be sent via this method. Please make the commitment to check your child’s folder each night. I am requesting that you initial the behavior calendar nightly to confirm you have received any behavior changes and announcements.
Behavior Chart
Our school-wide behavior system will be based on the 7 habits of The Leader In Me. Students will be very familiar with the 7 habits and the expectations after the first few weeks of school. Each student will begin every day on the color green. In our classroom students will receive 3 warnings on a given behavior before being asked to move their clip down. (Warnings will be reduced after Christmas in preparation for 2nd grade.) Each negative clip move on the behavior chart will result in walking 5 minutes of the student’s recess. Each student will however have the opportunity to redeem their choices at any point during the day based on their behavior by moving their clips back to green. Our behavior chart will not only monitor negative behaviors, but exemplary behavior as well. When students are observed making great choices or exemplifying any of the 7 habits, they are asked to move their clips up. These positive moves will result in rewards such as Leadership Slips, office recognition, treasure box, or treats. (We will vote on this as a class once school starts!)A student’s color will be recorded at the end of each day in their take-home folder. Please initial the behavior color so that I know that you have seen their successes each day.
Outstanding Behaviors
Pink: Hip, hip hooray! You found the leader in you today!
Purple: You Understand together is better!
Blue: Your leadership skills are starting to glow, keep working hard to make them grow!
Expected Behavior:
Green: You are ready to go you are on your way, have you set your goal for today?
Behaviors for Improvement:
Yellow: You are in charge of you choices and turn it around get your day back on productive ground!
Orange: Don’t get hung up on a silly mistake, put first things first, you’ve got what it takes!
Red:Take a breath and get control. You need to balance your heart, mind, body, and goal.
Lunch and Breakfast
Breakfast is served from 7:30 until 7:50. At 7:30, car-riders may go to the cafeteria for breakfast or wait in the gym for school to begin. Students will be dismissed from buses as they arrive at school. Please note, there is no breakfast served on early release days. We will have brunch instead.
Lunch : $1.50 /Reduced $.40
Breakfast: $1.00/Reduced $.30
Please send all lunch money in a baggie or envelope marked with your child’s name, lunch number, and teacher.
The 1st grade students will be eating lunch at the following times:
Mrs. Berry:11:33-11:58
Mrs. Cole:11:29-11:54
Mr. Dilly: 11:41-12:06
Mrs. Dix:11:27-11:52
Mrs. Lambert: 11:25-11:50
At the end of the day, car-riders will be dismissed to the lobby to be picked up in the car lane. If your child will be a car-rider most afternoons, you must register in the Family Circle Center and get a numbered tag to display in your windshield. Whom ever picks up your child must have a tag or they will be asked to come in the office to sign them out. Please remember that only those who are listed on the back of the emergency card may pick up your child. Bus riders will be escorted to the bus by their teachers. If you need to change the transportation of your child, please send a note to me via the take-home folder. You may also call the front office at (859) 887-2012.
You must fill-out a medication form anytime you send medicine to school. The form must also be signed by the doctor, even an over-the-counter medication. All medications must be in the original container. Please inform me in writing of any allergies or medications that your child takes at home that I need to be aware of.
I will send home a newsletter on the first day of every school week. It will inform you of what we will be focusing on in each subject, as well as provide important announcements and reminders. Please read this every week to be in the know about field trips, activities, and upcoming school events.