Performance audit of the outcome of the activities performed by the Territorial Cooperation ManagementDirectorate-General at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works as Managing Authority of the Cross-border programmes – External borders of the EU and as National Authority under the Cross-border Operational Programmes – EU Internal borders from 01.01.2010 to 30.06.2012
This audit report is the result of the performance audit of the outcome of the activities performed by the Territorial Cooperation ManagementDirectorate-General at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works as Managing Authority of the Cross-border programmes – External borders of the EU and as National Authority under the Cross-border Operational Programmes – EU Internal borders. The audited period is from 01.01.2010 to 30.06.2012. The audit was carried out in relation to the audit task № 860 of the Annual Audit Programme for 2012of the National Audit Office and in accordance with the
Order № ОD-3-009 dated 28.05.2012 of the Vice-President of the National Audit Office.
The audited entity is the Territorial Cooperation ManagementDirectorate-General at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and its activities on the territorial cooperation of the EU from the point of view of its organisation and completion of the assigned tasks.The results of these programmes are aimed at enhancing cooperation in the cross-border region, improving the quality of life, environment, infrastructure, and social-economic development of these regions – activities which encompass to the great extent the principles and spirit of the EU.
In order to answer the main question of the audit – “Are the activities effective of the Territorial Cooperation ManagementDG at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works as Managing Authority of the Cross-border programmes – External borders of the EU and as National Authority under the Cross-border Operational Programmes – EU Internal bordersfrom the point of view of its organisation and completion of the assigned tasks?”five specific questions have been explored:
Are the introduced rules and procedures appropriate for achieving the objectives of the directorate?
Haveadequate resources been ensured: sufficient administrative capacity and viable information systems?
Does the established organisational structure of the directorate, incl. relationships created, contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the directorate?
Have the requirements for execution of the first level control been fulfilled?
Is the implementation of contracts and activities for achieving the outcome effective?
Analysis and assessment of the following fields have been carried out: Legal provisionsand introduced rules and procedures; Organisational structure; Administrative capacity; Information systems; First Level Control – execution of the first level control and quality control of the controllers’ work; Implementation of contracts and results of the activities.
On the basis of the assessment of the audit findings following main conclusions have been made:
The activities of the Territorial Cooperation Management DG are legally provided. The necessary organisation has been established, appropriate rules and procedures have been introduced, and adequate resources have been ensured (administrative capacity and viable information system).During the audited period changes in the work organisation aimed at achieving better results from the activities have been made. The completion of tasks of the Territorial Cooperation Management Directorate-General with regard to the execution of the first level control and implementation of actvities at the programme and project levels is oriented at the achievement of objectives.A decentralised system of the first level control has been established, procedures for selection of controllers and for execution of the first level control have been fulfilled.Good results and progress on the cross-border programmes implementation have been achieved, in spite of the delay in theirlaunch.
The main areas, in which problems have been identified and additional actions have to be undertaken, are related to the enhancement of the administrative capacity, improvement ofthe viability of the first level control execution, acceleration of thereimbursement of fundsto the beneficiaries with regard to thedecommitment rule. In order to reduce the risk ofverification of non-eligible expenditure it is appropriate to assess the benefits of introducing specialisation of controllers as per types of programmes as well as the usefulness of performing theadministrative check of their work bythe Financial Management and Control department.The inclusion of the requirement for controllers to providescanned copies of the reporting documents in executing the first level control on the Cross-border cooperation programmes – External borders of the EU could contribute to ensure better traceability and ex-post checks of the controllers’ work.With a view to accelerating the reimbursement of funds to the beneficiaries and decreasing the amounts related to theN+3 rule, it is necessary to assess the possibility of shortening deadlines under some of theprocedures under the Cross-border programmes – External borders of the EU, and also to enhance the capacity of theJoint Technical Secretariats with additional experts.Training of employees at the Territorial Cooperation Management Directorate-General andof controllers should be improved in order to enhance the administrative capacity.
The established organisation of the Territorial Cooperation Management Directorate-General, the completion of the assigned tasks as Managing Authority of the Cross-border programmes – External borders of the EU and as National Authority under the Cross-border Operational Programmes – EU Internal borders,and also the actions undertaken for improving the activities during the audited period, are aimed at increasing the effectiveness.