Markville Secondary School: Liter8 Program

Liter8 Lesson Plan for VISUAL ARTS

Assignment: “Homage To The Dot”

Compiled by G. Dru

Created by: G. Dru / Date: November 12th 2007.
Liter8 Skill: T - : Thinking and Responding Critically to a Personally Created Work.
/ Grade / Subject / Level:
Visual Arts – Grade 9 Assignment
/ Unit: LESSON on:
Analyzing Your HOMAGE TO THE DOT Assignment
Indicators of Liter8 Skill :
Think and Respond Critically to a created work of art.
In this case “THE HOMAGE TO THE DOT” Assignment. / > asking questions
> making inferences
> using context to find meaning
> drawing conclusions
> solving problems
> making judgments
> identifying bias
> determining credible sources; analyzing validity of sources
After creating and completing “The Homage To The Dot” Assignment, students will review their work on an individual basis by writing a brief synopsis of their finished work.
Each student should discuss how successful they were in relation to the CRITERIA REQUIREMENTS in this assignment by writing a brief analysis on their finished work.
Students are to personalize their findings in terms of how they have manipulated THE ELEMENTS & PRINCIPLES of DESIGN in their assignment to meet the criteria requirements on their RUBRIC outline of this assignment (Copy of the assignment below).
Resources / Handouts:
1) Student Exemplars; and,
2) Discussion on one of the exemplars, and “HOW TO CRITIQUE ” a work of art, in relationship to The Elements and Principles of Design.
Notes / Reflections:
After students have completed their written synopsis/analysis of their work, students may compare and contrast their findings with other students as a way of comparison and putting a perspective on their own work (and how successful they really were), when they put their work into the context of the “classroom arena”.

The Task:

·  To create a composition that shows movement through intersecting lines

·  To create lines that are made up of a series of dots and dot patterns/clusters

·  To develop technical skills: fineline marker

·  To understand the use of variety and proportion to create and enhance movement and line

What to Do:

·  In your sketchbook, create a variety of dots and dot patterns/clusters using DOTS ONLY

·  Try repeating the same style of dot and dot patterns/clusters using outline only, then filled in

·  Draw your dots and dot designs in different sizes to see how their impact changes with size

·  Using a new sheet of paper, draw 2-3 rectangles

·  Create 6 to 10 intersecting, flowing lines within each rectangle

·  Fill the space using lines; there should not be large gaps in your composition

·  Using your pencil, draw out your dot designs onto each line

·  Use one dot or dot design per line

·  Vary the size and spacing of your dots to create movement

·  Your lines should create movement and rhythm in the space

·  Have your design checked by Mrs. Caston

·  Complete your design with your fineline marker from your art kit

·  Limited or inconsistent understanding of the purpose of creating a composition out of lines made up of dots and dot clusters
·  Limited or inconsistent understanding of the definition of line, movement, dot, variety or proportion as discussed in class
·  Limited or inconsistent use of dots and dot clusters to make line / THEORY
·  Satisfactory/good/advanced understanding of the purpose of creating a composition out of lines made up of dots and dot clusters
·  Satisfactory/good/advanced understanding of the definition of line, movement, dot,variety or proportion as discussed in class
·  Satisfactory/good/advanced use of dots and dot clusters to make line
·  Limited technical skill: consistency of dots within line
·  Limited technical skill: marker application
·  Limited technical skill: cutting of mounting paper
·  Limited technical skill: overall work quality / CREATION
·  Satisfactory/good/advanced technical skill: consistency of dots within line
·  Satisfactory/good/advanced technical skill: marker application
·  Satisfactory/good/advanced technical skill: cutting of mounting paper
·  Satisfactory/good/advanced technical skill: overall work quality
·  Limited use of variety: dot designs: dot clusters
·  Limited sense of balance: placement and intersection of lines; large negative spaces present
·  Limited use of gradation or proportion to create movement
·  Limited sense of rhythmic flow or movement in lines across page / ANALYSIS
·  Satisfactory/good/advanced use of variety: dot designs: dot clusters
·  Satisfactory/good/advanced sense of balance: placement and intersection of lines
·  Satisfactory/good/advanced use of gradation or proportion to create movement
·  Satisfactory/good/advanced sense of rhythmic flow or movement in lines across page
·  Limited or inconsistent work ethic
·  Work ethic hindered progress of self and others during class time / COMMUNICATION
·  Satisfactory/good/advanced work ethic
·  Work promoted a positive learning environment for self and others during class time
·  Student displays leadership qualities
theory: /5 / creation: /5 / analysis: /5 / communication: /5