Respiratory System Stations Lab

Station 1 – Lung Website

1.)  Draw and label what the inside and outside of the lungs look like:

Inside Outside

2.)  After watching the animation of the respiratory system, what did you observe taking place as the body exhaled and inhaled? Be specific in your answer and provide evidence from the animation.


Respiratory System Stations Lab

Station 2 – Gas Exchange (Inhale/Exhale Mirror)

1.)  What do you exhale? What comes out of your body each time you breathe out? Be specific!


2.)  What did you observe when you exhaled on the mirror?



3.)  How would you change your answer from question 1 after completing this activity? Or would you not change anything and if so, why not?



Respiratory System Stations Lab

Station 3 – Lung Model (Inflate & Deflate Balloon)

1.  Describe or Draw in detail what you did to make the balloon inflate and deflate.



2.  What do you think each of the parts of the model represent?

Soda Bottle = ______

Balloon = ______

Sandwich Bag = ______

3.  How do you think this model represents the way in which a lung functions?



Respiratory System Stations Lab

Station 4 – Lung Internal Structure

1.  Draw what you see

2.  Do you think there is a purpose to all of the sacs and branches in the lung? If so, what is that purpose?



3.  In order to function, does the lung need a lot of sacs and branches? What is your evidence?



Respiratory System Stations Lab

Station 5A – Microscope Observation of Lung Cross-section

1. Draw what you see

2.  Do you think there is a purpose to all of the sacs and spaces in the lung? If so, what is the purpose?



3.  In order to function, does the lung need a lot of sacs and branches? What is your evidence?



Respiratory System Stations Lab

Station 5B – Stereoscope Observation of Freeze Dried Lung

1.  How does what you saw compare to the microscope of the lung? Explain in detail.



Station 6 – Lung Capacity (Bonus)

Lung Capacity Trial 1: ______

Lung Capacity Trial 2: ______

Lung Capacity Average: ______

2.  Which of you was able to blow the most air into the balloon?


3.  Why do you think this person was able to blow the most air into the balloon? Explain.

