Exercise Science: Movement Science Option
Proposal for New Course
Department: Health and Human Performance
Proposal for: New Course
Course Number: 364
Course Title: Practicum in Movement Science
Course Credit: 1-3 semester credit(s)
Frequency of Offering: Each Semester
Prerequisites: HHP 340, HHP 314, HHP 370, and junior level academic standing.
Grading: Grade only
Applies to: Major Option
Course Description
Catalog Description: Practicum experience is designed for student site-visits to either a research oriented university, hospital or clinic, or a private business that performs movement science related measurements. On-site visits may involve shadowing a movement science professional. Additionally, students are required to attend at least one movement science professional meeting or workshop. Specific goals and objectives of the practicum experience will be in writing and agreed upon by the student, faculty advisor and contact at organization where site-visits are to be made. The variable credit is determined by the student and advisor based on the requirements of the graduate school in which they intend to apply to.
Course Focus: The main goal for the course is for students to gain a better understanding of employment opportunities in movement science related fields of study. Additionally, observation hours during the site-visits can help the student meet any observation hour requirements stipulated by the graduate program the students has identified and is planning on applying to.
Objectives: In this course the student will:
1. observe a movement science professional
2. work collaboratively with a movement science professional to gain practical experience
3. enhance existing knowledge,skills, and abilities developed during their academic experience
4. better enable themselves to gain acceptance into a movement science graduate program
Topical Outline
1. Meet with movement science professional, HHP faculty member, and student.
- Identify knowledge, skill, and abilities that the student will enhance.
2. On-site visits
- Journal entries discussing on-site visits
3. Attend professional conference/symposium.
- Journal entries discussing conference/symposium
4. Case study
- Write a report describing the steps involved in problem-solving a case study related to the practicum experience designed by the faculty advisor.
Basic instructional plan: The instructional plan involves the student gaining
Movement science related knowledge and an ability to problem-solve within their chosen area of movement science. The students ability to problem-solve within their chosen area will be defined by their ability to correctly answer questions posed to them in a case study developed by the instructor revolving around the students identified interest. Attendance at either a movement science workshop or seminar is required. A review of the students diary regarding the on-site visits and conference/symposium experience.
Course Requirements and Means of Evaluation:
Student Diary 50 pts
Case Study 50 pts
attendance 50 pts
Total 150 pts
Grading Scale
90-100 % A
80-89% B
70-79% C
60-69% D
<60% F
Required Text: None
Supplemental Text: Morrow, R.J., Jackson, A.W., Disch, J.G., and Mood, D.P. (2000). Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance, 2nd ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers.
References: Thomas, J.R., & Nelson, J.K. (2001). Research Methods in
Physical Activity, 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
Day, R., (1994). How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, 4th
ed. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press.
American College of Sports Medicine (1998). ACSM’s Resource
Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 3rd
ed. Baltimore, MD:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Holkeboer & Walker, (1999). Right from the Start: Taking Charge
of Your College Success, 3rd ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
Rationale: This course will be required for all students in the Exercise
Science: Movement Science Option and will better prepare the
student for graduate study in area’s such as biomechanics, clinical
exercise physiology, sport psychology, kinesiology, exercise
physiology, or athletic training.
Notification: This course does not influence the number of credits required in
any other major or minor.