Psalm Study Bibliography

Church Fathers

Maria Boulding, OSB, Trans., The Works of Saint Augustine, Expositions of the Psalms, Volumes 1-6, (New City Press, 2001).

MarieEwald, IHM, OSB, Trans., The Homilies of Saint Jerome, 1-59 on the Psalms, Volumes 1, (Catholic University of America Press, Wasnhiungton, DC, 1981)., Letters of St. Jerome,“Letter 53, to Paulinus”, accessed September 24, 2012,, Letters of St. Jerome,“Letter 58, to Paulinus”, accessed September 24, 2012,, The writings of St. Chrysostom,“The writings of St. Chrysostom”, accessed September 24, 2012,, St. Basil’s Homilies on the Psalms, accessed September 24, 2012,

Orthodox America, Before the Ship Sinks (A commentary on Psalm 1 by Saint Basil the Great),accessed September 24, 2012,

The Hermitage of the Holy Hierarchs St. Basil on the Psalms, accessed September 24, 2012,

Trans. Unknown, St. Augustine, Expositions on the Psalms, (New Advent – Catholic Encyclopedia), accessed September 24, 2012

Trans. Unknown, St. Methodius, Oration on the Psalms, (New Advent – Catholic Encyclopedia) accessed September 24, 2012,

Trans. Unknown, The Letter of Athanasius, Our Holy Father, Archbishop Of Alexandria, to Marcellinus on the interpretation of the Psalms, accessed September 24, 2012,


Dr. Henry Cole, trans., Luther's Commentary on the First Twenty-Two Psalms, (Internet Archive) accessed September 24, 2012, (John Nicholas Lenker, D. D., ed., Luther's Commentary on the First Twenty-Two Psalms, Sunbury, PA, 1903.), Luther's Small Catechism, accessed September 24, 2012,

Herbert J. A. Bouman trans., Luther’s works – First Lectures on the Psalms – Psalms 1-75, (St. Louis, MO, Concordia, 1964).

Martin Luther, A Sermon on How to Contemplate Christ’s Holy Sufferings, ( accessed September 24, 2012,

Unidentified trans., Reading the Psalms with Luther, The Psalter for Individual Family Devotions with Introduction by Martin Luther, (St. Louis, MO, Concordia, 2007).

Gnesio, A Summary of Martin Luther’s Christology in the Psalms, accessed September 24, 2012, (adapted from “Luther and the Christology of the Old Testament,” by Raymond F. Surburg)

John King, Trans., Calvin's Commentaries, Vol. 9: Psalms, Part I, Psalms 1-35, accessed September 24, 2012,

John King, Trans., Calvin's Commentaries: Psalms, Part II, Psalms 36-66, accessed September 24, 2012,

John King, Trans., Calvin's Commentaries: Psalms, Part III, Psalms 67-92, accessed September 24, 2012,

John King, Trans., Calvin's Commentaries: Psalms, Part IV, Psalms 93-119, accessed September 24, 2012,

John King, Trans., Calvin's Commentaries: Psalms, Part V, Psalms 119-150, accessed September 24, 2012,

Rev. Angus Stewart, John Calvin on the Wonder of the Psalms, accessed September 24, 2012,

Rev. James Anderson, trans. John Calvin’s Commentary on Psalms - Volume 1, (Christian Classics Ethereal Library, Grand Rapids, MI 1999).

Later Commentators

Matthew Henry, Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible, Psalms, accessed September 24, 2012,

Matthew Henry, Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete), Psalms 1-75, (Bible Study Tools) accessed September 24, 2012,

Matthew Henry, Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete), Psalms 76-150, (Bible Study Tools) accessed September 24, 2012,

Matthew Henry, Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible, Psalms, (Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson, 1997)., Charles H. Spurgeon's Bible Sermons (for Each Psalm), accessed September 24, 2012,

Charles H. Spurgeon, The Treasury of David (for each Psalm), (The Spurgeon Archive) accessed September 24, 2012,

Henry Ward Beecher on Psalm 23, (Trinity Tuscaloosa), accessed September 24, 2012,

Frederick Carl Eisilen et al., Ed., The Abingdon Bible Commentary, (New York: Abingdon Press,1929).

Elmer A. Leslie, “Psalms I-LXXII” in The Abingdon Bible Commentary, ed. Frederick Carl Eisilen et al. (New York: Abingdon Press,1929).

John W. Doberstein, trans., Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together, “The Secret of the Psalter”, (San Fransicso, CA, Harper 1954) 44-51.

Dallas M. Roark, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “The Church’s Life in Christ”, Accessed May 11, 2012

Unidentified, trans., Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Psalms, The Prayer Book of the Bible, (Minneapolis, MN, Augsburg 1989).

C. S. Lewis, Reflections on the Psalms, (New York, NY, Harcourt, 1958)

Thomas Merton. Praying the Psalms, (Liturgical press, Collegeville, MN, undated edition) 25.

Derek Kidner, Psalms 1-72, (Madison, WI, Inter-Varsity Press, 1973).

Derek Kidner, Psalms 73-150, (Madison,WI, Inter-Varsity Press, 1973).

John F. Brug, ed., People’s Bible CommentaryPsalms 1, (Saint Louis, MO, Concordia, 1992).

John F. Brug, ed., People’s Bible CommentaryPsalms 2, (Saint Louis, MO, Concordia, 1992).

Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D., The Book of Psalms: An Overview, Catholic Resources, accessed September 24, 2012, (Superscriptions)

Edward A. Engelbrecht Ed., The Lutheran Study Bible, (Saint Louis, MO, Concordia, 2009).

Jewish Perspectives

Rabbi Benjamin J. Segal, A New Psalm, (Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies) accessed September 24, 2012,

The Jewish Encyclopedia, Psalms, accessed September 24, 2012,

The Jewish Woman, Nitzevet, Mother of David, accessed September 24, 2012,

The Jewish Encyclopedia, Hyssop, accessed September 24, 2012,

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Midrashim, accessed September 24, 2012,

The Hebrew Scriptures, Hebrew for Christians, accessed September 24, 2012,

Anonymous Ed. (Messianic Jewish), Hebrew Names Version Bible, HNV, Book of Psalms, ( accessed 4/30/2012,

Music and Hymns

Commission on Worship of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, Lutheran Worship, (Concordia, 1982).

Commission on Worship of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, Lutheran Worship, (Concordia, 2006).

William J. Reynolds, Ed., Baptist Hymnal, (Convention, 1975) 544.

Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Psalm Singing in Calvin and the Puritans, accessed September 24, 2012,

“To His Glory”, accessed September 24, 2012,, The Psalms and Hymns of Isaac Watts, accessed September 24, 2012,

Genevan Psalter Music & Lyrics,accessed September 24, 2012,

General Research

R. Dean Anderson Jr., "The Division and Order of the Psalms", Westminster Theological Journal, 56 (1994), (Philadelphia, PA, Westminster Theological Seminary, 1994), 219-241.

Daniel Akin, Ed., The Book of Psalms, accessed September 24, 2012,

David Malick, The Book of Psalms, ( accessed September 24, 2012,

Dr. Jack Hyles, The Story Behind the Psalms, accessed September 24, 2012,

Aquilina and Bailey, Praying the Psalms with the Early Christians, (The Word among Us press, Ijamsville, MD, 2009) 17-19.

Psalms and Affirmations, Psalms - Authors, accessed September 24, 2012,, Poetry of the Bible, ( accessed April 29, 2012,, (Browse by Psalm number), The Way of the Righteous and the Wicked, accessed September 24, 2012,

E.W. Bullinger Ed., The Companion Bible, (Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, MI, 1990)

Sandy Simpson, The Responsibilities Of A Good Shepherd, (Apologetics Coordination Team) accessed September 24, 2012,

Specific Psalms and Related Topics

“Jonathan”, A Study of Psalm 23, (Truth and Purpose, July 2012), accessed September 24, 2012,

Jeremy P. Roberts, An Exegetical Examination of Psalm 23 – A Paper Presented at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, April 23, 2007.

Rowland Croucher,Psalm 32, (John Mark Ministries), accessed September 24, 2012,

Alden Bacuzmo, The Question of Psalm 104, accessed June 8, 2012,

The New Christian, Original Sin: Paul, Romans 5, and the Heart of the Issue, accessed September 24, 2012,

Rochelle Y. Melander, Julie O’Brien, Ed., The Word in Season, July, August, September 2012, (Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis, MN, 2012) July 9, 2012., Tear Bottle History, accessed September 24, 2012,

The Lamb (in Early Christian Symbolism), (New Advent – Catholic Encyclopedia) accessed September 24, 2012,

Philip Rushton, An Acquired Taste: Learning to Appreciate the Difficult Psalms, accessed September 24, 2012,

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Merrill C. Tenney, Gen. Ed., The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, Volume 4 (M-P), “Music; Musical Instruments”, “Poet”, “Book of Psalms”, “Psalms of Solomon”, (Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 1976), 311-324, 812-813, 924-949.

Paul J. Achtemeier, Gen. Ed., Harper’s Bible Dictionary, “Music”, “Poetry”, “The Psalms”, “Psalms of Solomon”, “Psalter”, (Harper and Row, San Francisco, 1985), 665-671, 804-806, 833-837.

Web Bible Encyclopedia, accessed September 24, 2012,

Fausset's Bible Dictionary, accessed September 24, 2012,

Lawrence O. Richards, ed., Complete Bible Handbook, (Word Books, Waco, TX).