Prince George’s County Tennis League (PGCTL) / 2012




  1. The PGCTL USTA LEAGUE TENNIS LEAGUE COMMITTEE shall consist of the League Coordinator, andAssistant Coordinators, to represent the men's and women's teams.
  1. The PGCTL USTA LEAGUE TENNIS is team competition for men and women at specified levels of play.
  1. PGCTLUSTA LEAGUE TENNIS shall be conducted without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin.
  1. OFFICIAL LEAGUE RATING PROGRAM. The National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) will be the official system for rating levels of competition for USTA PGCTL LEAGUE TENNIS. Players with a valid computer rating may play on a Team at that rating or higher. Players without a computer rating are required to declare a self-rating on TennisLink when first entering the leagues program. In making their self-rating decisions, players should consider the NTRP Guidelines posted on the TennisLink website, their on-court performance against established league players, relevant tennis history including frequency of play and instruction; and general fitness. Once made, the self-rating declared by the player shall apply to all Divisions.
  1. ELIGIBILITY. The following must be met by all players prior to the first match; (a) all players, men and women, must be 18 years of age to participate; (b) all new players must self rate on the TennisLink website. (c) all players must be on a valid roster sheet through TennisLink; (d) the league fee (including a TennisLink processing fee) must be paid in full; (e) court fees must be paid in full; (f) all league players must possess a valid USTA membership card.
  1. All players participating in USTA PGCTL league tennis, as a condition of their participation, agree to abide by the stated PGCTL and USTA LEAGUE TENNIS rules, and the standards of good conduct, fair play and good sportsmanship.
  1. All matches are played without officials, line judges, or court monitors. The USTA official publication 'THE CODE" shall be observed.
  1. WAIVER OF CLAIMS. All players participating in PGCTL USTA LEAGUE TENNIS, as a conditions of their participation, agree for themselves, their executors, administrators, heirs, and personal representatives, that all claims of every kind, nature and description are WAIVED, including past, present, and future claims, if any, for injuries sustained in traveling to or from or participating in the PGCTL USTA LEAGUE TENNIS, or against USTA LEAGUE TENNIS, its officers, and coordinators.

REGISTRATION. Official team rosters are maintained on TennisLink. Only those persons who are registered on a team roster are eligible to play in league matches. Players must play by his/her NTRP rating as of January 1 of the calendar year.

  1. LEAGUE. Depending upon player availability, each NTRP level of play will consist of two (2) teams of more.
  1. TEAM. A team shall consist of a minimum of eight (8) players for adult league, and six (6) players for all other leagues. All teams must submit a full roster of eight (8) or more players for adult leagues and six (6) players for all other leagues. Teams may be organized on a level rating basis (e.g., 3.5, 4.0) or players my play up at the next highest level. For example, a 3.0 player can play on a 3.5 level team. Each team shall have a captain to handle the administrative affairs and to represent the team in PGCTL USTA LEAGUE TENNIS matters.
  1. TEAM CAPTAIN. A person seeking to captain a PGCTL must first file a signed copy of the PGCTL Captain’s Commitment form with the area league coordinator. Further, a person may perform the duties of captain for ONE TEAM ONLY at any given NTRP level league. In addition, within any one NTRP level league, a person may not captain one team while playing on another at the same NTRP Level.

Captains are responsible for ensuring that a COMPLETE team is fielded for each match of the league season. A player who is scheduled to play a match has the responsibility to show up for that match. Each team shows up to each match expecting to play an opponent. It is a major disappointment to show up to a match only to find out that you have received a default. Even towards the end of the season, if a team is out of contention for the league title, fairness dictates that you show up for your matches since defaults may affect the final league Standings. Finally, it is the Captain’s responsibility to ensure that his/her players know the rules that govern league tennis matches.

  1. MASTER SCHEDULES. Schedules are posted on Tennis Link. The schedule will indicate the HOME and VISITOR teams. The home team is listed first. The HOME team will provide 5 new cans of USTA APPROVED tennis balls on a week to week basis. The home team for the 2.5 league will provide 3 new cans of balls. Mixed, senior and combo teams will provide 3 new cans of balls. The new LARGER BALLS are not approved for PGCTL play.
  1. ROSTER SHEETS. Players must be registered prior to the start of any scheduled match in which the "new" players are scheduled to play. All matches played by unregistered players will be designated as a forfeit by his/her team.

ROSTER LIMITS are 12 for 2.5 teams and 18 for all other teams.

Each captain is responsible for checking the move-up/move-down list which was published in December on the MAS website to ensure players are at the current level.

ADDING PLAYERS. Any new players added to your team must be entered via TennisLink before playing a match.

DELETINGPLAYERS. Players who have not participated in a match may be deleted

from a roster on TennisLink at any time by the Maryland Leagues Administrator upon a request from thePGCTL Leagues Coordinator, provided the approved Player Deletion Form has been completed in full and submitted by the Team Captain. Players who have played in one or more matches must remain on the Tennislink roster, but may be declared inactive for purposes of compliance with established roster size guidelines by likewise filing a completed Player Deletion form. Player Deletion Forms are available on the Maryland District website ( A deleted player is entitled to a reimbursement only if the player has not played in any matches. The TennisLink convenience feeand Mid-Atlantic Section fee is never reimbursable.


  1. SCORECARDS. Captains should bring scorecards (available on TennisLink) to the match with the line-up already filled out. Scorecards must indicate first and last names of each player as it appears on the roster.

Upon completion of the matches, both scorecards must be signed by each captain. Match results must be reported on TennisLink within 72 hours of the completion of the team match. This may be done by either captain. Failure to do so shall cause the local coordinator to instruct that the match be scored as a default. Opposing team captainsmustlog in to TennisLink and confirm or dispute the reported match scores within 48 hours after they have been reported. After that time, all reported results are deemed final and complete with no further right of challenge.

Disputed matches. Matchesdisputed regarding the scores entered or other matters must be disputed via TennisLink within 48 hours after the scores have been entered. Mark the scores as “disputed” then notify your level coordinator of the disputed issue. The level coordinator will then inform the league coordinator.

The following information must appear on each scorecard:

  1. Name of league, name of Home and Visitor's Teams
  2. Level of play.
  3. Date and number of match
  4. Full names of players. No nicknames or initials.
  5. In case of Default/Forfeit, indicate as same. Do not indicate as 6-0, 6-0.
  6. The winning team score is written first NOT the home team’s score.
  7. Circle the winning players.
  8. Both Captains must sign the scorecards.
  1. AWARDS will be given to 1st and 2nd place teams at each level except levels that only have two teams. Only awards will be given to the 1st place team in that event.
  1. LEAGUE FEES. The registration fee, including Tennis Link processing fee, should be submitted through the TennisLink program. The PGCTL court fee includes a per person fee for court rentals, awards and tee shirts.

USTA fee is $42.00 for a yearly membership and can be acquired by calling the 1-800-990-8782 number. Eachplayer’s USTA membership cards must be valid through the end of the league season.



Grievance Committee Members:

Marsha Williams, Chair Grievance Committee

Lilah Blackstone

Frances Brown

Ellen Collins

Jackie Fletcher

Horace Martin, Chair Appeals Committee

Mark Kelley

Denise Lancaster

All complaints alleging a violation by an individual or team during local league

competition shall be filed in writing with the Local or District League Coordinator, or designee,

having jurisdiction The complaint must be filed prior to the commencement of the next team

match in that flight involving such individual or team or within twenty-four hours after the end of

local league play, whichever occurs first.

All complaints against a player, team, team coach, or coordinator should first be addressed to the next level for immediate, informal resolution (i.e., complaints against a player or team should be presented to the Level Coordinator; a complaint against a Level Coordinator should be presented to the District League Coordinator.


Upon receipt of the complaint, the Local or District League Coordinator, or designee, shall immediately send a copy to the Chair of the appropriate League Grievance Committee and to the party(ies) against whom the complaint has been filed. Following the receipt of a complaint, the Committee shall, as soon as possible, meet to discuss and resolve the grievance. All decisions shall be by majority vote.

  1. PENALITIES FOR ABUSE OF USTA CODE OF CONDUCT AND/OR PGCTL RULES AND REGULATIONS. Players in violation of the Code of conduct and PGCTL Rules and Regulations are subject to discretion of the Grievance Committee.


A. FORFEITS. A forfeit occurs 15 minutes after scheduled start of play. The non-forfeiting team shall be credited with a win. Indicate the win as a forfeit on the scorecard. Do not indicate the forfeit as a 6-0. 6-0 wins. Forfeits must occur from the bottom up. Before a default/forfeit can be awarded, all players must check in with the opposing Captain/Co-captain before a forfeit can be declared. Players must remain on site for the duration of the default/forfeit period (15 minutes), or both Captains must sign the scorecards to award the default/forfeit point.

B.MATCH PLAY AND SCORING. Ten (10) minute warm-up. Outdoor matches will be scheduled to play 2.0 hour periods. Mixed matches scheduled for indoor courts are 1.5 hour periods. Best two (2) out of three (3) sets. Regular Scoring for the first two sets. The third set will be a 10-point match tie break.

RETIREMENT. Retirement occurs when an individual match has started and a player (doubles team) is unable to continue due to injury, loss of physical condition or emergency that makes it impossible for a player to continue. In case of a retirement, the non-retiring player (doubles team) shall be credited with such number of additional games as would have been won if the match was completed and the non-retiring player (doubles team) won every subsequent game. For NTRP computer data entry in TennisLink, mark as “retired” and submit actual scores of match at the point of retirement.

  1. AT THE END OF REGULATION PLAY AND TIME IS CALLED before a match is completed and players continue to play, all points that have been played will count.

If time has been called and the BALL IS IN PLAY, finish the point you are playing but do not start a new point. The point will count only if it ends a game or set.

If time has been called DURING THE FIRST SET OR DURING THE SECOND SET,total the number of games for each team. The team with the most games wins the match on that court.

If time has been called DURING THE FIRST OR DURING THE SECOND SET and the added game counts are tied, one point shall be played to determine the winner. See procedures below.

If time has been called DURING A SEVEN POINT TIEBREAKER OR THIRD SET TEN POINT TIEBREAKER, the team ahead by one or more points shall be declared the winner of the tiebreak. Once the Third Set Ten Point Tiebreaker has begun you DO NOT go back and count games.

If time has been called DURING THE THIRD SET TEN POINT TIEBREAKER and the score is tied, one point shall be played to determine the winner of the tiebreak.

One Point procedures: The home team spins the racquet. A spin of the racquet shall be used to determine which team will serve/receive the point. The non-serving team has the option of which side to receive serve, (deuce or ad court), but in no event will players change court side. One point is played. The winner of that point is declared the winner.

  1. ROUND ROBIN. Each team shall play every other team at least once unless there are seven (7) or more teams at that level. In case where court availability or other factors prohibit, the League Coordinator's discretion will be used to determine alternative formats e.g. playoffs.
  1. TEAM MATCH. Each adult match shall consist of 2 singles matches and 3 doubles matches except the 2.5 matches will consist of one (1) singles match and two (2) doubles matches. Senior, combo and mixed matches shall consist of 3 doubles matches.
  1. REST PERIOD. No rest period after the first (1st) game in any and all sets. Ninety seconds rest period allowed on each crossover. Two (2) minutes rest allowed after all sets.
  1. MATCH POINTS. One point will be awarded to the team winning the majority of the three (3) matches and will be the winner of the match. No points are awarded for a double default/forfeit. Points are cumulative over the season. At the end of the season, the team with the most points is the winner. If there is a tie, the winner will be determined by the following order: Team wins, team losses, individual wins, individual losses, sets lost, games lost.
  1. SCORECARDS/LINE-UPS. Captains or their designated representatives are required to exchange their scorecards with completed line-ups five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled match time. Penalties will accrue for late exchanges and be enforced against all five or three matches (2.5 teams). No penalty if both captains are late. Penalties will begin to accrue when one captain is ready to exchange lineups after five minutes before the scheduled match. Note: If a captain is waiting for a late arriving player, that captain will have to decide whether to put the late player on the scorecard and risk forfeit or insert a substitute prior to five minutes before the scheduled match time.

Penalty for exchanging scorecards late:

- 0:00 – 5:00 minutes late, opponent loses toss +1 game

- 5:01 – 10:00 minutes late, opponent loses toss + 2 games

10:01 – 15 mins. late, opponent loses toss + 3 games

15:01 minutes late, opponent defaults the match

No substitutions or changes may be made in an individual match after the scorecards have been exchanged, except for injury to, illness of, or disqualification of a player prior to the start of such match. If the substitution is made during the warm-up, the substitute player is entitled to a five (5) minute warm-up.

Teams must be able to field three (3) or more matches in order to receive match points or all five (5) match points will be defaulted. Any 2.5 team must field/play at least two (2) matches to receive any points for that team match or all three (3) match points will be defaulted. Any senior combo or mixed team must field/play at least two (2) matches to receive any points for that team match or all three (3) match points will be defaulted.

  1. PAGERS/CELL PHONES. Pagers and cell phones should not be in audible mode when on the court. Failure to turn audible alarms off during a match constitutes a deliberate hindrance and will result in the loss of the point.
  1. SPECTATORS are not allowed on courts while matches are being played. No spectators, teammate, or team captain may intervene, offer an opinion, or become involved in any way, in any match that has not yet been completed. No coaching is allowed at any time during the match.
  1. TIEBREAKS: The Coman Tiebreak will be used.

Coman Tiebreak Procedure: Ends are changed after the first point, then after every four points, and at the conclusion of the tiebreak. The scoring is the same as the traditional set or match tiebreak. Doubles players continue to serve from the same side as during the set.