MAT 0012C-CRN: 21838Course Outline
Spring 2010
Full Term - January 11 – May 2, 2010
Instructor:Hicham El Filali
Class hrs:Mon, Wed. & Fri: 7:00 – 7:50 am (6-202)
(I will also be available 10 min before and/or after class)
Lab hrs:Fri: 8:00 am-8:50 am (Damika M. Sanders)/ (6-203)
(Make sure to sign your e-mail with your name and class)
Atlas Email:
Please note that any notification of excessive absence or course progress is done
through Atlas. Be sure to check your email between sessions.
Required Materials:
∙ PreAlgebra, 5th edition, by Elayn Martin-Gay (Valencia Custom version)
This book can only be purchased at Valencia’s bookstore, no online version is available.
. Calculators will only be allowed for this course for chapter 7. If you are purchasing a calculator, it is recommended that you buy at least a scientific calculator.
. MyMathLab/WebCT (Blackboard Learning Systems) Student Access Kit: included with new book purchase.
. Lab Manual: 0012 Lab Packet obtained at the bookstore
100 sheets of college ruled lined notebook paper
Course Description:
MAT 0012C (3 credit hours)
PreAlgebra (4 contact hours)
This course does not apply toward the mathematics requirements in general education toward any degree. A grade of “C” or higher is needed for entry into MAT 0024C. (Special Fee) This associate is an introductory mathematics course which integrates a review of basic arithmetic skills with an introduction to basic algebra concepts. You will develop a mathematics vocabulary and will use it in communication both oral and written. You will study problem solving techniques. In addition to the 3 hours you will spend each week in class, you will spend one hour each week in lab. During that time, you will work on mathematics activities that will reinforce or expand the concepts in your textbook. You will also take your tests during lab hours.
Valencia Core Competencies:
Valenica has 4 core competencies that are integrated throughout the curriculum, these competencies are essential for students to achieve life long success. THINK: The ability to think critically, in relation to problem solving, is high among employer expectations. COMMUNICATE: The ability to communicate in written and verbal form is essential in the workforce. ACT: To act we apply disciplinary knowledge, skills and values to educational and career goals. We want to implement effective problem solving, decision making and goal setting strategies. VALUE: We want to employ values and standards of judgment from different disciplines and see how they positively affect each other.
To be successful in any math course you must attend class regularly and complete all assignment on
time. If you are unable to attend class for any reason, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what
you have missed. If you miss more than 3 classes you will be dropped from the course. Each 2
tardies will be counted as 1 absence. A tardy is considered arriving 5 minutes after
start of the class. If your absences or “tardies” are excessive, you will be notified through ATLAS
and you may be withdrawn from the course.
Being late to class or leaving early is a disruption to the class and is discourteous to the professor
and the other students. All students are expected to be on time to class and to stay for the entire
period. If you need to leave early notify me before the start of class. Leaving early without prior
notification to me will be considered an absence and a second time will result in being withdrawn
from the course.
Cell Phones:
Cell phones are to be off or on silent mode while in class and during test time. Please be polite and
also do not be using or handling your phone during class.
Disorderly Conduct:
Disorderly conduct will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to leaving class early, cell
phone use during class, excessive talking and or disruption. You may be notified once; if behavior
persists then you will be withdrawn immediately.
Strive for Success:
Be attentive in class and Come prepared. Make sure to have a pencil and paper ornotebook. We
will be working problems daily. Bring your text. The problems we work are in the text!! Students
are encouraged to participate actively and ask pertinent questions during class. The only
appropriate subject of discussion during class is algebra. Questions abut your individual grade or
progress must take place outside of class (make an appointment or email me!!). Anyone not
observing these policies will be asked to leave the classroom.
Students with “disabilities”:
If you are a student from the Disabilities Department, please contact me in order for me to provide the appropriate services that you are entitled to.
Academic Dishonesty:
You are expected to do your own work on exams. Providing information to another studentor receiving information concerning exam content is considered cheating. Each student is expected to be in complete compliance with the college policy on academic honesty as set forth in the admissions catalog and the student handbook. The professor reserves the right to determine the appropriate penalties within Valencia Community College academic honesty policies.
Important Dates:
Classes Do Not Meet (no labs or testing centers available)
January 18, 2010 - Martin Luther King’s Birthday
February 19, 2010 – Learning Day
March 8-14, 2010 - Spring Break
All test dates will be announced in class at least a week prior to the test date. Tentative dates are
on the attached class schedule. There are no makeup tests under any circumstances. You
must arrange BEFORE THE SCHEDULED TEST, to take it at another time if you know you
cannot be present. The rescheduled test must be taken within 7 days of the class date. If a
scheduled test is missed, your final exam grade will be used in place of the missed test score. You
may only miss one test!!! Missing a second test will cause you to be withdrawn from the
FinalExit Exam:
There is a “Final Exit Exam” that is part of thiscourse. A student is required to pass this exam with a score of 24 or more correct out of 30 (80% or higher). In order to receive a passing grade for thisclass a student will need to pass the class with a grade of “C” or higher along with a passing score of 80% or higher on the Final Exit Exam. Your Final Exit Exam will be taken during final exam period. Please see the Valencia calendar and or ask your instructor for the exact day and time.
You must pass Both the class and the prealgebra Competency Test to pass the course.
Homework & Quizzes:
Homework is assigned daily online via MyMathLab
Quizzes may be assigned without notice at the beginning of each session
Various lab activities will be given throughout the semester. Attendance is mandatory and will
be part of the grade. Leaving lab early or arriving late will be counted as an absence. Labs must be
done in pencil only, only originals can be accepted, no photo copies due to copyright protection.
Labs are graded on neatness, completeness and accuracy.
Grading Policy:A: 90% - 100%,
B: 80% - 89%
C: 70% - 79%
D: 60% - 69% * *These grades will require you to repeat MAT 0012
F: below 60% * before continuingin your math courses.
Withdrawal Policy:
The following grade will be given depending on the following:
Students will receive a W if withdrawn by March 26, 2010. After this date, if a student withdraws or is withdrawn by the professor for excessive absences, the professor will assign a grade of WP (withdrawn passing) or WF (withdrawn failing), based upon the student’s academic achievement in the class as of the last date of attendance. W and WP will not be counted in the grade point average. WF will be calculated as an F in the grade point average. The Final Withdrawal Date is April 25, 2010.
Please note: Always seek advice and guidance from myself and from your counselor before withdrawing from the class. See your counselor in how doing so impacts any financial aid you may be receiving.
Available in Bldg4 (Math Support Center)/ is free of charge / Utilize fully/ This is one of your best resources!
Disclaimer: Changes in the evaluation procedure may be made at the discretion of the instructor.
MAT 0012C – PreAlgebra
Elayn Martin-Gay, 5th Edition, Valencia Custom version
Time Line for Fall Term 2009, MWF Classes
Week # / Dates / Topics / Textbook Sections and PlansMonday / Wednesday. / Friday
1 / Jan.11-
Jan.15 / Course Introductions, Lab Orientations, Standard Notation, Addition, Subtraction, Rounding and Estimating. Perimeter. / Lab Orientation (your orientation may occur on a different day; shift topics accordingly) / 1.1, 1.2, / 1.3,1.4,
2 / Jan.
18 - 22 / Multiplying and Dividing. Area. Solving Exponential Notation and Order of Operations. / Martin Luther King
(college closed) / 1.5 , 1.6 / 1.7 , 1.8
3 / Jan.
25 - 29 / Introduction to Variables, Algebraic Expressions and Equations. Addition of Integers. / Review / Test 1
Chapter 1 / 2.1, 2.2
4 / Feb.
1 - 5 / Subtracting Integers. Multiplication and Division of Integers. Order of Operations. / 2.3 / 2.4 / 2.5
5 / Feb.
8 - 12 / Solving Equations: The Addition and Multiplication Properties. / 2.6 / Review / Test 2
Chapter 2
6 / Feb.
15 - 19 / Simplifying Algebraic Expressions. Solving Equations and Problem Solving. / 3.1, 3.2 / 3.3 , 3.4 / Learning Day
(College Closed)
7 / Feb.
22 - 26 / Introduction to Fractions and Mixed Numbers. Factors and Simplest Form. / Review / Test 3
Chapter 3 / 4.1, 4.2
8 / Mar.
1 - 5 / Multiplication and Division of Fractions. Addition and Subtraction of Fractions. / 4.3 / 4.4 / 4.5
8 - 14 / Spring Break! / College Closed / College Closed / College Closed
9 / Mar.
15 – 20 / Order of Operations and Solving Equations Containing Fractions. / 4.6 / 4.7, 4.8 / Review
10 / Mar.
22 - 26 / Introduction to Decimals. Addition and Subtraction of Decimals. Multiplication and Division of Decimals. / Test 4
Chapter 4 / 5.1, 5.2 / 5.3, 5.4
11 / Mar.29 – Apr. 2 / Fractions, Decimals, and Order of Operations. / 5.5 / 5.6 / Review
12 / Apr
5 - 9 / Percent, Decimals and Fractions. Solving Percent Problems with Equations. Applications of Percent. / Test 5
Chapter 5 / 7.1, 7.2 / 7.4, 7.5,7.6
14 / Apr.
12 - 16 / Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials. Multiplication Properties of Exponents. / Test 6
Chapter 7 / 10.1 / 10.2
15 / Apr.
19 - 23 / Multiplying Polynomials. Area and Volume. / 10.3, 9.3 / Test 7
Chapters 9/10 / Question/Answer, Final Review
16 / Apr.26 - 30
Final exam week / See instructor for exact day and time for Final Exit Exam or go to
Course Progress Sheet
Any college student should be able to calculate their own grade, do not rely on me to average your grade throughout the semester. Your grade will consist of the following, please keep track of all your scores and know how to compute your average at any time during the progress of the course. Your average can be found by taking your total points and dividing by the total possible points at that time.
Test 1 (100 pts.) ____ Test 2 (100 pts.) ____ Test 3 (100 pts.) ____
Test 4 (100 pts.) ____ Test 5 (100 pts.) ______Final (150 pts.) _____
Substitute your lowest grade with the homework average for the semester (cannot substitute final or labs) if your semester’s homework average is 80% or more.
Your total test pts. (650 points possible)
Activities (10pts Each)
Activity 1 (10 pts)Activity 2 (10 pts)Activity 3 (10 pts)
Your total activity pts. (30 points possible)
Labs (5 pts. Each)
Lab 1 ______Lab 2 ______Lab 3 ______Lab 4 ______Lab 5 ______
Lab 6 ______Lab 7 ______Lab 8 ______Lab 9 ______Lab 10 ______
Your total lab points(50 possible) ______
OVERALL TOTAL POINTS (730 possible) ______