Report No 32/16

To the Chairman and members of the Council

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Chalfont St. Giles Parish Council which will be held on Wednesday 6 July 2016 in Jordans Village Hall, School Lane at 8.00 p.m. when the business set out below

is to be transacted.


Public Forum

1.  Minutes of the meetings held on 1 June 2016 report 28/16

2.  Matters Arising from the Minutes.

2.1.  28/16-5.2 Flag companies were approached but had either run out of flags or could not get the flags to us in time.

2.2.  28/16-8.2 The first cut has been performed on the Deanway United Church cemetery.

2.3.  28/16-8.5 Audit forms and accompanying evidence have been sent to Mazars.

2.4.  28/16-8.6 A letter was compiled by Cllr Bradley and Cllr Phillips and was sent to Bucks Healthcare Trust.

2.5.  28/16-8.9 The working party have met and are in the process of applying for quotations for production of the neighbourhood plan and grants to fund the work required.

2.6.  28/16-8.10 A letter compiled by Cllr Phillips and Cllr Bradley was sent to the youth club along with cheque for the grant of £2000.

3.  Apologies for absence

4.  Declarations of Interest

5.  Correspondence:

5.1.  Invitation to CIL engagement workshop. Volunteers required. (Circulated by email)

5.2.  Invitation to local plan Preferred Options Consultation. (Circulated by email)

5.3.  Request from CSG Playgroup for a member of the council to become part of their committee.

5.4.  Request from Old School Markets to advertise on the village green

6.  Correspondence received after the agenda was circulated.

7.  Reports from committees

7.1.  Planning Committee meeting 1 June 2016 27/16

7.2.  Planning committee meeting 22 June 2016 30/16

7.3.  Open Spaces and Amenities Committee meeting 15 June 2016 29/16

8.  Current Matters:

8.1.  To discuss Deanway Traffic Calming report.

8.2.  To discuss LAF funding.

8.3.  To appoint a focus group for the local plan.

8.4.  To discuss the amendment required to the Parish Church war memorial.

8.5.  To update on the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan working party.

8.6.  To approve HR recommendations

9.  Accounts for May 2016

10. Items for future agenda.

11. Date of next meeting – Wednesday 3 August 2016

29 June 2016 / Helen Griffiths Clerk to the Council

In accordance with the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations Act 2014, all non-confidential supporting documentation is available to view from the Parish Council Offices.