Database Update Instructions for use with


The following are instructions to update the local RUSLE2 database after the new version installed so that all the new functions work.

The RUSLE2 program is located on each employee’s computer under C: \Program Files (x86) \USDA \RUSLE2 \NRCS. The RUSLE2 program then uses a database that contains the Climate, Crop Management Zones, and Soils. Each computer in a field office uses the same database and the path to the database is set on each computer running RUSLE2. In SD this database is saved to the shared drive at S: Service Center \NRCS\ RUSLE2data.

Printing templates used by the RUSLE2 program are located on each computers C: drive at C:\ProgramData\USDA\RUSLE2\NRCS\Printing. Instructions to reinstall the SD printing templates are located below in step 5.

Steps 1 through 3 are to be completed by the DC once for each F.O.All RUSLE2 users need to complete steps4 and 5.

  1. Install new RUSLE2 SDmoses.gdb database to FO shared drive.
  1. Right click the SDmoses_06_27_2016.zipemail attachment and click Save As…
  1. Save it to S:\Service_Center\NRCS\RUSLE2data

  1. Use Windows Explorer to openS:\Service_Center\NRCS\RUSLE2data. Right click SDmoses_06_27_2016.zip, select WinZip, and Extract to here

  1. Start RUSLE2 and openSDmoses_06_27_2016.gdb.
  2. Open RUSLE2 in the normal way (typically the desktop icon).

Note: If this is the first time you have opened the newest version of RUSLE2 the Introduction screen will probably appear. Select Profileas the startup screen and NRCS simple 11182015as the user’s template.

From the main RUSLE2 screen Click Database, andOpen alternate. Migrate to S:\Service_Center\NRCS\RUSLE2dataandopen SDmoses_06_27_2016.gdb

  1. Set SDmoses_06_27_2016.gdb as your Startup database.

Whenever using RUSLE2 always check to see you are using the correct database.

  1. Import saved records from the old SDmoses database.
  2. To import Other Local Managements, and Profiles, Worksheets, and Plans that had been saved with your old database click Database, Import RUSLE2 database, migrate to S:\Service_Center\NRCS\RUSLE2data,and openthe SDmoses_6_5_2015.gdb(previous database).

If yourold database has customized crop management records that you saved inOther Local Management Records you must select them from the managements folder for your CMZ (Crop Management Zone).

To expand the managements tree double click managements

Double click the CMZ

Double click Other Local Mgt Records

You can import all of the Other Local Mgt records forthis CMZ by clicking here

Or you can choose to import some of them

Or none of them

If you haveplans

Or profiles

Or worksheets

that you want imported you need to select them also

Radio buttons selected to include no dependent files and Import to same folder. Click Import.

These screens may not all appear, and some not pictured may appear. Follow their instructions.

Click OK at warning.Click yes to all.

Click OKClick OK

If you have questions or experience problems during this process contact Tim Nordquist at 605-348-2889, Ext 104

Step 4 needs to be completed by all RUSLE2 users.

  1. Start RUSLE2 and open theSD_MOSES_06_27_2016.gdb.
  2. Open RUSLE2 in the normal way (typically the desktop icon).

Note: If this is the first time you have opened the newest version of RUSLE2 the Introduction screen will probably appear. Select Profileas the startup screen and NRCS simple 11182015as the user’s template.

From the main RUSLE2 screen click Database, andOpen alternate. Migrate to S:\Service_Center\NRCS\RUSLE2data andopen SDmoses_06_27_2016.gdb

  1. Set SD_MOSES_06_27_2016.gdb as your Startup database.

Whenever using RUSLE2 always check to see you are using the correct database.

Step 5Printing Template Installation.

  1. Procedures to load the RUSLE2 printing templates and the SD-JS-AGRON job sheet.
  2. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to C:\ProgramData\USDA\RUSLE2\NRCS. Open Printing folder and delete all printing templates (.dot). They will be replaced with the email attachments.

Copy or drag these 4 attachments from the email into the now empty Printing folder.

If you have questions or experience problems during this process contact Tim Nordquist at 605-348-2889, Ext 104