MacMEETS- Fast Facts
What can I claim for reimbursement?
Accommodation to single room rate per traveller
GratuitousYes...payable to traveller when lodging with friends or family while travelling on University business ($20 night)
Rent Yes…typically acquired for long-term stay
Air Travel class; airline ticket and invoice or e-confirmation and boarding pass are required
Airport Departure and Security TaxesYes
Cancellation InsuranceYes...recommended when purchasing non-refundable tickets
Frequent Flyer PointsNO...enrolment fee is not eligible for reimbursement. Travellers cannot seek cash reimbursement for airline tickets purchased with frequent flyer points
Personal Travel InsuranceNO...except where traveller is visitor/student and is not covered under the University’s policy
Travel Agency Services FeesYes…administrative fee charged by travel service provider
Baggage FeesYes…if reasonable
Ground Travel
Airport LimousineYes...airport limousine or bus is recommended
Car RentalYes...daily vehicle insurance coverage must be acquired. If you use the corporate travel credit card (Diner’s MasterCard), you must waive the Loss and Damage Waiver (LDW) in order to qualify for the credit card’s insurance, however, you must still purchase the liability coverage. Note: the Loss and Damage coverage on the credit cards applies for only 31 days
GasolineYes…car rental or in lieu of mileage allowance
GO bus/trainYes…gst rebate does not apply
Other Car MileageYes…cases where mileage allowance may be more or less than the University approved allowance. Must be supported by granting agency documentation. Note: a reasonable mileage allowance should not exceed $0.52 per km for the first 5,000 kms and $0.46 per km for any additional kms. Note that these limits are $0.04 higher in the Territories
Privately Owned VehicleYes...the kilometre allowance is designed to cover vehicle operating costs, including gasoline, insurance, repairs and maintenance. The current auto allowance is $.40/km. When claiming for multiple trips, please attach a log indicating the date, destination and purpose of trip to the expense claim
Parking/Highway & Bridge Tolls/FerriesYes...wherever possible, obtain a receipt car for day travel, or standard lower berth or roomette for overnight travel
Taxi/BusYes...wherever possible, obtain receipt
Traffic/Parking ViolationsNO...this is a personal expense and is the responsibility of the traveller
Vehicle accident/damages/repairsNO...this is a personal expense and is the responsibility of the traveller
407 TollYes…toll and administration charges. Transponder lease not eligible for reimbursement
Without receiptsYes...fixed per diem rate applies. Payable to the traveller only. Based on Treasury Board of Canada rates.
With receiptsYes...Business Entertainment expense when providing meal to colleague, donor, etcOriginal receipts and/or invoices are required. There must be clear documentation as to the business purpose and the amount of each expense, the date and place of the entertainment, and the business relationship of the persons entertained.
RegistrationsYes...proof of payment is required
ATM/Bank FeesYes…fees associated with cash withdrawalsor cash currency conversion
Child care expensesNO...exception. Federal Granting Councils allow child care expenses for a nursing mother and overnight babysitting for single parents
Fax and e-mail chargesYes...if reasonable
Interest/delinquency is the responsibility of the traveller to ensure that personal and corporate credit card balances are paid on time
Laundry/dry cleaningYes...if reasonable.Incidental per diem allowance to be used
Lost or stolen itemsNO
Meals included in another itemNO...e.g. conference fee, transportation (air flight) charge, accommodation
Non-business/personal expensesNO
Pet care expensesNO
Telephone charges Yes...if reasonable. Personal calls are at the discretion of the authorized approving officer
Travelling companions expensesNO...expenses related to a spouse or travel companion are deemed personal
Unnecessary stopoversNO
Visas, passports, photographs, immunization shotsYes...if reasonable and required for specific international business travel