atRichardson Road Park, 3975Richardson Rd., Independence, KY 41051
Wednesday Nights Mixed DoublesSeptember 9 – Oct 28, 6p - 8p / Friday Nights Mixed Doubles
September 11 – October 30, 6p - 8p
_____ Yes, I want to be a regular / _____ Yes, I want to be a regular
I need a bye on the following dates ______/ I need a bye on the following dates ______
______I want to be listed as a sub only / ______I want to be listed as a sub only
- No Partner required. Partners are assigned each week and rotate.
- Adult Tennis league meaning must be age 18 or above when play commences
- All matches are played at Richardson Road Park beginning at 630p and ending by 830pm on either Wednesdays or Fridays. You can sign up for one or both.
- Average to above average skilled players please.
- Matches are the best 2 out of 3 sets following normal USTA rules.
- By signing up you agree to the following;
- That league play requires I be dependable and arrive timely for matches.
- That my phone number and email will be disseminated to players in the league on the released schedule.
- That it is my responsibility to get a sub if I am unable to make a match and that I must contact the Court Captain (designated by the # sign on the schedule) with the name of my sub and their phone number.
- That I must serve as a Captain periodically in order to be a regular (which will be denoted on the schedule when your number has the # sign next to it).
- That as Court Captain, I am responsible for the following; 1) Bringing a new can of unopened balls to the match 2) Receiving phone calls about subs for my Court 3) Determining and calling players if inclement weather makes it impossible to play safely.
- All play is at the participant's own risk and Pioneer Girl's Tennis Boosters Assoc., Inc., Kenton County Fiscal Court, and Kenton County Parks and Recreation Department are NOT liable for injuries sustained as a result of participation.
- COST is $20 per player; Profitsare split between the Kenton County Parks Department and Pioneer Tennis Boosters. Please make checks payable to Pioneer Tennis Boosters and mail them to Attn: Virginia M. Riggs-Horton, 2216 Dixie Hwy, Ste 200-B, Fort Mitchell, KY 41017.
- Registration and payment must be received by 09/06/2015. Schedule released via email on September 7, 2015. Any questions, please contact Virginia M. Riggs-Horton at 859 866 0228 or via email at
Player's Name: ______GENDER: Male / Female (select one)
Address: ______
Phone: ______Cell______Email ______
I ______do hereby consent and agree to the above terms and conditions as a participant in the Northern Kentucky Pioneer Adult Tennis League's Fall 2015. I also agree to hold the Pioneer Girl's Tennis Boosters Assoc., Inc., Kenton County Fiscal Court, and Kenton County Parks and Recreation Departmentharmless from liability for any injury sustained by my participation in this league.