12th Solar Keymark Network meeting -

Agenda, rev 2

(18/32012, jen)

Meeting time:

Tuesday, March20th, 2012, 13:00 - 19:00

Wednesday, March21st 2012, 08:00 - 14:00

Meeting location:

DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.
Burggrafenstraße 6
10787 Berlin


Meeting Room: 909

How to go to there:

Online registration (deadline 1st March):

Hotels in the neighbourhood:

Air in Berlin Ansbacher Str. 6 10787 Berlin

Ambassador Bayreuther Str. 42-4310787 Berlin

Hotel Berlin, Berlin Lützowplatz 1710785 Berlin

Crowne Plaza Berlin City Centre Nürnberger Str. 6510787 Berlin

Ellington Hotel Berlin Nürnberger Str. 50 - 510789 Berlin

Grand City Excelsior,Hotel BerlinHardenbergstr. 1410623 Berlin

Golden Tulip Berlin - Hotel Hamburg,Landgrafenstr. 410787 Berlin

Hampton by HiltonUhlandstrasse 188-18910623 Berlin

Holiday Inn Express, Berlin City Centre WestKurfürstenstr. 78,10787 Berlin

InterContinental Berlin Budapester Str. 210787 Berlin

Motel One Berlin-Tiergarten An der Urania 12/1410787 Berlin

Palace Budapester Str. 45 (Europa-Center)10787 Berlin

Best Western Hotel President An der Urania 16 -1810787 Berlin

Residenz Hotel Berlin Meinekestr. 910719 Berlin

Pullman Berlin Schweizerhof Budapester Str. 2510787 Berlin

Sylter Hof Kurfürstenstr. 114 - 1110787 Berlin

Marked with bold: Recommended by DIN CERTCO
Meeting starts: Tuesday, March20th, 2012, 13:00

Sandwiches / light lunch are served from 12 o’clock for those who sign up for it.



Decision potentially required




Related documents / comments / details

1 / Opening of the meeting (HD)
2 / Introduction of participants (All)
3 / x / Approval of the agenda (All) / N0182R4doc (this document)
4 / Comments to the minutes of the 10. meeting (HD / All) / N0181R0pdf
5 / x / Comments on Solar Keymark Network decision list ?
... I would like to ask a correction of the way D5.M7 is on the Decision list.Presently it includes only:
Decision D5.M7 – Solar Keymark Certification of PV/T collectors
The participants present decided that Solar Keymark Certification of PV/T collectors as a solar thermal product is possible provided the measurements of the thermal performance are performed with and without electricity production. For the electrical load applied for the electricity production a MPP Tracker shall be used. In the Solar Keymark data sheet the thermal performance with and without electricity production shall be presented (see note below).
But it makes no reference to note below. This note is in the Minutes of Meeting 7 and is important to be included in the decision list because it refers to what values shall be reported in the Data Sheet for PV/T collectors:
Note: (Practical comment by the Secretary) In present version of the Solar Keymarkcollector data sheet there is no room for two values for the thermal performanceparameters. Until further notice the two sets of values for a PV/T collector are given in
the following way:
Values for PV/T collector without electricity production: To be given in the normalway in the data sheet.
Values for PV/T collector with electricity production: To be given with thefollowing explanation in the comments field of the data sheet in the following way:The thermal performance of the collector is reduced if electricity is produced
simultaneously. A test was performed with simultaneous electricity production;results from this test show the following performance parameters: n0a: d.ddd; a1a:d.ddd w/(m²k); a2a: d.dddd w/(m²k²); tstg: ddd °c.
Maria João Carvalho / N0100R7pdf
6 / x /
Date and place of next meeting(s) (HD)
  • 13th meeting: 5 - 6/9 2012, AENOR, Madrid, Spain
  • 14th meeting: ?? - ??/3 2013, SIA, Israel

7 / x / Draft proposal for introducing resolutions (JEN):
Step A: Proposal for decision:
Decisions concerning changes in:
SKN Internal Regulations
SKN Draft Specific Scheme Rules
SKN Specific Scheme Rules Annexes
are from now on named resolutions.
Step B: Proposal (for resolution)conc. revision of SKN Internal Regulations; proposal is implemented in attached SKN_N0102.R4 section 3:
Decisions concerning changes in:
SKN Internal Regulations
SKN Draft Specific Scheme Rules
SKN Specific Scheme Rules Annexes
are named resolutions( from March 2012 onwards)
All proposals for resolutions shall be attached a proposal for how to include / implement the resolution in the related document, i.e. a revised document showing tracked changes. Proposals for resolutions can be made simply giving a reference to the revised document with the changes implemented.
All proposals for resolutions shall be send to SKN secretariat at least 3 weeks before the meeting.
Proposed revisions of SK Specific Scheme Rules should be finally approved by CCB.
All resolutions are reported in the SKN meeting minutes and shall be marked:
“Date of resolution: dd/dd dddd. The revised document according to agreed proposal (SKN number) will be published within two weeks”
For the minutes if approved:
Date of resolution: 20/3 2012, Revised SKN Internal Regulations according to agreed proposal (SKN_N0102.R4) to be published within two weeks.. / N0102R4doc
8 / x / Proposal (for resolution)conc. revision of SKN Internal Regulations; proposal is implemented in attached SKN_N0102.R4 section 2.1.1:
Requirement for publication at Solar Keymark website of accreditation certificates for:
-test labs
-certification bodies / N0102R4doc
9 / x / Scheme rules: Version in force.
  • PV/T issue - inclusion of PV/T collectors was not accepted by CCB - Korbinian Kramer has promised to try to propose a solution - so far papers on the issue --->
  • EN 12977 inclusion in scheme rules
  • Proposal for Scheme rulesincluding custom built systems (EN 12977 ), JEN
  • (improved more readable version  R6), JEN
  • Draft example test report, Carlo Vassella, SPF
  • Draft example assortment file, Carlo Vassella, SPF
/ N0106R15 doc
N0184R0 pdf ,N0185R0 pdf
N0192R4 doc (3/3) 2012
N0192R6 doc (18/3) 2012
N0196R0 doc (16/3) 2012
N0197R0 docx (16/3) 2012
10 / x / Any new equivalent absorber coatings ?
11 / x / Any new equivalent glazing ?
12 / x / Proposal for “Exchangeability of absorbers in FPCs except absorber coatings”
WG: Franz Helminger (chair), Ulrich Fritzsche, Christian Stadler, Carsten Lampe, Ralf Köbbemann-Rengers, Maria João Carvalho, Hans-Peter Weiss, Martin Meingassner, Sören Scholz, Andreas Bohren / N0186R0 doc
N0187R0 doc
13 / x / Proposal for modification to SKN decision D3.M10, Equivalent absorber coatings“, Francis Kliem (2012-03-08) / N0194R0 pdf
14 / x / Brand names / OEM / OBL
WG: Sören Scholz (Chair), Ralf Köbbemann-Rengers, Christian Stadler, Pedro Dias, Costas Travasaros, François-Xavier Ball, Vincenzo Delacqua, Jaime Fernandez Gonzalez-Granda. / N0193R0 doc
15 / x / Proposal for decision (JEN):
No listing in Solar Keymark database if data sheet is not available for the database administrator
(follow up on requirement in Specific Scheme Rules: “Certification bodies shall make test results public available in the harmonised format agreed upon by the Solar Keymark Network”)
16 / x / List of documents required by certification bodies - see item 15 in minutes of last meeting (Stamatios Babalis / Costas Travasaros) / N0165R0 doc
17 / x / Requirement for publication at Solar Keymark website of accreditation certificates for:
-certification bodies
18 / x / Solar Certification Fund-3rd Call (JEN):
  • Recommendations from SCF Steering group
  • Voting on approval of all recommended proposals with the recommended budgets (Yes/No)
  • If majority of the given votes is Yes, all recommended proposals are consider approved - and the meeting will proceed to next point on the agenda.
  • If majority of the given votes is No, voting will proceed on each recommended proposal:
  • All projects having majority Yes, are considered approved
  • All projects having majority No, are considered not approved (budget saved this way will then be available for next call)
/ N0183R1 doc
19 / x / Election of SKN Chairman - candidates:
-Harald Drück
20 / x / Election of SCF evaluator - industry representative - replacement of Rob Meesters- candidates:
21 / x / Proposal to establish WG to investigate the need and proposing procedures for:
  • Internal checks of certification bodies and test labs

22 / x / Sanctions against absent representatives obliged to participate in the Solar Keymark network meetings?
Decision D12.M10 – Participation at Solar Keymark network meetings

In case of two absences in a row of bodies and representatives obliged to participate in the Solar Keymark network meetings a decision will be made related to require participation at the next meeting and sanctions if this is not the case.
23 / x / Proposal for establishing real technical database for Solar Keymark products from Roger Hackstock, Austria Solar:
Based on the data sheets in Excel format it is possible to make a database for the detailed technical parameters.
This is a request from subsidy authorities (e.g. Salzburg in Austria). There is an offer from Salzburg subsidy authority to make such database - but this requires access to Excel sheets - the offer includes making the technical data base accessible from the Solar Keymark web.
Note from SKN secretary: We have already requirement in scheme rules that certification bodies shall provide Excel data sheets. We have no decision that Excel sheets shall be made public. To proceed we need a decision that Excel sheet shall be available for all or for selected bodies.
It is in principle possible for everyone to make such data base using data from the pdf data sheets. But quite substantial work to keep the data base updated this way.
24 / (x) / Information on CE marking (might be covered partly already in SCF project report above)
Discussion of "reduced" version of EN 12975-1 for presentation and discussion in the SKN.:
  1. including Julios remarks were we agreed
  2. deleting the rain penetration test for the interface between collector and roof as we discussed
  3. including annex ZC
  4. deleting everything that is not mentioned in the mandate
  5. including the exposure test (needs to be in there from my point of view because we can argue this is proving the durability as it is required by the mandate)
(Stephan Fischer, ITW)
Info on issues connected to the Pressure Equipment Directive, JEN / N0191R0 doc
25 / Guide – Preparation of „physical inspection reports“ for Solar Thermal products according to the Solar Keymark scheme rules, Stefan Mehnert / N0195R0 docx
26 / Short info on EN 12975 Guide and EN 12976 Guide, Peter Kovacs & Ulrich Fritzsche / Presentations to come (PK & UF)
27 / Presentation about the "Energy Output Calculator and the new Solar Keymark Data Sheet", Stefan Mehnert / N0190R0 pdf
28 / Status for “Global certification”
Jaime Fernandez Gonzalez-Granda (chair), Mark Witt, Stephan Fischer, Jan Erik Nielsen, Harald Drück, François-Xavier Ball, Sören Scholz, Ralf Köbbemann-Rengers, Stefan Mehnert.
Presentation from Uli Fritzsche.
Invite overseas certification bodies for workshop in connection with next SKN meeting? / N0189R0 docx
Collector certification across the world.pdf
29 / Fee income 2012 and other financial issues/ Pedro Dias / Presentation (Pedro Dias)
30 / Solar Certification Fund-1st Call - Status Reports/Pedro Dias / Document to(Pedro Dias)
31 / Solar Certification Fund-2nd Call - Status Reports/Pedro Dias / Document to (Pedro Dias)
32 / Information on Energy Labelling / Presentation (Gerard van Amerongen)
33 / Report from: (Sören Scholz):
  • “Certification Body Group”
  • “Inspection Group”
/ Presentation (Sören Scholz)
Presentation (Sören Scholz)
34 / Information from CEN TC 312 (Costas Travasaros) / Presentation (?)
35 / Information from QAiST project (Pedro Dias)
Country reports (Albania) / Presentation (Pedro Dias)
Presentation (?)
36 / New SK website (Pedro Dias) / Presentation (Pedro Dias)
37 / Information from CEN/CCB
  • Certification of PV/T collectors
  • CEN Keymark database
  • Global Keymark
  • Any other issues
/ Presentation (Inga Schlüter)
38 / Experience with misuse of Solar keymark - exchange of information
39 /
Any other business
40 /
Important national developments:
Italy (Vinod Sharma)

End of meeting (HD)
Meeting ends Thursday, March 21st 2012,14:00

6 + 6 hours - 2 hours breaks = 10 hours = 600 minutes, 40 issues =>15minutesin average per issue

HD: Harald Drück, ITW, Stuttgart University, Chairman Solar Keymark Network,

JEN:Jan Erik Nielsen, Solarkey Int., ESTIF Technical Consultant, Secretary of Solar Keymark Network,

Items for next meeting September 2012:

x / Freeze resistance test
WG: Ulrich Fritzsche (chair), Stephan Fischer, Carsten Lampe, Alberto Garcia de Jalon,
Bellenda Giovanni, Maria João Carvalho