Small Group Leader Curriculum2nd/3rd
May 13th
Bible Story: Logic Error (David and Ahimelek) •1 Samuel 21–22
Bottom Line: When you’re not truthful, you hurt others.
Memory Verse: “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.” Proverbs 10:9, NIV
Life App: Honesty—Choosing to be truthful in whatever you say and do
Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
Social: Small Groups (10 & 11:15)
Welcome kids and spend time engaging in conversation and catching up.
Get ready to experience today’s story.
Early Arriver Idea
Made to Explore: an activity that extends learning through hands on experimentation and discovery
What You Need: Offering container, dominoes
What You Do:
- Greet kids as they arrive and invite them to put their offerings in the container.
- Set out the dominoes and ask for a volunteer to show the group how they work when you set them up in a row and then knock them down.
- Let kids play with dominoes as they wait for the rest of the group to arrive.
- Point out that dominoes are a great example of “cause and effect.” One thing happens and then another thing happens because the first thing happened!
Intro Activity
Mother’s Day Heart Weaving Craft
Supplies: paper hearts, foam heart poem, paper strips, glue and scissors
- Hand out a paper heart, a poem, and a few paper strips to each child.
- Then help them weave the paper strips into the paper heart.
- Trim off excess paper ends. Secure with glue if desired and allow to dry.
- Peel backing off of the white foam heart sticker and place on top of the woven mat.
- Have the kids take them home and give them to their moms for Mother’s Day.
Large Group (10:25, 11:40)
Line your kids up at the door and quietly head to the Large Group room. You’ll sit with your small group near the front of the stage. Stay with your kids the entire time you’re in large group. Engage kids’ hearts through a dynamic and interactive Bible story, worship, and prayer experience in a Large Group setting.
Groups: Creating a Safe Place to Connect
(10:45, 12:00)
Create a safe place to connect and learn howthe Bible story applies to real life experiences through interactive activities and discussion questions.
- Welcome visitors
- Go over memory verse—give candy to kids who can say it
- Offer snacks 10 amservice only
Activity #1 10 ONLY
Spreading Lies
[Live for God | Application Activity]
Made to Explore: an activity that extends learning through hands on experimentation and discovery
What You Need: Coffee filters, washable markers, eyedroppers, cup of water, Styrofoam plates
What You Do:
- Give each kid a coffee filter, and instruct them to place it on a Styrofoam plate.
- Encourage your few to write this week’s Bottom Line on their coffee filter with a marker.
- After completed, provide each kid with an eyedropper.
- Help them fill up their eyedropper about half way with the water from the cup.
- Instruct kids to slowly drop water in the center of the coffee filter.
- As they do, let them watch the ink from their Bottom Line spread across the coffee filter.
What You Say:
“It was a bit of a bummer to watch the words you wrote disappear as the ink spread across the coffee filter! Just like the water caused the ink to spread all over the place, being untruthful spreads to others. Have you ever witnessed how a lie can spread—maybe at school or with friends? (Provide time to share stories.)[Make It Personal] (Share a personal story from a time you were untruthful and in the end hurt someone.) Whether it’s a lie we share, or it’s from someone else, now we can see how [Bottom Line] when you’re not truthful, you hurt others.”
Activity #2 11:15am ONLY
Guess the Scene
[Talk about God| Bible Story Review]
Made to Create: an activity that explores spiritual ideas through the process of drawing, building, and designing
What You Need: Butcher paper, markers
What You Do:
- Split your group into four teams. Give each team a piece of butcher paper and markers.
- Assign each team a scene from today’s story.
- Scene 1: David is on the run to Nob, being untruthful to Ahimelek. Doeg is off in the near distance, witnessing David lie to the high priest.
- Scene 2: Ahimelek is giving over the sword and food to David, which lets him take off and hide out in a cave.
- Scene 3: Saul is hearing the news that David was leading a group of 400 men joining against him.
- Scene 4: Saul is telling Ahimelek the truth that David was dishonest with him and he let so many people down.
- Encourage them to read their narrative together and draw their scene.
- Provide kids with about five minutes to complete their scene.
- When completed, give each group a turn to hold up their picture, allowing others to guess what is happening in their scene.
- Encourage each group to explain their scene after others have guessed.
What You Say:
“You are amazing artists! You did a beautiful job illustrating our story from today. What part of the story stood out to you the most? (Provide time for answers.) David really let a bunch of people down all because he told a lie to one person. That’s a huge ‘if and then’ situation. I’m sure David thought his lie wouldn’t turn out to be this big of a deal. He was just trying to get away from Saul, but little did he know, [Bottom Line] when you’re not truthful, you hurt others.”
Prayer—All Services
[Pray to God | Prayer Activity]
Made to Reflect: an activity that creates space for personal understanding and application
What You Need: no supplies needed
What You Do:
- Ask if anyone has experienced a lie turning into a web, where one thing led to another and relationships were hurt.
- Allow time for your few to respond, giving time for each person to share if they desire.
- Tell kids that when they choose to be dishonest, the important thing is how they handle it afterward. It’s important to go to the person they lied to, tell the truth, and ask for their forgiveness.
What You Say:
“Dear God, I want to live a life of honesty so that others may see who You are through me. I know that [Bottom Line] when you’re not truthful, you hurt others and that dishonesty can keep people from seeing You reflected in me. So I ask You to guide me in those moments. Forgive me for the times I have let others down, and remind me of how I can point others toward You when I live a life of honesty. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
If you have extra time you may…
-ask kids questions to get to know them better
-practice the memory verse
-allow them to play any games available in your classrooms
Dismiss at the door
Pass out any fliers that are on your table by the door.
Please take all parent tags as parents enter for pick-up. If a tag is not available, do not release their kid to them and please send them to the lobby to fill out a Parent Release Form or to have their parent tag reprinted.
Return your name tag to the check-in counter when you’re finished for the day.
Thank you for serving today!
©2015 The reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved. • by Kids@UnionChapel 3/21/18