
Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed!Alleluia!

A very Happy Easter to you all

St Michael’s Church, Alnwick

1st 8th April 2018 Easter DayThe 2nd Sunday of Easter


A very warm welcome to St Michael’s – especially if you are with us for the first time. Please do stay behind after the 9.30 and 11.15 servicesservice for tea/coffee and a chat. If you receive Communion at your own church, you are invited to do so here or, if you would prefer, you are welcome to come forward for a blessing.

Large print books and a loop system are available.

This leaflet gives details of readings, services and other events in the near future – please take it home with you to read and then use as a reference for the coming days.

8.00 amHoly Communion

President and PreacherThe Rev’d Canon Paul ScottColin Perkins

PreacherJohn Cooke

ReaderHolly PetrieWin Nicol

9.30 amParish Easter Eucharist,

with Blessing of the Easter Garden

Introit Hymn218Thine be the glory209Love’s redeeming work is done

PresidentThe Rev’d Canon Paul Scott

Children and Young People

Parents with babies and very small children are most welcome to take them to the Children’s Corner (at the back of church) at any time.

1st ReadingIsaiah 25:6-9Acts 4:32-35Reader: John SawyerCatherine Hughes

(Page 662 118 of the Old New Testament in the pew Bible)

The prophet holds out God’s promise of a joyful end to all human travail, when there will be feasting and rejoicing as death is destroyed for ever and God saves his people.Despite continuing harassment by the Jewish authorities, the believers in Jerusalem began to develop a new style of community life under the apostles’ leadership, sharing everything and meeting everyone’s needs.

2nd ReadingActs 10:34-431 John 1:1-2:2Reader: Dee RamsayRichard Allsop

(Page 126 236 of the New Testament in the pew Bible)

This is a small part of the story of Peter and a centurion of the Roman occupying army, when the Gospel first reached beyond the Jews. The teaching sums up Jesus’ old and new life.These Sundays of Eastertide we shall hear a series of passages from this letter. The eternal life from God, writes John, has been seen and touched on earth in the person of his incarnate Word. Now we know God’s pure light and in it we are cleansed and forgiven.

Gradual205Jesus Christ is risen today236Breathe on me, breath of God

The GospelJohn 20:19-3120:1-18

(Page 111 112 of the New Testament in the Pew Bible)

Mary Magdalene is sometimes called ‘the Apostle to the Apostles’, for she was the first to see the risen Lord and tell the others. But his appearance had changed, and only love speaking to love made him known to herOn the first Easter evening, Jesus appears to his disciples with his habitual greeting of peace, and a gift of the Holy Spirit. Thomas must wait another week until he can see, believe and adore.

SermonJohn CookeThe Rev’d Canon Paul Scott

PrayersIntercessorJohn CookeCLERGY

Offertory Hymn194Alleluia! Alleluia! Hearts to heaven and voices raise198 At the Lamb’s high feast we sing

Communion Hymn212New the green blade rises from the buried grain695 Jesus, these eyes have never seen

Closing Hymn197Alleluia, alleluia give thanks to the risen Lord217 The strife is o’er, the battle done

11.15 amHoly Communion at Denwick

President and PreacherThe Rev’d Colin Perkins

11.15 amLate Morning Worship

LeaderThe Rev’d Canon Sue Allen

TalkEmma Mavin

4.00 pmEaster Day Afternoon Tea in the Parish HallVestry and Annual Parochial Church Meetings in the Parish Hall

6.00 pmSung Evensong (BCP, 1662)

Readings: Ezekiel 37:1-14Genesis 3:8-15(Page 820 3 of the Old Testament in the pew Bible)

Luke 24:13-35Galatians 4:1-5(Page 186 of the New Testament in the pew Bible)

Reader:Vivienne GravesJean Darby

OfficeThe Rev’d Canon Paul Scott

PreacherThe Rev’d Colin PerkinsCanon Paul Scott

Hymns205Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia203Good Christians all, rejoice and sing!

66, vv 1-11Psalm 85(Page 4524 of the small Prayer Book)

216The day of resurrection201Come, ye faithful, raise the strain

200Christ the Lord is risen again211Now is eternal life

221Ye choirs of new Jerusalem207Jesus lives! Thy terrors now

For your prayers this week

  • That we may walk with Christ during this Holy Weeknks for the triumph of Christ over death and the graveThat, like Thomas, we might proclaim Christ as our Lord and our God

All who are visiting Alnwick over the Easter breakThose whose lives are blighted by warfare and unrest

  • All who kindly volunteer to act as stewards and welcomers in our ChurchDeparted loved onesOur Easter Vestry and Annual Parochial Church Meetings
  • St Michael’s C. of E. Primary School – and especially the Holy Week Activity Day here on TuesdayThe ongoing situation in SyriaGreater respect for the sanctity of life
  • All who are visiting Alnwick over the holiday period
  • Thanks for the precious gift of Holy CommunionAlan, our Organist and the ChoirAll who work for peace and justice

Worship And Events This Week

Wed 4th11th 10.15 amHoly Communion

2.00 pm Mothers’ Union in church

Fri 13th 10.00 amContagious Easter Activity morning at Methodist Church

Sat 14th 10.00 amAlnwick Spring Show in the Willowburn Sports Centre

1.00 pm Wedding of Laura Warwick & Mark Wilson

7.30 pm Northumbria Sinfonietta concert in St Michael’s

Next Sunday8th 15th AprilThe Second Third Sunday of Easter

8.00 amHoly CommunionActs 3:12-19Acts 4:32-35 CW 538541

1 John 1.1-2.23:1-7CW 54239

John 20:19-31Luke 24:36b-48 CW 54239

9.30 amParish Eucharist

11.15 amLate Morning Worship

11.15 amHoly Communion at Denwick

4.00 pmEaster Vestry & Annual Meeting, Preceded by tea & cake

6.00 pmSung Evensong, BCP 1662

Genesis 3:8-15;Galatians 4:1-5Deuteronomy 7:7-13; Revelation 2:1-11

Please remember our Easter Vestry & Annual Parochial Church Meetings in the Parish Hall at 4.00pm this afternoon. There we will elect Churchwardens, PCC members and receive The Annual Reports and Accounts. There is also an opportunity for anyone on the Electoral Roll to raise any points of interest or concern. There are copies of the meeting papers available this morning at the back of church – please take one to read beforehand and bring it to the meetinfg with you,

Many thanks to all who tookLent Boxesand have saved for the work of theChurch Mission Society. If you haven’t already returned yours, it would be a great help if boxes could be returned to church as soon as possible.

Green tops from milk-bottles

Once again, we have found somewhere that can make use of these tops. Please put them in the small kitchen as before, from where they will be collected. Many thanks

Plans are well under way for oOur Stewarding Season which began last week. Currently we are short of people to welcome visitors on Thursday and Friday afternoons. If you can help – either weekly or fortnightly – please speak with Cath McNally. Thank you

Holy Island Date - June 9th confirmed. A varied group from St Michael's is booked at the StCuthbert's Centre for what should be an excellent day. As well as opportunities for prayer and reflection, there will be craft activities, walks, (orchids, history, birds), an opportunity to look more deeply at a Bible passage, and of course time to relax and chat. There will be the added bonus of being there when the tide is in. The cost is £8, and we are encouraged to share transport where possible. Please contact Sue if you would like to go.

A message from Christians Together in Alnwick, via John Knight and Sue Wiltshire about Green Batt Garden. Could you spare an hour on Saturday 7th April to help to make this garden lovely? No experience necessary, please just come along, you would be much appreciated.


A sincere ‘Thank You’ to all who have given so generously of their time, talents and money to help make St. Michael’s look so splendid for this, the greatest day of the Church year. As we worship in the beauty of holiness we are reminded that all the effort is offered to the glory of God and the joyful celebration of his resurrected Son.

Many thanks to all who tookLent Boxesand have saved for the work of theChurch Mission Society. It would be a great help if boxes could be returned to church as soon as possible.

This afternoon at 4.00 pm we have ourEaster Day Afternoon Teain the Parish Hall. Even at this late hour, we could still cater for one or two more. If you would like to come, please speak to Pat Taylor or Jean Darby.

You will be pleased to know that we have a new Ricoh Photocopier in the parish office. Over the last three months or so, we have been helped by so many generous people and organisations to do printing and copying for St Michael’s. Many thanks to everyone – those who have helped, and those who have been patient!

The April Prayer Diary and the Easter edition of The Gateway (our Parish magazine) is are now available at the back of church.on sale at the back of church, price £1.

The revised Electoral Roll is on display today – please check your details for correctness, and inform Anne Cooke of any discrepancies. Note that no new names may be added now until after the APCM, which is at 4.00 pm next SundayTODAY in the Parish Hall.

Please note that there is still an intermittent problem with the office telephone. Until this is resolved, If you have difficulty getting through on the land line, please email or call the office on a Thursday between 10.00 pm and 4.00 pm using mobile number 07709564010.

Please note that there is an intermittent problem with the office telephone. Until the problem is resolved, If you have difficulty getting through on the land line, please email or call the office on a Thursday between 10.00 pm and 4.00 pm using mobile number 07709564010.

Parish Hall Caretaker

Applications are invited for the post of caretaker for St Michael’s Parish Hall, Walkergate. Accommodation in the Parish Hall Flat is provided for a nominal rent.

Apply in writing by Tuesday April 3rd to: The Vicarage, Howling Lane, Alnwick, NE66 1DH

Future Diary Dates – Make a note of them NOW

Wed 11th 2.00 pmMothers’ Union in church

Fri 13th 10.00 amContagious Easter Activity morning at Methodist Church

Sat 14th 7.30 pmNorthumbria Sinfonietta concert in St Michael’s

Thurs 19th 9.30 amMini Michaels return after the Easter holidayss 19th

7.00 pm Baptism Preparation in church

Mon 23rd 2.00 pmPastoral visitors meet at the Vicarage

Sat 28th 10.00 amDiocesan Synod - Rothbury

11.00 am Messy Church in Parish Hall

Sat 12th May 12 noonMother’s Union Diocesan Eucharist in St Michael’s

3.00 pm Wedding of Sophie Glasby & Jonathan Dobson

If you are a UK taxpayer, St Michael’s can benefit to the tune of 25p for each £1.00 donated by Gift Aid. Please use the brown envelopes which you will find at the end of each pew. Thank you.

Vicar: The Rev’d Canon Paul Scott

Parish website:

For enquiries about The Parish Hall,

please telephone Martin Downey on either 01665 603271 or mobile 07375800702

The Parish of St Michael & St Paul is a Registered Charity, No. 1131297