Survey Results

The survey ran for 3 weeks and we had responses from 117 schools

Quotes provided for each question are a small selection of those that were received, all of the feedback can be found in part 2 of this report. All feedback will be investigated and answers will be provided directly to schools where required.

Question 1 – Broadband Connection

Please ratetheavailability of your connection.

“I would like to increase our broadband connection speed as we are about to begin using Google APPs for Education and Google Hangouts. This will require a faster download and upload speed. We are also beginning to collaborate on video projects and would need a high upload and download speed.”

“The connection is good, but when a class of 30 pupils try to access all at the same time the capacity is degraded and drops out.”

“As the use of internet supplied content and resources increases this may become an issue”
Question 2 – Office 365


Doyoufeeltheemailsystem is reliable?

Doyoufindtheuserguideson the EssexSchoolsInfolinkuseful?


“I have recently looked at how we can 'lock down' emails accounts for the children so that they can only send/receive from within the school community. The guides use language beyond my technical understanding, so a simple guide to how this can be done would be welcomed. We had this functionality clearly explained for the previous email system (efolio).”

“Didn't know there was a user guide.”

“It would be really useful to have school based a central file storage area for all staff to be able to access documents and policies.”

Question 3 - Web hosting


Doyoufeelthehosting system isreliable?

Do youfindtheguidanceontheEssexSchoolsInfolinkuseful?

Is therefeedback you wouldliketoprovide about ECC webhosting?

“What guidance?
It should be made clear to schools that hosting is just that and that back ups of websites are not made for schools.”

“We moved our hosting to GoDaddy, which has plenty of service issues of its own.”

“Not aware of this service. Would be interested in more information as unhappy with our current provider”

“Have not been able to find any guidance on Infolink”

“works well and seems reliable”

Question 4 – On line backup

Does your school utilise this product?

Do youfeeltheOnlineBackup system is reliable?

Do you find the guidance on theEssexSchoolsInfolinkuseful?

Istherefeedbackyouwouldliketoprovide about Online backup System

I would like to set this up but am not sure who I should contact”

“Didn't know there was guidance on the Infolink but now I do I'll use it”

“More storage space should be provided to schools to allow more than the backup of SIMS / FMS”

“Seems to work, though we have had a couple of failures - once due to set up and once obviously due to outside agency failure.
Nice to know it is there, hope we never have to test the 'restore' option!”

Question 5 – Antivirus

Does yourschoolutilisethisproduct?

Do you feel the AntiVirus Solutions meets your requirements?



“Did not know this was a product supplied, can I ask that someone contacts me to organise this”

“Terrible choice for schools, far too complicated and the chosen support provider is awful. Much better luck going to Mcafee direct but have ditched the product anyway.”

“We find this invaluable.”

Question 6 – Filtering and Security

Do youfeeltheInternetFiltering and Securitymeetsyourrequirements?


Istherefeedbackyouwouldlike to provideaboutInternetFiltering and Security?

“Although I can see that some sites need to be blocked in a secondary school, this may not be the case for other phases where children do not have open access to the internet. It would help if we could be sent a list of 'new sites now being blocked'. For instance 'you tube' and 'cbeebies'. ?”

“We find that the filtering is OK but lots slip through the net which isn't really your fault.”

“Would like transparent proxy available”

“We have been very frustrated in not being able to access Google Translate. They filtering system seems to be very invasive and stops some teachers from using suitable websites. The process to unlock a website seems to take a very long time and is protracted. I would also like a filtering system that we could offer our pupils at home.”

Question 7 – Telephony (via NGN agreement)

Doesyourschool receive thisservice?




“Any problems with the telephone lines has been well managed and cut through the BT blockages”

“It is rubbish, service is a misused word when there was none”

“Service seems fine and the costs seem amazingly low - certainly saved us some money.”

Question 8 – DUCL Service Desk


Isthere any additionalfeedbackyouwouldlike to provideontheDUCLHelpdesk?

“Perhaps a system where an email is sent to explain the work carried out and the result of such work.”

“I cannot answer as I have never had to log a fault”

“Always available to talk to, always have a solution. All good.”

“Logging calls is difficult, when they respond with a question by e-mail you cannot just click reply you have to send your response to another e-mail address.
A few of the support engineers are excellent, the rest of support leaves a lot to be desired.”

Question 9 - Additional requirements

Arethere any additionalservicesyouwouldliketoseeincludedwithin the SchoolsBroadbandPackage?

“Would like to receive adequate broadband to suit the requirements of the school”

“Cloud storage for all servers”

“There needs to be more resources in the broadband team. it is a very important part of the teaching and admin processes these days and schools need to have confidence that issues will be dealt with promptly and with the required attention to detail. It is too complicated and expensive for primary schools to "go their own way" and is a recipe for disaster. It must not become a forgotten backwater. The lesson of France and ISIS must never be forgotten.”

“I would like to see the option for filtering a pupil via a log on at home, so that they have the same safeguards as at school. I would like more on line back up storage for the school and I would like faster download and upload speeds.”

“Ability for an online case logging system for faults would be fantastic to see history and monitor logged cases.Easier local control of filtering policies.”