The Nairn’s Junior Challenge
P5 Castlebrae Cluster Primary Schools
9am Tuesday 29 March @ Castleview Primary School
CastleviewPrimary School / Newcraighall
Primary School
Niddrie Mill
Primary School
/ St Francis
Primary School
The Nairn’s Junior Challenge
P5 Castlebrae Cluster Primary Schools
Notes for Teachers
This project has been designed to support the class theme
“The story of an oat”.
It is envisaged that each year P5 across the cluster will study this theme using the DVD created by Nairn’s to support their understanding of the cycles of an oat.
In the Spring Term P5 classes will work together on the Nairn’s junior Challenge. This will support cluster working as well as introduce partnership working with the Nairn’s Company who are key employers in our community. The project will also support the Nairn’s High School Challenge which is held in the High School every year and it is envisaged that High School pupils will attend the junior challenge and support our primary pupils.
A little bit of prior knowledge before the challenge begins would be helpful for pupils. Before pupils come along it would be helpful if Class Teachers could look at different types of biscuits from different ranges finest to value. Biscuit packaging study would also support decision making the cost and ingredients.
To ensure the project support the delivery of Curriculum for Excellence the following key outcomes will be delivered.
I am discovering the different ways that advertising and the media can affect my choices
HWB 1-37a
Through discovery and imagination I can develop and use problem solving strategies to meet design challenges with a food or textile focus
TCH 1-11a
I can work with others to generate, discuss and develop imaginative ideas to create a product of the future
TCH 1-01b
I can use exploration and imagination to solve design problems related to real-life situations
The children are given the challenge of promoting a new product for Nairns. They have to design the packaging and devise a marketing campaign for their product.
Children from all P5 classes across the cluster will be invited to participate in the challenge and will be split into design teams with representatives from every school. At 27.09.10 The following numbers were in P5 throughout the Cluster:
Newcraighall 11
Niddrie mill38
St Francis23
We would therefore propose 10 teams to undertake the challenge.
Each team will have to complete 9different tasks:
- Choosing their values
- Costing their product
- Describing their product and ingredient knowledge
- Naming their product
- Designing their packaging
- Creating a slogan for their product
- Designing an advertising poster for the product
- Creating and recording a radio jingle for their product
- Group presentations
Teams will gather in the gym hall at the start of the day when representatives from Nairn’s will introduce the challenge. The representative will introduce the children to the product and tell them about its contents and nutrient values. There will also be input on healthy eating and lifestyles. The pupils will be given input on marketing and advertising. The children will be told what the challenge entails and be given the timetable for the day.
All teams will begin with tasks 1-3 in the gym hall, thereafter the groups will be given an opportunity to work in smaller break-out rooms returning to the gym hall for the final presentations.
Each group will have a facilitator who will accompany them as they go round each activity. It is the job of the facilitator to encourage the group to work as a team and to keep the group on task. The facilitator does not tell the group how to accomplish the task, but should be on hand to give support and advice if needed.
There will be a morning break where juice will be provided by CastleviewPrimary School and a snack by Nairn’s.
All delegates and staff should bring a packed lunch to the event.
The delegates will have a supervised morning and lunch break on Castleview’s Astro Turf supervised by Castleview Learning Assistants. This will allow Teaching Staff from each of the Primary Schools to have a coffee and comfort break during the day. It is hoped that each school will provide two teaching staff to support with facilitating the event.
The information which follows will be given to the pupil delegates who will be taking part in the challenge.
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Timetable for the Nairn’s Junior ChallengeTime / Activity / Location
09.00-09.45 / Introduction – Representatives from Nairn’s / Gym Hall
09.45-10.30 / Tasks 1,2&3 / Gym Hall
10.30-10.40 / Snack / Gym Hall
10.40 -10.55 / Break / In Playground Weather Permitting
11.00- 12.25 / Task 4,5,6 &7 / Break-Out Rooms
12.25 – 12.40
12.40 – 1.00 / Packed Lunches Eaten
Break / Gym Hall
In Playground Weather Permitting
1.00- 1.30 /
Tasks 8 &9
/ Break-Out Rooms1.45- 2.15 / Rehearsals & Recording of Jingles / Break-Out Rooms
2.15 - 3.00 / Presentations / Gym Hall
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Welcome to the Nairn’s Junior Challenge!
In your group you will have delegates from all 4 of Castlebrae’s Cluster Schools. Introduce each other and write your first names on your group sheet.
You have been given 9 tasks to do today. This is a lot but we think that if you work together you can do it!
Have a look at the timetable for today and the list of tasks. You will be given a timer to help you work to the deadlines but remember it will be you work as a team which will make your team a success!
When you have read the timetable and tasks - show that you are ready to listen to our Nairn’s experts who will tell you about today and what you need to do next. You have each been given a “NOTE TAKING SHEET”. Use this to make notes during our expert’s talk.
Good luck but most of all enjoy your day!
Note Taking Sheet
GROUP ______Number. / Task. / Tick when task completed
1 / Choosing your Values - Your Target Market
What kind of person will buy this product?
2 / Costing the product
3 / Describing the product & ingredient knowledge
4 / Naming the product
5 / Design the packaging
6 / Create a slogan for the product
7 / Designing an advertising poster for the product
8 / Create and record radio jingle for the product
9 / Group Presentations
Task 1.
Choosing Your Values.
When a company decides to launch a new product, they first of all decide what kind of customer they are going to sell their product to.
They have to know what their customer likes and what is important to them. The company has to know how much money their customers have to spend.
This is called your TARGET MARKET.
Once you have decided who your target market is, you have to decide which shop or outlet will sell your product.
Your first task is to decide on your Target Market. Use the Target Market sheet and work as a group to choose your customers.
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Target Market Sheet 1
What is important to the people who will buy your product?Healthy eating.
Fast and convenient.
Little or no preparation
Value for money
Ethical considerations e.g. environmentally friendly packaging, fair trade suppliers etc.
Luxury items make you feel special!
Easily available
On trend
What Do the People who buy your Product Do?
High School Pupil
Primary School Pupil
Student at College or University
Unemployed at the moment
At Home
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Target Market Sheet 2
What sort of Income might the people who buy your product have?Wealthy
Some money to spend.
Not much money to spend
No money to spend i.e. young child
What Age They Are
3-5 years
5-12 years
20 to 30
30 to 40
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Task 2
Costing you Product for Selling
Our Nairns’ expert told us how much it costs to make our product.
However you need to make a profit to stay in business. If you charge a lot for your product and it sells you will make money. If you charge a lot for your products and it doesn’t sell you won’t make money.
If you charge a little for your product and it sells a lot you will make money but if you sell a little for your product and it doesn’t sell you won’t make money.
Decide on where you target market is and put a price on your product so that they will buy it.
Task 3
Ingredient Knowledge & Describing your Product
IngredientsLook at your target market sheets.
You have ticked why your product would appeal to your target market.
List the ingredients of your product as they may be useful in describing your product.
Describing words for your productList Words which will help you to describe your product
Task 4
Sheet 1
Naming Your Product.
In this part of the challenge you must decide on a name for your product.
The name of your product is very important. If it is a good name and suggests good things about your product you are more likely to sell it. For example, would you be more likely to buy toothpaste called Sparkle or one called Drillo?
Think about your Target market and the Outlet where you are selling your product. For example, if you were selling a pizza at a low cost store, there is no point in calling it Premium Pizza
Look at the answers you had to Task 3 to help you decide on a name.
Task 4 Sheet 2
Product Name Help Sheet.
Questions for your group to think about
Is your name going to be descriptive- is it going to tell everyone what your product is? E.g. Crunchy Bisk-because it’s crunchy or Raisin Bite -because it has raisins in it.
Is your name going to be linked to acharacter? E.g. Jolly Green Giant-used to advertise corn or Tony the Tiger to sell Kellogg’s Frosties
Does your name help show what’s good about your product? e.g. Good4UPizza because it has healthy ingredients
Is your name short and easilyremembered? E.g. Mash-dried potatoes or Daz-soap powder.
We thought this was a good name because:
Task 5 – Sheet 1
Designing the Packaging
Now you have to think about what is unique about your product – what makes it special and different from other products?
Is your product:
Cheaper than the others – good value for money
More expensive than others – better quality
Made with ingredients that no other products have
Made with ingredients that have added benefits- i.e.healthy ingredients
Is it innovative- totally different from all other products?
Appearance-is it attractive and eye-catching. Would your Target Market want to pick it up?
Function-does it holds the contents safely and securely?
These are some of the things you might want to have on your packaging:
Company Name
Product Name
List of Ingredients
Any deals or offers
Logo(if you have one)
Work on your own or in pairs to come up with sketches, ideas and designs for your packaging.
Think about what your Target Market would like.
What colours will appeal to them?
Why are they buying your product?
What kind of packaging will appeal to them?
*Chose the best idea and give the most artistic pair in your group the job of drawing the packaging on your A4 piece of paper.
The rest of the group should move on to the next task.
GROUP _____ Product’s Packaging Will Look Like This:
Task 6
Creating a Slogan.
Your next task is to create a slogan for your product.
Most successful product launches are begun with a slogan that people remember.
If you repeat your slogan throughout the launch people will remember your product.
Look at the following slogans before you start to think of your own.
Have a break – have a Kit kat.
P-p-p-Pick up a penguin
I’m Lovin’ it (MacDonald’s)
Snap, Crackle and Pop (Rice crispies)
You know when you’ve been Tangoed
A mars a day helps you work, rest and play
Beanz means Heinz
These slogans use some of these devices
Rhyming -
- A Mars a day, helps you work, rest & play
Alliteration - P-p-p-Pick up a penguin
Using the product name -
- Beanz meanz, Heinz
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TASK 6: Group____
Our Product’s Slogan
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Task 7
Design an Advertising poster for your Product.
Your task now is to create an advert which will persuade your Target Market to buy it.
Think about who your target market is and what they like.
Look at some of the food advertswe have provided to find some ideas for your product.
Think about these things:
Grab the reader’s attention with a strong headline or a great picture.
Make the advert interesting to your target market.
Make your target market want to buy your product by telling them what they will like about it.
Tell the reader how and where they can buy it.
When you are making up your advertising poster remember to include:
A headline
Your slogan
Text that makes your product soundgood to your Target Markete.g. healthy, luxurious, cheap, and tasty. Chose these words from your describing and ingredient words.
Attractive graphics
A call to Action e.g. DON’T DELAY BUY NOW AT……
Chose different artists from the ones who designed your packaging.
Put them to work on drawing your poster. Remember your timescale so you won’t have too much time for detail!
Use the A3 sheet provided.
Leave them to the task and trust them – the rest of the group should move on to the final task – Creating and recording the Radio jingle!
Task 8
Create a Radio Jingle.
In this part of the challenge you will create asong or a jingle to advertise your product on the radio.
Think of good advertising jingles that you have heard. Think about what makes you remember them.
A catchy tune
Clever rhymes
They Make you Laugh!
Keep your jingle short!
Remember to make your jingle reflect thevalues of your Target Market
A Leader will come round and you can record your jingle into the MP3Recorder!
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Task 10
Group Presentations
In this part of the challenge you have to make a presentation to the Judges.
You have to tell them what you have done and why your product is the best.
You Should:
Have a clear opening and ending to your presentation.
Practise before the presentation to the judges.
Look at your audience.
Speak slowly and clearly although you will have a microphone!
Speak loud enough to be heard
Decide who is going to do what in the presentation.
- Some group members will be showing or holding things.
- Some will be talking. Some will be sound crew for the jingle.
- Line up your group in the order they will be doing their part for the presentation.
Use the board and table to show all your work.
Make your display neat and eye-catching
Make sure your group name, product name and information are displayed.
GroupName of Group Member / Presentation Notes
Our Target market is and why.
We will be selling our product at
The ingredients which describe our product are
We called our product
and it will cost
Our product’s advertising slogan is
And we put it in this kind of packaging because
We will now play our radio jingle and we hope you will buy our product!
Judges’ Evaluation Sheet
Best Teamwork / Group
Favourite Product Name / Group
Most knowledgeable about their product / Group
Catchiest Slogan / Group
Most eye-catching poster / Group
Group which were the most entertaining! / Group
Neatest Group / Group
Most memorable Jingle / Group
Best Presentation / Group
Product we would most like to buy / Group
Adult Leader Evaluation
Were you adequately briefed for your role in the challenge? / Yes No
How could the briefing be improved?
Which aspects of the day were successful and why?
Which aspects of the day could be improved and why?
Was the challenge a worthwhile event? / YES No
Explain your choice
Thank you for completing this evaluation and for participating in the Nairn’s Challenge!