2012 Pride Charlotte
Community EventGuide
Thank you for your interest in working with Pride Charlotte to better our community. Our hope is to build collaborative partnerships with other organizations, businesses and individuals interested in planning events for or with us, sharing marketing opportunities, and trading services. By establishing this process, we hope to be visible year round in the community and establish partnerships that help our community build on past successes and transform into a vibrant and visible part of the larger Charlotte community.
All event proposals are reviewed and evaluated for feasibility and suitability with Pride Charlotte’s goals and objectives. The following is a partial list of the criteria that will be used to evaluate your proposed collaboration:
• Does the activity support and promote the mission and image of Pride Charlotte?
• Does the activity have a realistic budget, timeline, and plan?
• Does the activity fit within the scope of other events already planned?
• Who will coordinate the activity and is there a planning committee?
We have designed the following guide, including special guidelines and the community event agreement, to answer your questions and expedite the processes by which we become officially aligned together for a Pride Charlotte community event, activity or fundraiser. Establishing these guidelines helps ensure Pride Charlotte and you are promoted with integrity, attendees receive the hospitality they deserve and to ensure the event is aligned with Pride Charlotte’s goals and objectives.
The enclosed guidelines must be signed and included with all final event proposals. To ensure your event is included in calendar listings in the 2012 Pride Charlotte Pride Guide, all event proposals must be submitted by July 25, 2012, and the events must occur on or before September 7, 2012. Even if you don’t make this deadline, please let us know your idea as we are also looking for ideas supporting the 2012 Pride Festival.
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us.
Warmest regards,
Dave Webb2012 Co-Chair
/ Matt Comer
2012 Pride Week Event Coordinator
Guidelines For Community Collaboration Events
- Support and promote the mission and image of Pride Charlotte.
- Permission:
- Pride Charlotte retains the right to ensure that its name is being used properly, that funds are being handled and accounted for in a responsible manner, and that fundraising activities are consistent with our overall mission and goals of Pride Charlotte.
- All Pride Charlotte branded fundraising events require approval by and written authorization from the Pride Charlotte Executive Committee. Please do not make public announcements or promote the event until you receive notice of approval for your event proposal in writing via email or other written means.
- All fundraising events must comply with all federal, state, and local laws governing charitable fundraising, gift reporting, and special events.
- All city, county, and state permits and approvals needed for the event must be obtained prior to the event. These include but are not limited to alcohol permits, health and sanitation permits, and those issued by the Charlotte Mecklenburg Fire and Police departments.
- All co-branding organizations must provide evidence to show good legal standing with the appropriate regulatory body. (Business licenses, IRS, etc.)
- Event Promotion & Logo Usage
- Any use of the Pride Charlotte name and/or logo must be approved by the Pride Charlotte Planning Committee in writing prior to use by the Third Party.
- The Pride Charlotte Executive Committee must review and approve in writing all promotional materials (including press releases, public service announcements, scripts, posters, ads, brochures, etc.) before they are used.
- Once your event is approved it will be added to Pride Charlotte’s calendar of events at PrideCharlotte.com, on our Facebook page, through our email distributions, and in conjunction with other planned events.
- For Fundraising Events where Pride Charlotte has a limited role in the planning and execution of the event, all promotional materials must state that your event is raising funds to benefit the Pride Charlotte. Promotional materials should identify Pride Charlotte as the beneficiary of the event, not the sponsor.
- Financial Guidelines
- Pride Charlotte’s tax-exemption status cannot be extended to any Third Party Activity, Host, and/or Event. Donations made directly to Pride Charlotte may be eligible for tax-exemption status.
- For Fundraising Events: If event expenses are greater than the total revenue generated, the Third Party conducting the event is responsible for payment of outstanding and additional expenses.
- For Fundraising Events: Payment of proceeds generated by the event and due to the Pride Charlotte must be sent to Pride Charlotte within 30 days after the event.
- Sponsorship & In-kind Donations
- Pride Charlotte does not advance monies, provide donor lists, or solicit sponsorship revenue or in-kind donations (products or services such as silent auction items or printing) for external fundraising events planned by a Third Party.
- For Fundraising Events: The value of in-kind donations should not be included in your total event revenue.
- For Fundraising Events: Organizations must complete and submit an event summary form including donation totals within 30 days after their event.
- Cancellation, Liability & Changes
- You must advise Pride Charlotte of any changes to your event/activity proposal.
- If circumstances warrant, Pride Charlotte may, at any time, cancel the event or withdraw their involvement. You thereby agree to cancel the event, if so directed, and further agree to release Pride Charlotte and all its officers, directors, members and volunteers from any and all liability in connection with such action.
- The Third Party agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Pride Charlotte and all its officers, directors, members, and volunteers against any and all claims and/or liabilities that may arise as a result of the event. In the alternative, the Third Party may obtain a general liability insurance policy, which covers claims and liabilities arising out of the event and must name Pride Charlotte as an additional insured.
I have read and agree to follow the above stated guidelines.
Each key stakeholder organizing the community event or handling money for the community event must sign a copy of these guidelines. Keep one copy of these guidelines for your records and return the signed original with your complete Event Proposal Form to the Pride Charlotte Planning Committee. If you need extra room for names, dates and signatures, please attach separately.
2012 Pride Charlotte
Community EventProposal
Thank you for choosing to work with Pride Charlotte. Filling out this form will help us review your proposed event and, if approved, provide the necessary information we need to adequately co-promote your event as a part of 2012 Pride Charlotte or the 2012 Pride Week. If you need any help with this document, please contact us.Please complete and return to Pride Charlotte via email . Once finalized, an authorized representative must sign this document and return it to your Pride Charlotte representative with signed copies of the co-sponsor agreement.
General Information
Tell us about your organization(s). Please fill out this section for each participating organization.
Organization/Name:Primary Contact:
Email and Phone:
Physical Address:
Organization Description (200 Words Max):
Primary Contact:
Email and Phone:
Physical Address:
Organization Description (200 Words Max):
Primary Contact:
Email and Phone:
Physical Address:
Organization Description (200 Words Max):
Event Logistics
The following table summarizes several areas that we hope you consider when planning your event. Pride Charlotte strives to ensure each event is safe, fun, and welcoming to everyone. Having this information helps us to better understand the event before we approve a community event agreement. If you need more space, please include in an attachment.
Logistics Type / Section Guidance / DetailsVenue, Date and Time /
- Where and when will the event be held?
- Is there a rain date/venue?
- Is this venue handicap accessible?
Entertainment /
- How will you entertain guests at this event?
- Who will be the host/emcee of the event?
Hospitality /
- How many people are we planning to attend?
- Who will welcome guests and host the event?
- Where will people go if they have questions about your organization, Pride, or The Center?
- What are we doing to ensure people attend this event again?
Cost & Donation Summary /
- How much do you expect this event to cost per attendee? Do you have appropriate funding for the event?
- Is there a door charge/cover for this event?
- How are donations being collected?
Marketing / Publicity /
- How will this event be promoted?
- What message do you want the attendees to have?
- Will other events be promoted?
Food/Catering /
- Do we need refreshments/catering?
- Is there a cost for food/beverage at this event?
- If applicable, are appropriate food/beverage permits in place?
Health & Safety /
- Are there any concerns about the safety of the participants due to the nature of the event? i.e. could someone get hurt?
- Is this event safe for all participants?
- Are there any concerns about extremely cold or hot weather on the attendees?
Contact Information
Provide the names of any other contacts from your organization who will be involved with Pride Charlotte. This information will not be provided to third parties without your permission. We would like to contact these individuals to invite them to visit our website and Facebook pages, join our mailing list, or volunteer with our group. Contacts can opt out of future communication at any time. If you need more space, please include in an attachment.
Name / Phone Number / Email Address / Role/ResponsibilitySubmission
Pride Charlotte is committed to providing you with the tools you need to succeed at Pride Charlotte. Please review the above information to ensure all of your needs are included. Once you have reviewed and all of your questions are addressed, please have the person responsible for completing this form sign and return it to Pride Charlotte.
Today’s Date:Organization Name:
Authorized Representative Name:
Authorized Representative Signature:
These signed forms can be returned:
- In person at The LGBT Community Center of Charlotte, 820 Hamilton St., Suite B10.
- Via email to
- Via USPS to Pride Charlotte, Attn: Matt Comer,PO Box 33535, Charlotte, NC 28233.
- If you require other means to return this form, please contact Matt Comer at 704-625-6449 or via email at .
Community Eventand Donation Summary
NOTE: This form must be completed by organizations that operated community fundraisers on behalf of Pride Charlotte. The form must be returned to Pride Charlotte within 30 days following your event.
Total Cash Donation: / $Total In-Kind (if any): / $
In Kind Donation Description:
Total Value: / $
Estimated Event Attendance:
Other Post-Event Comments:
Organization Feedback Questionnaire
NOTE: We ask that all organizations participating in community events fill out this optional feedback questionnaire in order to help us better plan future events and respond to community concerns and needs. Please return to Pride Charlotte within 30 days following your event. Thank you.
- How would you rate your experience working with Pride Charlotte and executive committee staff in presenting a community event as a part of its Pride Week or other activities?
(1 – very dissatisfied; 5 – very satisfied) 1 2 3 4 5 - How would you rate Pride Charlotte and executive committee staff commitment to providing your organization with proper promotion and publicity as a part of its Pride Week or other activities?
(1 – very dissatisfied; 5 – very satisfied) 1 2 3 4 5 - How would you personally assess your organizations’ ability to plan, coordinate and implement your community event in collaboration with Pride Charlotte’s Pride Week or other activities?
(1 – very dissatisfied; 5 – very satisfied) 1 2 3 4 5 - Would you work with Pride Charlotte to plan and implement a similar community event in the future?
___ Yes ____ No - If you answered “No” to question four, would you be willing to discuss any thoughts or concerns that lead you to that conclusion with members of the Pride Charlotte Executive Committee?
___ Yes ____ No - If you answered “Yes” to question four, how would you rate your willingness to encourage other community organizations to plan their own community events in collaboration with Pride Charlotte and future Pride Weeks or other activities?
(1 –very unlikely; 5 – very likely) 1 2 3 4 5 - Please feel free to include any other feedback, suggestions, comments or concerns in the space below, on the back of this form or on a separate sheet of paper. Thank you.