USA Ultimate Regional Youth Director

General Role

Regional Youth Directors (RYDs) are tasked with expanding and supporting youth competition in their respective regions, managing their Regional Championship tournament, and providing resources and assistance to the Competition State Youth Coordinators. The RYDs also serve on the Youth Working Group and report to the the Manager of Competition and Athlete Programs (Youth). There is currently a Regional Youth Director in each of four regions: Northeast, South, Central, and West.

Regional Youth Map (as of 2015)

  • Central: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin
  • Northeast: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia
  • South: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia
  • West: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming


  • Oversee and support the Competition State Youth Coordinators within the region
  • Help solicit bids for states, approve bids, provide deadline reminders to SYC, approve competition formats, and other tasks as needed.
  • Attend and help manage the High School Regional Championship
  • Encourage the development of both high school leagues and youth club leagues
  • Connect youth players and Ultimate organizations to USA Ultimate
  • Promote regional Ultimate opportunities and events to local media
  • Reside on the Youth Working Group and attend twice yearly meetings.


Regional Youth Directors are appointed by the Manager of Competition and Athlete Programs. Term is for a period of two years, subject to review and evaluation, and may be terminated or renewed by the Manager of Competition and Athlete Programs with the approval of the Managing Director of Competition and Athlete Programs.


  • USA Ultimate member in good standing
  • Adhere to principles of the Mission of the USA Ultimate (see:
  • Uphold USA Ultimate policies, procedures, and guidelines
  • Knowledge of the rules of Ultimate
  • Knowledge of the USA Ultimate administrative structure
  • Good communication and organizational skills
  • Regular use of email
  • Ability to effectively and efficiently delegate tasks to volunteers and volunteer coordinators
  • Enthusiasm for Ultimate in general and for Youth Ultimate specifically


  • $1,500 annual stipend
  • Free one-year USA Ultimate membership for each year the position is held
  • NCSI Background check included
  • Opportunity to contribute positively to the development of Ultimate and the quality of work done by USA Ultimate
  • Opportunity to work with other passionate and dedicated Ultimate players and organizers
  • Opportunity to develop personal and professional skills
  • Support and guidance from USA Ultimate Headquarters
  • Good will that goes with helping to facilitate a great opportunity for people to play Ultimate
  • Networking and getting to know other Ultimate players throughout the country
  • Travel reimbursed for required events

Applications Procedure

Send a letter addressing the following four items to USA Ultimate Manager of Competition and Athlete Programs, Connor Maloney:.

  1. Objective: Explain why you are interested in this position.
  2. Qualifications: Describe why you are qualified for the position. A copy of your resume may be attached.
  3. Ultimate experience: Briefly describe you involvement in ultimate. As a player? As an organizer?
  4. Other considerations: Provide any other information that you feel should be considered.