Services and Notices

Sunday 22nd May 2016

Trinity Sunday

A very warm welcome to all our visitors today.

Please feel free to introduce yourself to one of the clergy after the service.

Please let us know if you are new and would like to join our regular congregations or would like to know more about how we can support you in your faith.

Please, take this Pew Slip away with you so that you can refer to the notices contained in it. Please, also use it to prompt prayers for this Cathedral and all that we seek to do in God’s service.

Large print versions of the Order of Service and this notice sheet are available.

Please ask a member of Select Vestry or a Verger if you would like one.

An induction loop system is also in operation for hearing aid users.

At every Eucharist in the Cathedral gluten free wafers are available for those who need them. Please request one as you receive communion.

All hymns covered by the Christian Copyright Licensing have been reproduced under CCL Licence no 97098.

A Note from the Dean

Welcome to the Cathedral. A special welcome if you are joining us for the first time. Please, complete a Welcome Card if you would like to give us your contact details.

Celebrating the mystery of God

It was once said that we should avoid thinking of God as though he were in a glass jar for our observation, able to be seen and understood by us. With Pentecost last week we reached the climax of our annual retelling of the ways in which God’s nature has been revealed in the life and ministry of Christ and in the sending of the Holy Spirit. In all of this, as well as in the beauty of creation and the wonder of humanity, in faith we glimpse something of the majesty and goodness of God. Mysteriously, in human terms that we are able to comprehend, we acknowledge that God has been experienced as Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer; as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Today we celebrate this and acknowledge that while we have glimpsed and experienced God in our lives, we still have much to discover and learn. He is truly holy and worthy of our worship.

Canon Elizabeth

Last week we said goodbye to Canon Elizabeth as she retired from ministry. Many thanks to those who helped to organise the celebration that took place after the Festal Eucharist.

The Church Commissioners’ 2015 Annual Report

This has just been published. The Church Commissioners provided £90.2million in 2015 to support the Church’s mission in and through the dioceses, bishops and cathedrals of the Church of England. The three cathedrals of this diocese received £900,000 of that.

In his introduction to the report, the First Church Estates Commissioner, Sir Andreas Whittam Smith, reports that in 2015 the Commissioners saw a satisfactory total return of 8.2%. He does warn though that there was a dramatic set back in global stock markets in the early weeks of 2016 and that markets are currently subject to frequent attacks of nerves. There is therefore a need for investors to tread carefully.

The Archbishop of Canterbury writes in his Foreword, “The Renewal and Reform process being undertaken by the Church of England has been actively supported by the Commissioners, in partnership with the Archbishops’ Council, leading to a renewed sense of confidence and ambition for the diocese of the Church and the communities they serve.”

We therefore give thanks and pray for the efforts of the commissioners to support the mission of the Church of England. We do well to appreciate the benefits we receive from them here in Ripon.

Reimagining Europe with Lord Wallace and the Bishop of Leeds; Thursday, 9 June at 7.30pm

I am pleased to announce that the Cathedral is to host a public conversation and debate in preparation for the EU Referendum. Reimagining Europe events are taking place in a number of English cathedrals over the next few weeks, aiming to create a space for Christian reflection and debate on Britain’s future relationship with Europe. We at Ripon have the advantage of being able to host this just two weeks before the vote.

The event will begin with Lord Wallace of Saltaire giving a keynote address. Lord Wallace is the foreign affairs spokesman for the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords. From 2010-2015 he was coalition government minister representing the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Cabinet Office. He worked with two Conservative ministerial colleagues on 32 reports on the ‘Balance of Competences’ between the UK and EU, published in 2013-2014. The purpose of the presentation us to open up areas for discussion, not to argue for remaining in or leaving the EU.

The Bishop of Leeds, the Rt. Revd Nick Baines, will provide further theological reflection on the discussion and debate. I will chair the evening and there will be plenty of opportunity for public engagement, discussion and debate. The event is free, without any need for a ticket, and all are welcome.

Growing God’s Kingdom

The Cathedral’s vision and strategy, Growing God’s Kingdom, sets the direction of travel and agenda for the Cathedral for at least the next six years – until we celebrate the 1350th anniversary of the building of the Crypt by St. Wilfrid.

Please, do ensure that you take a copy of the strategy booklet, Ripon Cathedral – Growing God’s Kingdom.

As the brochure shows, important achievements have already been seen over recent months, and others are forthcoming. Prominent amongst these is the new pattern for worship that will see the Cathedral choir singing at 10.30am and 3.30pm every Sunday in term time – except for one Sunday per term when it may be elsewhere in the Diocese as part of our new outreach programme.

The Cathedral Music Group that did such a wonderful job with the former Open Doors service, is now developing a completely new monthly act of worship with Canon Ruth. This will be on each third Sunday (not August) at 5.30pm, offering a different style of worship for our enrichment and for the benefit of those people in the community whose needs we are not yet meeting. A special service at 5.30pm on Father’s Day, Sunday 19th June, is already planned.

Cathedral Volunteer Service; Sunday 29th May at 5.30pm

Please, do note the Volunteers’ service taking place here at the Cathedral on Sunday, 29th May 2016 at 5.30pm. This is a celebration of those who do much to enrich the lives of people within this community and area through the voluntary efforts. Cathedral volunteers are amongst those who make a positive difference to the lives of a large number of people. If you are a volunteer, please do make every effort to be at the Cathedral for this event. If you are not, come to thank God for those who are.

The Cathedral supporting the parishes

I am sorry not to be with you this morning, I am preaching at the Patronal Festival at Rothwell this morning.

With my very best wishes, Dean John

Today’s Services

8.00 amHoly Eucharist (1662 Book of Common Prayer)

President: Canon Paul

Preacher: Lindsay Tanner, Cathedral Reader

9.30 amMattins Psalm 29

10.30 amChildren’s Church

takes place during the10.30am Eucharist. All welcome

Activity Bags are also available for younger children – please ask if you would like one.

10.30amFestal Eucharist

President: Canon Paul / Preacher: Canon Ruth
Setting; Mass for four voices Tallis / Motet: Great Lord of lords Wood
Lessons read by Janet Jelley and Bobbie Spedding
Intercessions led by Richard Noake

You are warmly invited to stay for coffee or juice after the 10.30am Service and Children’s Church

12.30 pmHolyEucharist (1662 Book of Common Prayer)

President: Canon Ruth

3.30 pmEvensong for Chorister Open Day

Responses / Jackson
Setting / A Song for Mary Shephard
Anthem / Nunc Dimittis Holst
Preacher / Dean John

Daily Worship This Week

Morning Prayer: Monday to Saturday at 8.30am

Evening Prayer: Monday 6.00pm;

Choral Evensong: Tuesday to Friday 6.00pm; Saturday 5.30pm


Mon23rd May9 amReverend Alison Askew

Tue24th May9 amCanon Myra Shackley

Wed 25th May9 amCanon Paul

12.00 Prebenday Jacqueline Fox

Thurs26th May9 am Canon Michael Glanville-Smith

Fri 27th May9 amDean John

12.00 Canon David Grice

Sat 28th May9 amCanon Ruth

For more details of the services during this week, please take a Music and Services Diary available from the Welcome Desk or visit the website or call the Chapter House 01765 602072

Events This Week

Monday 23rd May10.00am The Magdalen Fellowshipat St Mary Magdalen Chapel. Contemplative prayer and intercessions. For further information, contact Patricia Whaling 606570 or John Whelan 600668.

Monday 23rd May 5.30-7.00pm Youth Burst

Tuesday 24th May 2.00pm, Mothers' Unionmeet at Thorpe Prebend House. Speaker: The Revd Trevor Vaughan, "Parson's Pie". Visitors welcome.

Wednesday25th May 7.30pm-9.00pm bell ringing practice. Everybody welcome, access via North Transept.

Thursday 26th May 1.15pm Lunchtime Concert. In Harmony Opera North.Admission FREE, refreshments from 1.00pm.

Thursday 26th May 7.00pm Concert – In Harmony Opera North.

Thursday 26th May 7.30pm PEGS (Parish Discussion Group) meet in Thorpe Prebend. ‘Confronting the injustices of the world’. All welcome.

Worship Next Sunday: 29th May 2016 – Corpus Christi Sunday

8.00 amEucharist (1662)Dean John

9.30 amMattins

10.30 amFestalEucharistPresident: Canon Ruth

Preacher: Canon Paul

12.30 pm Eucharist (1662)Canon Paul

3.30 pmFestal EvensongCanon Ruth

Forthcoming Eventswithin the Cathedral Community

Sunday 29th May 5.30pm Volunteers Service

Thursday 9th June 1.15pm Lunchtime Concert. Students from Leeds University.Admission FREE, refreshments from 1.00pm.

Thursday 9th June 7.30pm ‘Reimagining Europe’ A public conversation and debate in preparation for the EU referendum with Bishop Nick and Lord Wallace of Saltaire. All welcome, no tickets required.

Friday 10th June 8.00pm Come and Sing Complinewith Canon Paul in the Chapel of the Resurrection.

Sunday 19th June 5.30pmThe Church has always celebrated Mothering Sunday, but this year Ripon Cathedral is also celebrating Fathers’ day with an informal service which will be particularly suitable for families. Please do join us for this service.

Volunteers’ Service

Sunday 29th May at 5.30pm

Ripon Cathedral is celebrating Volunteers’ Week with a special Volunteers’ Service which will take place 29th May at 5:30pm, the Sunday before the week commences. This service is for all volunteers and for those who would like to say thank you for the difference that volunteers make in our community. Please do join us.

Working with Children, Young People and Families

“Breakfast Natters” Thursday 9th June 9.00am at Thorpe Prebend. The first of these proved very successful and will now form a regular part of Ripon Cathedral’s ongoing commitment to making connections with our baptism families and Cathedral School parents. A cross between a mothers and toddlers and a coffee morning, we will be serving Danish pastries and tea and coffee. There will be toys for the children to play with. Breakfast Natters will be held on the first Thursday of every month. No need to book but if you know you are coming it would be really helpful if you could let us know for catering purposes. We look forward to seeing you there.

PCC News

Saturday 25th June ‘Call my Bluff’ at Thorpe Prebend. Tickets available soon.

Ripon Churches Together News

EMBRACE Women’s Day 18th June 9.30am-4.30pmHoly Trinity Church, Ripon. Tickets £10 inc. coffee, cake but not lunch. Bookings & information: 07980 300726.


RRR: Ripley Ripon Rome. A day to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Anglican Centre of Rome, Saturday 25th June in Ripley: signs and tragedies of the Reformation. In Ripon: two speakers on Christian Unity today; concluding in St Peter’s Chapel in the Cathedral, at the memorial of Dr John Moorman, former Bishop of Ripon and founder of the Anglican Centre in Rome. Booking and further details: Canon Simon Hoare 692187 .

Monday May 30th 11 am to 4 pm Ripon Spa Park Charities Fair Monday

The Bible Society stall will be selling Second Hand Books, Jam Preserves, Plants and Bric a Brac. Contributions from the Cathedral community can be handed in on the day from 10am onwards. We look forward to seeing you there.

Juliet Proctor Cathedral Bible Society Rep.

Ripon Cathedral School News

The weekly Cathedral Club is thriving with about 20 children attending each week.


The Salvation Army FoodBank - Many thanks from the Salvation Army for the very generous and ongoing support for their Food Bank. The response has been fantastic! Items that are currently in short supply are:Coffee,beans, tinned meat, soups, cereals, tin veg ( but no pulse please), baby food, Nappies ( size 5 or 5+), shower gel, shaving gel, soap, washing powder.

Cathedral Gift Shop

Opening Hours:Mon-Sat 10-5 (summer); 10-4 (winter); Sun 12-5 (from 1st March). Tel: 01765 601347 Website: The Cathedral shop are now stockists for the monthly publications of the Dalesman magazine, The Countryman and Down your Way.

Giving by Gift Aid

Our financial support of the Cathedral’s mission is an expression of our gratitude to God for all that we receive from him. It does strengthen the mission, however, if the Cathedral can reclaim any tax that has been paid on our offerings.If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider Gift-Aiding your donation. For every £1 you give, we will receive £1.25. Gift Aid envelopes are available in the pews or from the Sidespeople. Please use the envelope and sign it—there is no extra cost to you.

If you would prefer to give by electronic banking the details are as follows:

Account Name:Ripon Cathedral PCC Fund Sort Code:05 07 17

Account number:35697334

If you are a regular worshipper at the Cathedral and would like to know more about our planned giving scheme, please contact Liz Thomas, Planned Giving Officer (Tel: 01765 606118) or have a word with one of the clergy.

We are very grateful for your financial support. Without it the worship and ministry of this Cathedral Church simply could not happen.

Coming Soon … 25th June

following the success of Dessert Island Disc, the PCC entertainment committee brings you …….

Call My Bluff

Clergy take on laity. Who has the best vocabulary? Who can spot the bluff?

With wine and desserts. Tickets available soon.

Ripon Cathedral Parish Weekend 3-5 June

There is a late vacancy for one twin room on the parish weekend. If you would like to take advantage of this, please contact Canon Ruth. Cost £150 per person

*** Stop Press ****

Engaging with the needs of the community

One part of the newly revealed Ripon Cathedral Plan for Mission and Vision focuses on the Cathedral’s engagement with our own local community of Ripon and the surrounding villages. The aim is to establish successful partnerships with existing organisations and churches in Ripon, and to develop a sustainable way of continuing our commitment to community engagement in the future. If you would like to help in outreach into the community and in serving God’s Kingdom in the city of Ripon, the PCC would welcome your participation in a small steering group. For more information, or to become involved please contact Anne-Marie Tarter 01765 602129 or email: .

Dear Friends,

Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity on my retirement on Pentecost Sunday. Thank you to everyone who contributed to and gave me gifts. Thank you for all the cards. Thank you to the PCC for catering. Thank you to Michelle and Amy for an amazing cake. Thank you to the Dean for knowing all the best lines! Thank you all for being you. You will remain in my prayers, as I trust I shall be in yours.

With love from Elizabeth.